- 网络orthorectification;ortho rectification;ortho-rectification

Ortho-rectification of Satellite SAR image in mountain area by DEM
In this paper , the ortho-rectification methodologies of space-borne SAR imagery were studied in detail with objectives to solve key technique problems raised by developing an efficient and operational SAR imagery processing software system .
A bionic image filter using extended surround receptive field Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation
Adjusts position to computer analog and video image size Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation
The ortho-rectification schemes developed in this paper are based on Range Doppler ( RD ) geo-location model .
In order to improve the usefulness of SAR images , their inherent geometric distortions must be eliminated by generating a radar ortho-imagery that corresponds to a well defined map projection .
Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation It is a well-known fact that white-collar workers are not nearly so well organized or unionized as the manual workers .
When the DEM data and SAR image for terrain corrected do not have a same source , we studied the method of eliminating the effect of ortho-rectification caused by relative system error between the two .
This method was made up of a series of image segmentation and classification technique . First , the orthograph revised SPOT image was segmented by applying a region-based segmentation algorithm . Based this reference map , TM image was classified using the maximum likelihood classifier and additional empirical rules .
After theory research , this article used recent Aster remote sensing data of Beijing as an example . I used 3 methods to show the error , there are error ellipse , vector arrows and contour lines .
Study on Ortho-rectification Methodology of Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
The remote sensing image data is fused , shot corrected and cut out .
Gaussian filter was applied to the image to improve the tree crown information and control image noise .
Test results show that the proposed ortho-rectification procedure works well and effectively and also , the accuracy fulfills the requirements of the ortho image generation with corresponding map scale .