
  • 网络geothermal water
  1. 用~(14)C方法确定深部地下热水系统边界性质的研究

    Study on boundary property of deep geothermal water field with ~ ( 14 ) C method

  2. H、O同位素示踪地下热水的来源及成因;

    H , O isotope tracing on the origin and cause of geothermal water ;

  3. 灰色系统GM(1,1)模型在天津地下热水水位预测中的应用

    Application of GM ( 1,1 ) Model of Grey System in Predication of Geothermal Water Level in TIANJIN

  4. 地下热水主要赋存于NE与NW向断裂构造及其交汇部位的岩溶裂隙发育带中。

    The hot groundwater occurs mainly in NE and NW trending faults and karstic fissure zones at their intersections .

  5. 勘探结果表明2线250号点在深度575m~740m有一低阻异常,据此设计一眼深1200m的地下热水井,并利用温度测井,发现700m深度以下有明显的地温梯度异常。

    The result indicated that there is a conductive anomaly at depth 575m 740m , point No. 250 , prospecting line II . Then a geothermal well was designed and drilled , by the use of temperature logging , an obvious geothermal gradient anomaly was found under depth 700m .

  6. 地下热水开发的几点商榷

    A few points about development of geothermal hot water to discuss

  7. 银川盆地地下热水形成的地质条件分析

    Geological conditio analysis of ground hot water formation in Yinchuan Basin

  8. 应用红外遥感寻找地下热水初探

    Primary Investigation on Applying Infrared Remote Sensing Technology to Find Groundwater

  9. 福建东南沿海地下热水赋存规律的探讨

    Studying on the distribution laws of geothermal water southeast Fujian Coast

  10. 山西祁县地下热水形成条件分析

    Forming Conditions of Underground Hot Water in Qi County of Shanxi

  11. 论西安市地下热水资源的开发与管理

    Development and management of underground thermal water resources in Xi'an City

  12. 进行地质资源环境评价时主要考虑地下水资源与地下热水资源。

    Geological resource mainly consist of ground water resource and geothermal resource .

  13. 漳州热田地下热水的循环深度

    Circulation depth of the thermal water in Zhangzhou geothermal field

  14. 关中地区地下热水的分类

    Classification of thermal water in Guanzhong Area , Shaanxi Province

  15. 山西地下热水的分布及特征分析

    Analysis on Distribution and Characters of Hot Ground Water in Shanxi Province

  16. 地下热水井中某些微量元素动态变化与地震活动的关系

    The relation between variations in concentration of trace elements and seismic activity

  17. 主要由古代大气降水补给的深部循环型地下热水。

    Deep - runoff geothermal water recharged mainly by ancient meteoric water .

  18. 兰州&民和盆地地下热水资源潜力评估

    Assessment on the potentiality of the geothermal water resources in Lanzhou-Minhe Basin

  19. 地下热水开发引起的环境问题分析

    Analysis on Environmental Problems Caused by Exploitation of Geothermal Water

  20. 平顶山矿区地下热水深部温度估算&地球化学温标的应用

    The temperature estimation of deep geothermal water in Pingdingshan coalfield

  21. 邢台市地下热水资源合理开发利用的研究

    Study on reasonable exploitation and utilization of geothermal resources in Xingtai City

  22. 英山地下热水的同位素分析

    Underground an analysis of the isotopes of the hot groundwater in Yingshan

  23. 氡气测量在佳木斯城市地下热水普查的应用

    Application of Radon Measurement in the Geothermal Water Survey in Jiamusi City

  24. 中国地下热水的基本类型和成因特征

    Genetic characteristics and basic types of geothermal water in China

  25. 西安市地下热水开采对地震活动的影响

    Effect of exploitation of geothermal water on the earthquake activity in Xi'an

  26. 山东地下热水资源的形成与开发前景

    Forming and developing future of underground thermal water in Shandong

  27. 新疆地下热水特征及其与地震活动的关系

    A study of underground hot water of Xinjiang in relation to earthquakes

  28. 漳州地下热水资源评价方法浅析

    The Analysis of the Evaluation Method of Hot Groundwater in Zhangzhou City

  29. 咸阳市区地下热水化学特征

    Chemical features of underground thermal water in Xianyang Urban District

  30. 洛阳龙门地下热水形成条件与开发利用研究

    Study on Geothermal Water Formation Condition and Its Exploitation in Longmen Area