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  1. 由廷杖的角度来看,正、嘉二朝有许多的相似,也存在著诸多之不同。

    Viewing in Ting-Zhang itself , there are lots of similarities and differentiations between Cheng-Te Reign and Chia-Ching Reign .

  2. 是故正、嘉二朝不但是廷杖的第二高峰期,其规模及伤害更远非成化朝所能及。

    Therefore , Cheng-Te Reign and Chia-Ching Reign is not only second peak , the affection and harm caused by is also beyond Cheng-hua reign .

  3. 他们二人正是嘉、万时期文人与权臣的代表,而他们命运的坎坷也正是当时文人与权臣命运的缩影。

    They both stand for scholars and influential ministers in the reigns of the Emperor Jiaqing and the Emperor Wanli respectively and their fates are those of the two types in miniature .