
  • 网络seismic sequence
  1. 地震层序内包含着不同的地震相带。

    The seismic sequence consists of different seismic phase zones .

  2. 鄂尔多斯盆地地震层序划分及有关问题探讨

    Approaches to seismic sequence division in the Ordos Basin and related problems

  3. 河流相地层沉积环境特殊,难于用传统的地震层序分析方法来进行层序划分与解释,Cross分析基准面与成因地层形成的过程响应原理,是利用高分辨率地层方法来研究河流地层的理论基础。

    It is difficult to divide and interpret the fluvial strata because its depositional environment is very special compared with others . The response principle between base level cycle and genetic strata developed by Cross is regarded as the basic theory for high-resolution stratigraphy applications in fluvial strata .

  4. 南海西南部地震层序的时代分析

    Age analysis of seismic sequences in the southwestern South China Sea

  5. 冲绳海槽南部地震层序与构造复原

    Seismic Sequences and the Tectonic Restoration of the Southern Okinawa Trough

  6. 南黄海西部浅部地层地震层序及其沉积特征

    Shallow seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary character in the western South Yellow Sea

  7. 基准面变化在地震层序地层研究中的应用

    Application of sedimentary base level in the study of seismic sequence stratigraphy

  8. 小波变换时频能量谱技术在地震层序划分中的应用

    The time-frequency spectrum of wavelet transform and its application in seismic sequence identification

  9. 地震层序界面检测中的高分辨率时频分析方法研究

    High Resolution Time-Frequency Analysis Method and Its Applications in Seismic Sequence Interface Detection

  10. 潜江凹陷地震层序划分、湖平面升降问题初探

    On the seismic stratigraphic sequence , lake level fluctuation and oil prospecting in Qianjiang depression

  11. 地震层序划分对比中容易忽略的一个问题&以中国珠江口盆地新生界为例

    AN EASILY-NEGLECTED PROBLEM CONCERNING THE SEISMIC SEQUENCE ANALYSIS-A case history of the Cenozoic group of the Pearl River mouth basin

  12. 根据地震层序模型,提出了一个新的改善地震资料分辨率的处理流程。

    A new processing process to improve the resolution of Seismic data is proposed according to the seismic sequence model .

  13. 结合本区地质和钻井资料,对各地震层序和地震相的地质年代与沉积环境作了初步探讨。

    Together with geological and drilling data , preliminary discussion on geologic chronology and depositional environment for each sequence and facies is made .

  14. 虚拟井法是通过地震层序分析方法,由小波时频分析求出无井地震道处的虚拟反射系数后,进而得到无井地震道处的地震子波。

    While in the third method , wavelet time frequency distribution technique was used to compute the virtual reflection factor and the seismic wavelet .

  15. 苏北溱潼凹陷北坡阜三段地震层序分析

    Subtle analysis on seismic sequences in the third member of the Funing Formation on the north slope of the Qintong depression , North Jiangsu Basin

  16. 侏罗系的层序地层及其与油气关系的研究引起了人们的极大关注。笔者对区内侏罗系采用层序地层学观点进行了详细的野外露头和室内钻井、测井、地震层序分析。

    By use of the view points of the sequence stratigraphy , the outcrops and the drilling well-logging and seismic sequence data were analyzed in detail .

  17. 地震层序模型由两部分组成:即层序体分界面反射和层序体内部旋回性结构的地震响应。

    The seismic sequence model is composed of two parts & the boundary reflection of sequence body and the seismic response of cyclic textures within sequence body .

  18. 在沉积相和地震层序研究的基础上,将古近系桃源组~汉寿组地层划分为7个层序及16个体系域。

    On the base of research on sedimentary facies and seismic sequence , the Taoyuan-Hanshou formations in paleogene are divided into 7 sequences and 16 systems tracts .

  19. 本文全面总结了露头层序、测井层序及地震层序层序划分、层序界面、沉积体系和体系域的识别方法。

    In this paper , The division of sequence in outcrop , log well and seismic and sequence interface and depositional system and system track was detailed discussed .

  20. 同时详细地介绍了各地震层序的特征,并就地震层序的划分和有关地质问题进行了探讨。

    Moreover , the characteristics of each seismic sequence are presented in considerable detail . Approaches are made with respect to the division of seismic sequence and problems pertinent to geology .

  21. 陆相地层层序研究的方法体系主要包括露头层序研究方法、实验观测和分析方法、测井层序地层分析、地震层序地层分析和层序地层的数值模拟方法。

    Methodologies for studying sequence stratigraphy in continental basins include outcrop sequence study , experimental observation and analysis , logging and seismic sequence stratigraphic analyses , and numerical simulation of sequence stratigraphy .

  22. 广泛利用研究区域地质资料、钻井资料、测井资料及测试资料,有侧重性地开展工区的构造特征、沉积特征、储层特征研究、地震层序和反射结构分析。

    Counting on the geological information of research area , drilling data , well logging and testing , structural , sedimentary , and reservoir characteristics , seismic sequence , and reflection structure is researched and analyzed .

  23. 以地震层序模型为基础,采用联合反演技术对叠后三维地震数据体进行了高分辨率处理。处理参数的确定是建立在对已有地质信息和原始地震资料进行时频分析基础上的。

    Based on a seismic sequence model , a high resolution processing for post stack 3D seismic data is completed by a joint inversion , and the real processing parameters are determined by a time frequency analysis for original geological and seismic data .

  24. 将陆缘区的地震层序向台西南海域进行延伸后,发现俯冲拆离面为中中新统/下中新统交界面,证明俯冲活动开始最早不会超过在中中新世初期。

    Extending the stratigraphic sequence to the southwest area of Taiwan from continental margin , we found the detaching surface of the subducting belt is the interface between mid-Miocene and low-Miocene . This indicates that the subducting activity started not early than mid-Miocene .

  25. 非正交小波变换避免了上述方法的局限,直接使用频率控制,可以指定频带和频率分布密度,适应薄层识别的需求和地震层序分析的规律,更有利于薄层的识别和描述。

    Non - orthogonal WT avoids upper limitations under the control of frequency parameter directly . It can specify frequency band and distribution density in order to satisfy the identification requirement of thin bed and seismic sequence analysis , and benefit to characterize thin beds .

  26. 高分辨层序地层的基准面旋回转换面与地震层序界面共同构成一个等时地层格架,在古生物化石限定一段地层的时代之后,地层界线就以基准面旋回转换面为依据。

    The interface of the base level cycle of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and the seismic sequence boundary jointly make up of an isochronous stratigraphic frame . After dating a member of stratum , using palaeontological fossils , the stratum borders can be determined according to the base level .

  27. 沉积盆地地震-层序地层学研究辅助系统&Ⅰ

    Supplimentary System for the Study on Seismic ─ Stratigraphic Sequences of Sedimentary Basin - ⅰ

  28. 北黄海西部晚第四纪浅层地震剖面层序分析

    Interpreting the late Quaternary shallow seismic record of the western part of the North Yellow Sea

  29. 通过勘探实践和研究积累,中石油股份公司形成了以三维地震和层序地层学为关键技术的岩性地层油气藏勘探配套技术系列。

    Through exploration practices and research , PetroChina has formed its own technique series focused on 3-D seismics and sequence stratigraphy .

  30. 松辽盆地上侏罗一下白垩统,可划分出两个地震超层序和四个地震层序。

    Songliao Basin is composed mainly of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments and could be divided into four seismic sequences and two supersequences .