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  1. 黄初文学介于建安文学和正始文学之间。

    Huangchu literature lies between Jian'an literature and Zhengshi literature .

  2. 玄学的兴盛与论说文的繁荣&正始论说文的文化学阐释

    The Prosperity of Neo - Taoism and Flourishing of Argumentation

  3. 其一论视傅玄为太康、晋初或正始作家都不尽妥当,认为傅玄应为魏晋之际作家。

    First , Fu Xuan is thought of as a writer at the transition between Wei and Jin but not at Tai Kang , Zheng Shi or Early Jin .

  4. 正始少年名士群体的煊赫诞生及其之于文学史和思想史的特殊贡献是这一时代留给我们的巨大课题。

    The birth of the youngster celebrities during the Zhengshi period and their special contribution to the history of literature and ideology has left us a great research project .

  5. 宣武帝正始泛阶以后,北魏在考课制度和选举制度两个方面将地方官与中央官相区别,中央散官与中央职事官相区别。

    The Northern Wey differentiated the local officials from the central ones , the central officials at leisure from those at posts in the two systems of merit-testing and election after the emperor of Xuanwu 's awarding one grade to all the officials .

  6. 建安时期的邺下之游,正始名士的竹林之游,西晋石崇等人的金谷园之游,以及后世文人的群体创作活动,都或多或少地带有梁园之游的某些特征。

    The tour of Ye city in Jian'an times , the tour of bamboo grove , the tour of golden valley garden in western Jin Dynasty and other writer 's creation activities in the later , all has some characteristics of Liang Yuan Tour more or less .