
shēn huà wù
  • arsenide;arsenic compound
  1. 蓝色颜料为群青、石青(2CuCO3·Cu(OH)2,亦蓝铜矿)、藏青(一种无定形的Fe、Co、Ni的砷化物)、靛青;

    Blue ones , ultramarine , azurite ( 2CUCO_3 · Cu ( OH ) _2 ), dark blue ( an amorphous arsenide of Fe , Co , Ni ), indigo ;

  2. 血液透析与血液灌流治疗砷化物中毒效果观察

    Clinical Observation of Hemodialysis and Hemoperfusion Applied in Patients with Arsenide Poisoning

  3. 人类金属硫蛋白-1FcDNA基因与砷化物相互作用的研究

    Study on the interaction of human metallothionein-1 F cDNA gene with arsenic compounds

  4. 目的观察饮用含不同质量浓度和不同形态的无机砷(iAsⅢ,iAsⅤ)水,砷化物在小鼠肝和脑组织中的分布及代谢情况。

    Objective To observe the distribution and metabolism of arsenic speciation in the brain and liver of mice exposed to different concentrations of inorganic As ⅲ or AsV through drinking water .

  5. 砷化物急性中毒尿砷追踪检测分析

    Tracking Detection of Urine Arsenic Levels of Acute Arsenic Poisoning Patients

  6. 凡遇到火药爆炸烧伤者应考虑砷化物急性中毒。

    Burn patients in gunpowder explosion were probably acute arsenic poisoning .

  7. 离子色谱在砷化物形态分析中的应用

    Application of ion chromatography in the analysis of arsenic species

  8. 人体摄入紫菜后尿中砷化物的排泄规律研究

    Effects of Laver Intake on Excretion of Urinary Arsenic Metabolites of People

  9. 砷化物对人类金属硫蛋白-3cDNA基因表达的影响

    Effects of Arsenic Compounds on Human Metallothionein-3 cDNA Gene Expression

  10. 战时短期饮水中砷化物限量值的实验研究

    A experimental study on arsenic limiting value in drinking water for short war time

  11. 砷化物治疗肿瘤的研究近况

    Studies on Effect of Arsenical on Tumors

  12. 小剂量砷化物对实验兔生长和繁殖性能的影响

    The Effects of Suitable Concentration of As_2O_3 on Growth and Reproduction Performance of Experiment Rabbits

  13. 紫外线与砷化物对人胚胎皮肤上皮细胞联合作用的研究

    Synergistic effect of ultraviolet rays and arsenic compounds in humol / Lan embryo skin cells

  14. 对铜箔表面进行粗化处理,传统的粗化工艺中要使用砷化物,不仅操作不便而且危害环境。

    Traditional copper surface roughening treatment involve the use of arsenide-containing electrolyte which is harmful to environment .

  15. 随着世界石油资源不断贫化,石油烃中的砷化物含量越来越高。

    With the complexity of crude oil , the content of arsenic compounds in oil products increased gradually .

  16. 另外,还发现泥沙对砷化物有较强的吸附作用,含砷量与相应含沙量之间呈明显线性关系。

    The sediment has stronger adsorption to the arsenide and there is a clear linear relationship between arsenic content apd relevant sediment content .

  17. 由于砷化物具有较大毒性并且目前应用广泛,它对环境特别是水环境造成的污染已较为严重。

    Due to its toxicity and extensive application , arsenide has already caused serious pollution to the environment , especially to the aqueous environment .

  18. 砷化物是广泛应用的抗癌药物,特别是对白血病有显著疗效。

    However , the treatment is highly affected by the resistance of the drug by patients , while the arsenic-resistance mechanism has not been well studied .

  19. 结论发现人类金属硫蛋白-1F基因是砷化物作用的一个相关基因,早期参与了砷代谢解毒。

    Conclusions Human metallothionein-1F gene is found to be an arsenic-related gene , which may play a vital role in the metabolism of arsenic compounds at early stage .

  20. 目的研究一起火药爆炸引起砷化物急性中毒治疗过程中尿砷含量变化情况,为防治此类事件引起砷中毒提供依据。

    Objective To provide diagnosis index for acute arsenic poisoning patients in gunpowder explosion and to determinate of the changes in urine arsenic of patients treated with arsenic repellent .

  21. 洛克沙砷作为一种人工合成的有机砷化物,被大量用作动物促生长添加剂添加到畜禽饲料中。

    Roxarsone is a kind of man-made organic compound contains Arsenic element , which has been used for years as an additive in animal 's diet to accelerate animal growth .

  22. 泄浊排毒法治疗高尿酸血症的临床观察人体摄入紫菜后尿中砷化物的排泄规律研究

    The Clinical Research on the Approach to Improve the Excretion of Toxins with Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Hyperuricemia Effects of Laver Intake on Excretion of Urinary Arsenic Metabolites of People

  23. 单一的碳酸钙或氧化钙在高温下与砷化物作用,生成难分解的砷酸钙,加入少量这些物质,其固砷率分别可达73.0%、47.4%。

    Single calcium carbonate or single calcium oxide reacts with arsenic compounds under high temperature and generates calcium arsenic which is hard to discompose . By adding a small amount of these substances , their arsenic-capturing rates are up to 73.0 % and 47.4 % respectively .

  24. 该类矿床中的金大部分为次显微金和显微金,而共生的硫(砷)化物黄铁矿和毒砂是其主要载金矿物,并以机械混入物或微包体形式赋存其间。

    The gold contained in this type of minerals is mostly microscopic or Sub-microscopic .

  25. 金的富集与金属硫(砷)化物关系密切,毒砂是其主要载金矿物。

    The gold enrichment is closely connected with metal sulfide ( or arsenide ) . and arsenopyrite is the main gold-bearing mineral .

  26. 微生物的作用可以使土壤中砷转化为气态砷化物而挥发到大气中。

    Arsenic can be transformed into volatilizable arsenic by microorganism in the soil and transferred to atmosphere .

  27. 病情程度相似的两型病人临床表现差异提示除摄入砷因素外,可能还涉及到另一些因素,诸如砷化物的理化性质、摄入途径影响、其他共存致病因子作用。

    The report suggests that some factors , such as the physicochemical character of arsenide , the pathway of arsenic intake and other co-exist factors be the reason for causing these differences .

  28. 砷通常被用于制造金属合金(特别是铅)和半导体(从镓砷化物的结晶体制得)。

    The elemental form is used to form alloys of metals ( especially lead ), and certain semiconductors are made from crystals of gallium arsenide ( GaAs ) .