
  • 网络Arsine;Arsenic hydride;AsH
  1. 急性砷化氢中毒机制与尿砷水平研究进展

    Progress in Mechanism of Acute Arsine Poisoning and Urinary Arsenic Levels

  2. 78例急性砷化氢中毒患者甲状腺功能分析

    Analysis on thyroid function caused by acute arsine poisoning

  3. 砷化氢的毒性及在铜净液中的防治

    Toxicity of Hydrogen Arsenide and Its Prevention in Copper Electrolyte Purification

  4. 急性砷化氢中毒5例实验室观察

    The laboratory observation on five cases of acute ash_3 , toxication

  5. 砷化氢发生-离子色谱法测定炼锑中微量砷

    Determination of Trace Arsenic in Smelt Antimony by Hydrogen Arsenide Generation-Ion Chromatography

  6. 换血疗法在急性砷化氢中毒救治中的临床应用

    Clinical application of exchange blood on acute ash 3 poisoning

  7. 腐鱼搬运工急性砷化氢中毒的救治体会

    First-aid experience for acute hydrogen arsenide poisoning in decayed fish porter patients

  8. 砷化氢发生、测定及在石油化工分析中的应用

    The Generation and Determination of Arsine and Their Application to Petrochemical Engineering Analysis

  9. 急性砷化氢中毒致肾功能衰竭病人的护理

    Nursing of Renal Failure Induced by Acute Arsine Poisoning

  10. 预防炼锡厂砷化氢毒害的研究及应用

    Prevention of Poisonous Hydrogen Arsenide in Tin Smelter

  11. 研究砷化氢,亚砷酸铜(舍勒之最);由胡萝卜樱叶提取叶绿素并经皂化、铜代及成盐反应制备叶绿素铜钠。

    The technology of preparing sodium - copper chlorophyllin from carrot leaves was studied .

  12. 急性砷化氢中毒的多器官损害

    Multi - organ Damage of Acute Arsine Poisoning

  13. 4起急性砷化氢中毒事故分析

    Cause analysis of four acute arsine poisoning accidents

  14. 急性砷化氢中毒的急救与护理37例

    Nursing of 37 acute hydrogent arsenide poisoning cases

  15. 急性砷化氢中毒患者胆囊病变的B超诊断价值

    Diagnostic Value of B B-mode Ultrasonography in Gallbladder Disorder of Acute Arsenic Poisoning Victims

  16. 血浆置换加血液透析综合治疗急性砷化氢中毒并MODS23例

    Application of plasma replacement plus hemodialysis in treatment of acute arsine complicated with MODS

  17. 群发性急性砷化氢中毒的救治

    Treatment of patients with acute arsine poisoning

  18. 血浆置换在急性重度砷化氢中毒中的应用及护理

    The nursing care of patients with plasma exchange in the treatment of severe acute arsine poisoning

  19. 目的探究群发性急性砷化氢中毒的临床特点及治疗。

    Objective To study the characteristics of patients with acute arsine poisoning and its possible treatments .

  20. 砷化氢中毒患者肾肝脾脏B超的动态观察

    The dynamic observation on kidneys , livers and spleens of arsine poisoning patients by brightness mode ultrasonic scope

  21. 本文建立了砷化氢发生&离子色谱法测定炼锑中微量砷的方法。

    A method for determination of trace arsenic in smelt antimony by hydrogen arsenide generation-ion chromatography Was proposed .

  22. 本文以砷化氢分离、碘液吸收,在酒石酸锑钾存在下,用砷钼杂多酸-灿烂绿光度法测定了铜合金中微量砷。

    A spectrophotometric method has been described for determination of trace arsenic in copper-based alloys after separating arsenic as hydride .

  23. [结果]8种毒物中,杀虫脒、砷化氢、毒蕈的肝损害发生率最高(P<001)。

    [ Result ] Among eight poisons , the incidence of hepatic injury , caused by chlordimeform , hydrogen arsenide and mushroom poisoning , is the highest ( P < 0 01 );

  24. 本文将锌&硫酸砷化氢发生体系同新银盐分光光度法的吸收体系相结合,进行茶叶砷含量的测定。

    A zinc & sulfuric acid system for the generation of arsenic hydride combined with an absorption system of a new argentic salt method was used to determine the arsenic content in tea .

  25. 摘要:铜电解液净化工业生产广泛采用诱导法脱铜脱杂,该法能耗高、产生剧毒砷化氢气体及大量黑铜粉。

    Abstract : The technology of removing copper and impurities by induction method is widely used for purifying copper electrolyte in industrial production , the method presents many disadvantages , such as high energy consumption , forming toxic arsine gas and producing a lot of black copper .

  26. 砷化三氢的反应是典型的掺杂化学反应,图9显示了该反应的淀积过程。

    Typical of the dopant chemistry is the reaction for arsine , which is depicted with the deposition process in Fig. 9 .

  27. 方法:先将砷转化为砷化氢,砷化氢使二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银还原为胶态银,于507nm波长处测定吸收度。

    METHODS Arsenic was transformed into hydrogen arsenide , then silver diethyldithiocarbamate was reduced for colloid silver by hydrogen arsenide , its absorbance was determined at the wavelength of 507 nm .