
  • 网络groundwater forecast
  1. 适合于TBM施工的地下水预报技术研究

    Research of Groundwater Prediction Technology Fitting for TBM Construction

  2. 利用地下水预报河南登封4.7级地震的资料分析过程

    Analysis Process of Forecasting Dengfeng , Henan M 4 7 Earthquake Using Ground Water Data

  3. DM(n,h)模型在地下水动态预报中的应用

    Application of the dm ( n , h ) model in the groundwater regime forecasting

  4. 频谱分析方法在地下水动态预报中的应用

    Application of Spectral Analysis Method to the Prediction of Groundwater Regime

  5. 在地下水模拟预报模型中需要预先知道降水量。

    Precipitation must be known in advance in groundwater modeling .

  6. 地下水动态预报的多层递阶组合模型

    A Multi-Layer Hierarchical Combinative Model for the Prediction of Regional Groundwater Level

  7. 火电厂贮灰场地下水环境预报数学模型

    Mathematic model prediction on the groundwater pollution of ash lagoon

  8. 安徽省地震地下水分析预报管理系统

    Management system of groundwater for earthquake analysis and prediction in Anhui Province

  9. 地下水模拟预报过程中降水量的预报

    Precipitation prediction in the groundwater simulation forecasting process

  10. 建立单县超采区地下水位变幅与降水量、开采量的回归模型,进行了地下水动态预报。

    On the basis of the regression model the groundwater level can be predicted .

  11. 利用已识别和验证后的地下水流模拟模型进行地下水动态预报。

    Using the recognized and validated simulation model of groundwater forecast the groundwater resources .

  12. 数值模拟模型在商丘地下水动态预报中的应用

    Application on model of the numerical simulation for groundwater forecast in Shangqiu test area

  13. 线性规划在地下水动态预报中的应用

    Using linear programming for Predicting Groundwater Regime

  14. 景洪5.1、5.5级地震地下水动态预报启示

    Enlightenment from prediction of the 5 1 and the M 5 5 Jinghong earthquakes using groundwater regime

  15. 新疆冲洪积扇区多层结构含水层地下水系统预报模型的比较

    Comparison on the Prediction Model of Groundwater System with Multilayer Structure Aquifer of Alluvial-pluvial Fan in Xinjiang

  16. 井渠结合灌区地下水动态预报及适宜渠井用水比分析

    The Groundwater Level Forecast and the Rational Ratio Analysis for Irrigation District with both Wells and Canals

  17. 因此,这两种方法在大型灌区地下水动态预报中具有一定的应用价值。

    As a conclusion , both of these two methods have application values in the large irrigation districts .

  18. 井孔水位记震能力变化可能是地下水中期预报地震的一种新方法。

    The recording capacity variation of water level in wells might be a new method for the intermediate-term prediction in groundwater research domain .

  19. 系统由控制子站、通讯系统和基于地下水资源预报模型的控制软件包组成。

    The automatic control system consists of control substation , communication system and control software packages based on forecast model of ground water resources .

  20. 将该模型与多元线性回归模型、主成分回归模型进行比较,结果表明小波消噪偏最小二乘回归模型在地下水动态预报效果上均优于多元线性回归模型和主成分回归模型。

    Comparing the model results with multi-linear regression model and main component regression model , it showed that wavelet de-noising based partial least squares regression model is better than these two methods .

  21. 区域地下水动态预报软件在数据管理信息系统的基础上增加模型库系统,进行模型辅助决策,并设计了用于资料和结果输出的办公子系统。

    Model base system is added to software of regime prediction for regional groundwater on the base of data management information system . Subsystem for output of material and outcome are also designed .

  22. 基于GIS技术的地下水资源预测预报系统

    Groundwater resource forecast system based on GIS technology

  23. 地下水动态长期预报的灰色双向差分模型

    Two way differential grey model for the long-term forecasting of groundwater regime

  24. 地下水管理优化预报模型

    A Combined Simulation-optimization Model for Groundwater Management

  25. 本文基于双向差分建模原理及灰域预测思想,建立了地下水动态长期预报的灰色双向差分模型。

    Based on the two-way differential model forming principle and the idea of grey area , the two-way differential grey model of the long-term forecasting of groundwater regime is established in this paper .

  26. 本文应用数值模拟技术在研究区水文地质条件概化的基础上,建立水文地质概念模型和地下水流数值模拟模型,并按不同的开采方案对地下水进行评价预报。

    On the basis of the hydro-geological condition generalization in the researched region , hydro-geological conceptual model and numerical simulation model of groundwater flow are established and groundwater level is predicted according to the different extraction plan .

  27. 拓扑预测在地下水枯水期水位预报中的应用

    Application of Topological Predication in Forecast of Ground Water Table during Drought Seasons

  28. 乌鲁木齐石化总厂水源地地下水开采动态及预报

    Exploited Dynamic and Forecast of Underground Water in Water-Source Plot of Urumqi Petrochemical Works General

  29. 频谱分析法在兰州市地下水水源地水情预报中的应用

    Application of analysis by frequency spectrum in regime prediction of groundwater source area in Lanzhou , gansu

  30. 可用水化学迁移率粗略预测不同污染质锋面到达指定地点的时间,为垃圾填埋场地底部防渗层的设计和渗滤液对地下水污染程度的预报提供依据。

    The thesis provided ground for project of impervious barrier on the bottom of wasteyard and prediction of degree of leachate pollution on underground water .