
  • 网络Ground Control Point;GCPs;gcp;GCP Ground Control Point
  1. 利用单个地面控制点对卫星轨道开普勒参数和传感器姿态实施调整后,目标定位精度提高到14.217m。

    Then the authors adjust the Kepler parameters and attitudes by using one single GCP , the planimetric precision reaches 14.217m on the ground .

  2. 然而,对于幅员辽阔、地形复杂的我国而言由于大面积沙漠、海洋的存在,地面控制点的获取往往存在难度。

    Whereas , the GCP measurement has been become much more difficult in our country not only because of the massive land and complex terrain , but also the existence of desert and ocean with large area .

  3. 利用地面控制点进行卫星摄影三线阵CCD相机的动态检测

    Dynamic Calibrating of Three-Line-Array CCD Camera in Satellite Photogrammetry Using Ground Control Point

  4. 无地面控制点的星载SAR影像直接对地定位研究

    Location of Spaceborne SAR Imagery Without Reference Points

  5. 在实际应用中,宜采用如下技术流程:采用高精度的星站差分GPS采集足够数量的地面控制点;

    In practical applications , are advised to use the following technical processes : Collect a sufficient number of ground control points by high-precision WADGPS ;

  6. 对分辨率最高的Quickbird图像校正所需的地面控制点坐标采用静态GPS地面实测的方法,使校正后的图像具有较高精度。

    The coordinates of GCPs for Quick Bird image rectification with the highest resolution ratio were measured by GPS in the field , in order to ensure the accuracy .

  7. 利用GPS虚拟网络参考站定位系统,以厘米级精度测定校正遥感图像的地面控制点。

    By means of GPS dummy network reference station positioning system , the ground control points for the calibration of remote sensing image were surveyed with the precision of centimeter level .

  8. 本方法无须地面控制点,并基本上可以自动进行,是解决目前SAR几何校正问题的有效方法。

    Moreover , except the image matching stage , all the procedures of this rectification can be done automatically , which is significant to the large-volume SAR image processing .

  9. 在合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像目标定位技术的基础上,研究基于3个地面控制点的目标图像解析定位算法。

    Based on the development of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) image location technique , an analytic location arithmetic referring three ground control points ( GCPs ) is researched .

  10. 利用DGPS采集的地面控制点进行遥感图像精校正,实现地面样地与卫星数据相应位置的配准。

    Using the ground control points collected by DGPS to correct the image , the corresponding image data were registered by the sample plots .

  11. 实现CBERS图像自动几何精校正的地面控制点数据库的设计方法

    The Design of Ground Control Point ( GCP ) Database Suitable for the Automatic Geodetic Correction of CBERS Image

  12. 无控制DEM匹配是在无地面控制点支持的情况下,由计算机自动提取DEM地形特征或几何信息来实现DEM匹配。

    DEM matching without Ground Control Point ( GCP ) means that computers can automatically extract topographic features or geometric information from DEM to implement DEM matching without support of ground control points .

  13. 但是,对于境外等难以获取地面控制点的区域,很难精确地估计出基线参数,从而使获取的DEM误差很大。

    However , it was very difficult to estimate the baseline accurately so as to get DEMs with larger errors if there was no ground control point ( GCP ), such as the areas overseas .

  14. 无论欠定位或过定位均会对夹具的定位精度产生影响,从而影响到工件的加工质量。地面控制点(GCPs)的精度、分布和数量是决定提取DEM数据精度的关键;

    No matter lack or exceed both will have effect on the work accuracy of tool holder , and then have effect on the process quality of workpiece .

  15. 通过方案比较,提出了以图像位置偏移作为瞄准判据及5步定位方法,分析了它们的精度及灵敏度地面控制点(GCPs)的精度、分布和数量是决定提取DEM数据精度的关键;

    A focusing rule based on image position deviation judgment and a five step orientating approach are put forward in comparison with other methods by the analyses of accuracy and sensitivity respectively .

  16. 最终实现了微波源高压脉冲幅度稳定精度0.15%,满足了远红外自由电子激光实验需求。地面控制点(GCPs)的精度、分布和数量是决定提取DEM数据精度的关键;

    As a result , it is successful in controlling the amplitude regulation accuracy of the microwave sources high voltage to 0.15 % , which satisfies the requirement of far infrared FEL experiment .

  17. 几何校正是遥感影像处理的重要环节,地面控制点(GCP)的采集是影响遥感影像几何校正精度和效率的重要因素。

    Geometric correction is a very important step in remote sensing image processing . The collection of ground control point can greatly influence the accuracy and efficiency of that process .

  18. 提出综合利用ARC/INFO和ENVI的功能建立几何精纠正的标准空间,通过各种变换进行图像增强处理,仔细选取地面控制点;

    After the standard space was established using ARC / INFO and ENVI function and a lot of images transform and enhancement was performed , the ground control points were selected .

  19. 传统的遥感影像定位方法必须依赖一定数量的地面控制点(GCPs),对于稀少或者无地面控制点的区域则不能实现遥感影像的精确定位。

    The traditional RS image orientation methods must depend on certain number of ground control points ( GCP ) . Precise orientation of RS image cannot be done in the regions with few GCPs .

  20. 遥感图像在进行几何精校正时,需采用地面控制点(GCPs),这些控制点一般来源于地形图,因此,校正后遥感图像的坐标和精度主要决定于地形图。

    In remote sensing image geometric rectification , some ground control points ( GCPs ) from topographical map are needed . So the accuracy and coordinates of the rectified images highly depend on the topographical map used .

  21. 遥感资料的准备和处理是遥感技术在实际应用中的核心工作,几何精校正是利用地面控制点(GCP)对遥感影像进行的几何校正。

    It is one of crucial techniques to process the data from remote sensing for its practical utilization . The Imagery Geometric Precision Correction is the approach to correct the remote sensing image through the ground control point ( GCP ) .

  22. 通常遥感影像正射纠正需要依赖已知大地坐标的地面控制点(GCP)。

    Usually ortho-rectifying RS images require ground control points ( GCP ), of which geodetic coordinates are known . However in the mission of reconnoitering foreign lands , it is very difficult to carry out GCP field survey and it is also not easy to obtain large-scale topographic maps .

  23. 高可靠性的匹配点对,即广义地面控制点GGCP,在立体匹配过程中发挥十分重要的作用。

    So it has very high speed to the order of millisecond . ( 3 ) The high reliable matching points also can be called generalized ground control points ( GGCP ), play a very important role in stereo matching .

  24. 一种无精确地面控制点的航空影像处理方案

    A Data Processing Scheme of Airphoto with No Ground Control Points

  25. 基于地面控制点和能量优化的鲁棒立体匹配算法研究

    Robust Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Ground Control Points and Energy Optimization

  26. 基于等高地面控制点的航空摄像机参数估计

    Estimation of aerial camera parameters based on ground control points with equal elevation

  27. 本文介绍了在选好地面控制点后,按最优原则自动构成三角形网。

    According to selected ground control points , an optimal trian-gular net is automatically constructed .

  28. 提出一种基于地面控制点的迭代动态规划立体匹配算法。

    A ground control point based stereo matching algorithm via iterative dynamic programming is proposed .

  29. 最长距离法筛选遥感影像校正中的地面控制点

    The Longest Distance Method to Filter Ground Control Points in a Remote Sensing Image Correction

  30. 地面控制点数据是航天航空图像摄影测量几何处理的必需数据。

    Ground control point data is the essential datum for geometry processing in the photogrammetry .