
  • 网络Surface Wind
  1. 结果表明:土地利用变化引起的城市化使城市O3日均浓度升高,这与城市热岛效应、城市干岛效应以及地面风场的改变有关。

    The results show the urbanization caused by land-use change increases daily average O3 concentrations in urban areas , which is related to urban heat island effect , urban dry island effect and the change of surface wind fields .

  2. 运载火箭地面风荷载及响应研究

    Study of the surface wind load and response of carrier rocket

  3. 地面风产生的扰动噪声影响周期大于10s的次声波的检测。

    Wind noise at the surface of the Earth limits the detection of infrasonic waves with periods greater than 10 s.

  4. 使用10分钟间隔的武汉WSR-81S数字化雷达回波资料,结合逐时地面风场及雨量,对1998年7月20~21日出现在湖北省东部的特大暴雨过程进行了详细的中尺度分析。

    Using ten minute WSR 81S digital radar echo data , together with hourly wind and rainfall data , the extremely heavy rain occurring in East Hubei Province in 20 ~ 21th July 1998 is analyzed .

  5. 地面风诊断模式的数值试验和模拟

    Numerical Experiments and Modeling by a Diagnostic Model of Surface Winds

  6. 地面风通常用称为风速计的仪器来测量。

    Surface winds are normally measured by instruments called anemometers .

  7. 喷射气流跟地面风不一样,是几乎从不停歇的。

    And the jetstream , unlike ground wind , is virtually constant .

  8. 火箭在地面风作用下的振动载荷识别

    The Identification for Vibration Loads of Launch Vehicle in Ground-Winds

  9. 北京地区地面风场的数值模拟研究

    A Numerical Modelling Study of the Surface Wind Field in Beijing District

  10. 强对流天气发生前期地面风场特征

    The Surface Characteristics of Wind Field Prior to the Occurrence of Severe Convection Weather

  11. 蒙古高原地面风、压、温场的基本特征

    Some basic characteristics on surface wind , pressure and temperature in Plateau of Mongolia

  12. 近50年河西绿洲地面风的时空变化特征

    Spatial and Temporal Characters of Surface Wind in Gansu Corridor Oasis in Recent 50 Years

  13. 夏季金塔绿洲及邻近沙漠地面风场、气温和湿度场特性的对比分析

    Comparative Analyses on Ground Wind Field and Air Temperature-Humidity Characteristics Inside and Outside Jinta Oasis

  14. 地面风场、海陆风及内边界层的观测与分析;

    Observation and analysis of surface wind field , sea and land breeze and internal boundary layer ;

  15. 局地经圈环流和沙漠(英文)塔克拉玛干沙漠地面风场特征及周边地区沙丘排列关系分析

    Characteristics of surface winds in Takla-Makan deserts and their relationship to the orientation of dunes in neighboring regions

  16. 导弹所受到的外激励包括地面风、飞行阵风、发动机推力和飞行阻力等。

    The loads on missile include ground-winds , gust of wind , engine thrust , air resistance and so on .

  17. 城郊下垫面结构的不同,造成了城郊风场上的差异,本文探讨了上海城市对近地面风场的影响。

    Some differences of wind field between the city proper and the suburbs of Shanghai are discussed in this paper .

  18. 同时,需要将气象站的地面风订正至风机高度。

    At the same time , it is needed to correct the ground wind of meteorological station to fan height . 4 .

  19. 采用一层σ坐标原始方程数值诊断模式研究海南岛、雷州半岛及其四周海域的地面风场特征。

    Using one level numerical diagnostic model , the features of surface wind fields in Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula and nearby sea area are studied .

  20. 杭州市地铁与城市道路干线重合段地面风亭冷却塔噪声环境影响评价标准的研讨与诠释

    An investigation into environmental impact assessment criteria for the noise of ventilation pavilion and cooling tower along the overlapping sections of metros and main roads in hangzhou city

  21. 给定天气背景的高度和温度场后,考虑地表摩擦、非绝热强迫及次网格扩散等过程,在温度场中对稳定状态下的水平动量和表面温度方程进行积分,即可诊断地面风场。

    Under the consideration of surface friction , diabatic forced subgrid-scale mixing , the horizontal momentum equation and surface temperature equation are integrated in a temperature field at specified synoptic-scale height .

  22. 本文通过在北京地铁区间隧道中所进行的现场试验,获得了衬砌若干控制点以及附近一座地面风亭两个控制点的动态反应,并对其进行了频谱分析。

    Measurements were carried out in a running tunnel of Beijing subway to obtain the dynamic responses at some specified points on the tunnel lining and also on a ventilation kiosk nearby .

  23. 以天津市为例,分析地面风场、大气层结及天气形势等主要污染气象参量的特征及其与环境空气质量的相关关系;

    Taking Tianjin as an example , the characteristics of three major meteorological parameters ( surface wind , atmospheric stratification , as well as weather situation ) and their correlations with ambient air quality were analysed .

  24. 首先建立一个简单的水平二维地面风场诊断模式,根据由微机支持的数字化仪输入的地面格点气压场,诊断出地面风场;

    First , a horizontally two-dimensional dynamical diagnosis model is set up in Cartesian coordinates , which is used to calculate surface wind field based on grid pressure data from weather maps by a computer scanning technique .

  25. 闹海风近地面风场特征是在一定的环流背景下,经阿勒泰山脉的动力分支和慢坡、峡谷效应等混合作用下形成的,同时受地形的局地热力作用,表现出很强的局地环流。

    The Close to the ground in the wind Based on the circumfluence background of the Mixed role of power branch , Canyon , Slow slope effect , Also by having of terrain , showed a strong Regional circulation .

  26. 摘要认为减少风亭设置数量是解决地面风亭设置困难的有效途径,可最大限度地减少土建工程量和工程投资。

    Author of the paper deems that reducing the number of air kiosks is an effective approach to avoid the difficulties of setting them on the ground surface and diminish the amount of civil engineering works and project investment to a great extent .

  27. 煤耗量、地型地貌特点、低空逆温层频率、地面弱风频率对酸雨率和降水pH值有明显的影响。

    Coal consumption rate , topographic features , frequency of the appearance of low altitude inversion layers and frequency of surface weak winds are found to have significant effects on acid precipitation and pH value of the rain .

  28. 腾格里沙漠近地面层风、气温、湿度特征

    Characteristics of Wind Velocity , Temperature and Humidity Profiles of Near-surface Layer in Tengger Desert

  29. 该工程结合大空间场所的特点,采用了地面送风亭射流送风方式、地面排风方式及红外线对射探测器控制的排烟天窗。

    For large space , air terminal building adopts air supply tower , floor exhaust grillage and smoke exhausting skylight controlled by infrared detector .

  30. 靠近地面的风带走砂土最多,因此大块岩石下部磨蚀得最为厉害。本文对砂带磨削技术在硬质石材加工中的应用研究进行综述。

    The wind near the ground carries most sand with it and so wears the lower parts of big masses of rock most . The research on the application of belt grinding in hard stone precision machining is summarized in this paper .