
dì xīn shuō
  • geocentrism;geocentricism
地心说 [dì xīn shuō]
  • [geocentric theory] 古天文学的一种学说,认为地球是宇宙的中心,静止不动,太阳、月亮等星球都是绕地球运行的。此学说最早为亚里士多德所提出。公元二世纪,托勒密发展了地心说,后被教会为维护其统治而利用。十六世纪被哥白尼的日心说所推翻

  1. 指托勒密的地心说体系或者与此体系相关的。

    Or or relating to the geocentric Ptolemaic system .

  2. 托勒密的地心说已被认为是一个范式例子。

    Ptolemy 's geocentric theory has been taken as an example of a paradigm .

  3. 我们今天都知道“地心说”是错误的。

    Today , we all know that this " earth center theory " is wrong .

  4. 如今,没有几个天文学家信奉托勒密的地心说,也不会有人相信燃素说。

    There are few Ptolemaic astronomers left , or believers in the phlogiston theory of combustion .

  5. 地心说的理论是所有的行星都围绕地球朝着一个方向转动。

    The geocentric theory said that the planets would move around the Earth in one direction .

  6. (公元2世纪)在哥白尼之前提出了无人怀疑的地心说的古希腊天文学家。

    ( 2nd century AD ) proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus .

  7. 现代地心说-上帝最近创造了一球形世界,而将其置于宇宙的中心。

    Modern geocentrism-god recently created a spherical world , and placed it in the center of the universe .

  8. 以托勒密的地心说为例,分析了错误理论产生的历史必然性及其科学价值与历史作用。

    Based on the geocentric theory of Ptolemaios , this paper chiefly analyzes the scientific value and historic function of the Wrong theory .

  9. 在我们看来似乎很疯狂,却使思考系统有进一步的发展,这套理论不仅合理,甚至会渐渐地显露出宇宙地心说的牵强。

    It seems a madness to us , and yet systems evolve and evolution we know , is not always reasonable or even tidy .

  10. 古希腊人认为我们所谓的太阳系就是整个宇宙,且相信地心说。

    The ancient Greeks believed that what we called the solar system was in fact the entire universe , and that the universe was geocentric .

  11. 虚对象、实属性,也是实概念,如思维科学中的概念;实对象、虚属性,是虚概念,如地心说中的概念;

    A concept of real object and real attribute is a real concept , a concept of imaginary object and real attribute is a real concept too .

  12. 顾名思义,地心说就是指宇宙以地球为中心,地球是静止不动的,太阳、行星及恒星都围绕地球来转。

    Geocentric means Earth-centered , so the geocentric view holds that the Sun , the planets , and the stars , all revolve around the Earth , which is stationary .

  13. 极其有趣的是当天文观察的发现与地心说有所出入的时候,古希腊人却没有真正的去考虑过其他的理论。

    Now , what 's especially interesting is that when astronomical observations were made that seemed to be inconsistent with the geocentric view , the ancient Greeks did not really consider alternative theories .

  14. 这在公元前四世纪的希腊著名哲学家们的作品中都有体现,而地心说在西方国家也盛行到了17世纪,历经近2000年。

    It was presented in the works of well-known Greek philosophers as early as the fourth century B.C.E. , and the geocentric theory continue to prevail in Western thought for almost 2000 years , until the 17th century .

  15. 然而,希腊及其他地区也有几位天文学家不相信地心说的,比如说公元前三世纪的一位希腊天文学家就提出了我们的行星系统的日心说,他就是阿利斯塔克斯。

    However , there were a few astronomers in Greece and other places who didn 't agree with the geocentric view , for example , a Greek astronomer who lived in the third century B.C.E. He proposed the theory that our planetary system might be heliocentric , his name was Aristarchus .