
  • 网络terrestrial time;Earth Hour
  1. 太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。

    When the sun 's rays hit the earth , a lot of the heat is reflected back into space .

  2. 当巨大物体撞击地球时,就会产生凹坑。

    When a large object impacts the Earth , it makes a crater .

  3. comecloseto接近只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。

    We can see comets only when they come close to the earth

  4. 这项交易延伸了在谷歌将NOAA的水下地形载入到谷歌地球时开始的一项合作。

    The deal extends a collaboration that began when Google built NOAA 's underwater topography into Google Earth .

  5. 在人们争论恐龙究竟在6600万年前那个10km宽的太空陨石撞击地球时做什么的时候,这项新的评估无疑为这场争论火上浇油。

    The new assessment adds further fuel to a debate on how dinosaurs were doing when a 10km-wide space rock slammed into Earth 66 million years ago .

  6. 它们被当做特殊地区,NASA禁止当前的探测机器人进入,因为这些探测器没进行过彻底消毒,NASA担心它们离开地球时携带着的微生物可能会污染火星。

    They are treated as special regions that NASA 's current robotic explorers are barred from because the rovers were not thoroughly sterilized , and NASA worries that they might be carrying microbial hitchhikers from Earth that could contaminate Mars .

  7. 一个人在80天内环游地球时。

    Of the man who circled the entire world in80 days .

  8. 这种镇定在返回地球时也帮了大忙。

    It served him well back on earth , too .

  9. 因为当连接到地球时,你将总是在身体上获得安全。

    For in connection to earth , one will always be physically safe .

  10. 虽然有着那些太空幻想,我们回到地球时确遇到坎坷。

    From dreams like these , we return to earth with a bump .

  11. 宇航员在离开地球时拍摄下了著名的“蓝色玻璃球”(因为看上去就像孩子们爱玩的玻璃弹球)的地球照片。

    The crew take The Blue Marble image as they leave the Earth .

  12. 记住,这只是你在地球时的观点。

    just remember , it 's all a matter of your Earthly perspective .

  13. 我第一次来地球时,洛基的盛怒也尾随而至

    When I first came to Earth , Loki 's rage followed me here ,

  14. 当轨道器从外太空返回地球时,它在肯尼迪航天中心着陆。

    When the orbiter returns from space , it lands at Kennedy Space Center .

  15. 这是因为当你离开地球时,空气变得越来越稀薄而引起的。

    This occurs because the air gets thinner as you go away from the earth .

  16. 我们离开地球时对宇宙中所看到的地球的模样没有心理准备。

    I wasn 't quite prepared for the view of the earth as we left .

  17. 当我们来到地球时,被否认的死亡思想形态随我们而来。

    When we arrived upon earth , the disowned thought-form of death came with us .

  18. 当一个物体离开地球时,地球引力的强度就减弱。

    As an object gets away from the earth , the strength of the pull weakens .

  19. 熔化的物质掉落到地球时,很快地冷却变硬,捷克陨石因而诞生。

    The molten materials cooled and hardened rapidly as they fell back to earth , and produced moldavite .

  20. 当你看到图中展现的这颗如蓝绿色大理石般的地球时,

    When you see the planet looking like a blue-green marble the way it does in this picture ,

  21. 它到达地球时的频率小于在地球上发射的同种光子的频率。

    It will arrive at the earth with less frequency than a brother photon emitted on the earth .

  22. 当太阳光环带的光线到达地球时,强度减弱,光线便看不到了。

    By the time the Sun 's corona rays reach the Earth , they are weak and invisible .

  23. 当它到达地球时,飞行船将会滑过人口非常集中的美国中心地区,并直指北方。

    As it touches down , the shuttle will glide over heavily populated areas in Central America and points north .

  24. 然而,当2006年一个太空舱从一个叫做“星尘”的探测器回到地球时,他又一次面对了这个问题。

    Yet this was the problem facing him when a capsule returned to earth in2006 from a probe called stardust .

  25. 北极光的出现是,当太阳发射出带电的微粒子飞越地球时所产生的光线。

    The ribbons stretch from one end of the Northern Lights appear when the sun sends charged particles flying toward Earth .

  26. 黄道十二宫的标志是十二个模式,灵魂在进入地球时以此来进行选择。

    The twelve signs of the zodiac are twelve patterns from which the soul chooses when coming into the earth plane .

  27. 第一个教训是,当谈到拯救地球时,人们专注于自己能看到的事。

    The first lesson is that when it comes to saving the planet , people focus on what they can see .

  28. 地球时45亿年前出现的,40亿年后出现了生命,

    And then you created Earth about 4.5 billion years ago , and then you got life about four billion years ago ,

  29. 由于靠近时的角度,鹿林彗星在逐渐接近地球时似乎拥有另一条指向太阳的反彗尾。

    Because of its angle of approach , Lulin appeared to have a second anti-tail pointing toward the sun as it neared Earth .

  30. 有科学家们已经制定出了一张表单,内容是当发生小行星撞击地球时,将遭受到最严重后或影响的国家名单。

    Scientists have drawn up a league table of the countries which will be worst affected in the event of an asteroid strike .