
  • 网络During explosion;Markov process
  1. 一名警员在其汽车爆炸时遇难。

    A police officer was killed when his car blew up .

  2. 炸弹爆炸时,地面都震动了。

    The ground quaked as the bomb exploded .

  3. 炸弹爆炸时,房子都晃动了。

    The house rocked when the bomb exploded .

  4. 人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。

    It 's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded .

  5. 爆炸时,弹片四飞。

    The explosion flung out bits of metal in all directions .

  6. 聚能装药爆炸时隔板变形过程的X射线摄影观测

    Flash radiography investigation for the process of deformation of the inert plate in shaped charge explosion

  7. 超新星爆炸时发射出大量的无线电射线、X射线和宇宙射线以及其他粒子。

    Supernova explosions release tremendous amounts of radio radiation , x-radiation and cosmic rays , as well as other elements .

  8. 当地美发师JaneMbugua听到爆炸时就在附近。

    A local hairdresser , Jane Mbugua , was nearby when she heard the explosion .

  9. 通过观察X射线跟宇宙微波背景的相互作用,科学家们可以研究星系团的运动情况。宇宙微波背景指宇宙大爆炸时留下来的辐射。

    By observing the interaction of the X-rays with the cosmic microwave background ( CMB ), which is leftover radiation from the Big Bang , scientists can study the movement of clusters .

  10. O2-C2H2在管道内爆炸时安全壁厚的确定

    Determining the safe thickness of pipes in which o_2-c_2h_2 mixture explodes

  11. 当跑步小人和其他sprite碰撞并发生爆炸时,SnailBait最终版本会震动游戏背景。

    The final version of Snail Bait shakes the game 's background when the runner collides with another sprite and explodes .

  12. 有一种叫做Ia型超新星很特别,它在发生爆炸时总是释放出相同的能量,因此亮度也很大。

    One particular sort , though , known as type Ia , always explode with about the same energy and are therefore equally bright .

  13. 当跑步小人与怀有恶意的sprite相撞并发生爆炸时,玩家会失去一次生命,SnailBait会让跑步小人返回到游戏开始处。

    When the runner collides with a malicious sprite and explodes , the player loses a life and Snail Bait returns the runner to the beginning of the game .

  14. 酒店客人、美国fortress投资集团的唐汉纳(donhanna)表示,爆炸时,他感到大楼在摇晃。

    A hotel guest , don Hanna of US-based fortress investment group , said he felt the building sway at the time of the explosion .

  15. 现在,当我不得不和儿子谈论堪萨斯城发生龙卷风的机率有多大,搞得我头都要爆炸时,我可以轻松地说:“嘿!要不你问问Siri?”

    Now , when my head was about to explode if I had to have another conversation about the chance of tornadoes in Kansas City , Mo. , I could reply brightly : " Hey ! Why don 't you ask Siri ? "

  16. 在已知平衡组分的条件下,用热化学计算基本原理计算了RDX及含铝RDX爆炸时所能达到的最高温度,讨论了含铝量和爆炸温度的变化规律,给出了满足不同用途的最佳含铝量

    Based on principles of thermochemistry and under conditions of given equilibrium components are calculated the highest temperatures attainable when RDX and aluminiferous RDX are detonated The relationship between the aluminium content and the detonation temperature is discussed The optimal content of aluminium for different application purposes is suggested

  17. 本研究中,利用二维DDA对有、无节理面强度两种情况下一半无限域内球形药包爆炸时爆破漏斗的形成过程进行了动态模拟,并对模拟结果进行了分析和比较。

    In this study , the two-dimensional DDA is used to simulate the dynamic process of explosion funnel formulation at the time of initiating a sphere charge in a semi-infinite domain with or without the strength of joint face and the comparison between simulated results is made .

  18. 弹药库爆炸时造成很大损失。

    A lot of damage is cause when the magazine explode .

  19. 爆竹爆炸时次声冲击波致全身复合伤实验观察

    Experimental investigation of systemic composite injury due to firecracker exploding wave

  20. 近自由水面水下爆炸时水中激波特性

    Water shock wave characteristics of underwater explosion near the water surface

  21. 大量中子的辐射,如中子弹爆炸时的辐射。

    Radiation of neutrons ( as by a neutron bomb ) .

  22. 可燃气体爆炸时作用在结构上荷载的研究

    Research Into The Explosion Load Acting On The Structure By Flammable Gas

  23. 锅炉爆炸时许多人为蒸汽所伤。

    When the boiler exploded many people were hurt by the steam .

  24. 肯定是舱门爆炸时掉进丛林里的。

    Must have landed in the junglewhen the hatch exploded .

  25. 那个有毛病的锅炉爆炸时,那座楼被炸毁了。

    The building was destroyed when the defective boiler exploded .

  26. 用压电晶体探头测量了爆炸时的地震波参数。

    The parameters of explosive seismic wave were measured by piezocrystal gages .

  27. 推导了战斗部静态爆炸时杆条中心和交叉点的参数方程;

    Parametric equations for centroid and intersection of the rod are deduced .

  28. 地震爆炸时,那桥梁轰然一声被炸毁了。

    The bridge went up with a roar when the mine exploded .

  29. 矿井爆炸时,井里有70个矿工。

    There were seventy men in the mine when it blew up .

  30. 当煤气总管爆炸时,幸好没人伤着。

    Fortunately , no one was hurt when the gas main exploded .