
dì xíng
  • terrain;topography;topographic;landform;relief;land forms;physical geography;physical contours;lay of land;general configuration of the earth's surface
地形 [dì xíng]
  • (1) [land forms;physical contours;general configuration of the earth's surface;topographic]

  • (2) 包括地势与天然地物和人工地物的位置在内的地表形态

  • (3) 地形是地物和地貌的统称

地形[dì xíng]
  1. 该河流域的地形自洪水以来发生了显著变化。

    The topography of the river 's basin has changed significantly since the floods .

  2. 中国地形复杂。

    China has a varied topography .

  3. 我们先走一步,去侦察地形。

    We went ahead to scout out the lie of the land .

  4. 美洲大陆的地形严重限制了进攻路线。

    The American continent 's geography severely limited the lines of attack

  5. 从地形上美国可以分成3个主要地区。

    Physiographically , the United States may be separated into three major divisions .

  6. 他对这一带的地形了如指掌。

    He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand .

  7. 我们熟悉新英格兰的地形。

    We 're familiar with the geography of new england .

  8. 这个地区的地形表明,它最近一直在上升。

    The morphology of the region indicates that it has been uplifted recently .

  9. 地理学家研究山脉的地形轮廓。

    Geographers study the configuration of the mountains .

  10. 它们与水深图稍有不同,后者实际上是洋底地形图。

    They differ somewhat from bathymetric charts which are virtually topographic maps of the ocean floor .

  11. 他慢腾腾地登上一个小丘,看了看周围的地形。

    He crawled up a small hummock and surveyed the prospect .

  12. 他对地形作了缜密的研究。

    He had made a detailed study of the terrain .

  13. 格林纳达独特的地形布局包括许多手指状的洞穴,使得这个岛屿成为一个受人欢迎的航海地

    Grenada 's unique layout includes many finger-like coves , making the island a popular destination .

  14. 作为算例,本文给出了局部隆起或凹陷地形中Love波的频散曲线,并与经典结果进行了比较。

    The dispersive curves of Love wave in ridge or canyon topography are given .

  15. GIS面向用户的模型库及其管理系统的设计与实现&以GIS中地形分析为例

    Realization of Client Orientation Model Base and Model Base Manage System of GIS

  16. 嵌入式GIS的三维地形显示算法研究

    Method of 3D terrain display based on embedded GIS

  17. 首都圈GPS地形变监测网的布设与观测

    Distribution and survey of GPS network for Monitoring Crustal Deformation in North China

  18. 用AutoCADMap实现对地形图文件量的优化

    Optimization of File Quantity of Digital Map by AutoCAD MAP

  19. GIS中的地形可视化与地形模型简化

    Terrain Visualization in GIS Terrain Simplification

  20. 128例癫痫、颅内占位病变、脑梗塞的脑电图、脑地形图及头颅CT分析

    EEG , CET and Brain CT Analysis of 128 Cases of Epilepsy , Intra-cranial Space-occupying Lesion and Cerebral Infarction

  21. 全极化SAR地形高度测量技术研究

    Study on Measurement Topography Using Polarization SAR Images

  22. 差分GPS和全站仪在水下地形测量定位精度探讨

    Discussion on the Positioning Accuracy of DGPS and TS ( Total Station ) in Underwater Topographic Surveying

  23. GIS支持下的复杂地形区冬小麦长势遥感监测方法

    The Monitoring Method of Winter Wheat Growing Vigor by Remote Sensing in Complicated Topographical Regions Based on GIS

  24. OpenGL环境下利用MATLAB函数实现三维地形建模

    Building 3-D Landform Model under OpenGL with MATLAB Functions

  25. GPSRTK技术在全野外数字化地形图测绘中的应用

    Application of GPS RTK Technique in the Digital Topography Surveying for Fieldwork

  26. 分布式SpotlightSAR方位分辨率提高与地形效应补偿

    Method of distributed spotlight SAR azimuth resolution improvement and topographic effects compensation

  27. 在AutoCAD对象特性窗口中管理数字地形图专有特性的程序设计

    Programming for Management Special Properties of Digital Topographic Map in AutoCAD Objects Properties Window

  28. DEM格式编码高程数据来创建高清晰地形。

    The DEM format encodes elevation data to create highly detailed terrains .

  29. 面向DEM地形复杂度分析的分形方法研究

    A Fractal Method to Describe the Terrain Complexity Reflected by the Raster DEM

  30. 然后,全面展开了基于ICP算法的地形匹配算法研究。

    Whereafter , the terrain-matching algorithm based on ICP algorithm is researched comprehensively .