
  • 网络Tunguska event;explosion
  1. 有关爆炸事件的报道很简略,未及详情。

    The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative .

  2. 反叛分子否认对这次爆炸事件负有任何责任。

    The rebels disclaimed all responsibility for the explosion .

  3. 恐怖主义组织声称对这几起枪击和爆炸事件负责。

    Terrorist groups claimed responsibility for the shootings and bomb attacks .

  4. 在炸弹爆炸事件中,数千人被炸死,或成为残废。

    Thousands suffered death or mutilation in the bomb blast .

  5. 这次炸弹爆炸事件是一连串恐怖主义袭击中最近的一起。

    The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks .

  6. 没有人声称对爆炸事件负责。

    Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing .

  7. 大多数人对爆炸事件表现出惊恐不安。

    Most people viewed the bombings with revulsion .

  8. 布莱尔希望将任何关于爱尔兰共和军制造的酒馆爆炸事件的新证据都公之于众。

    Blair wants any new evidence on IRA pub bombs made public

  9. 今天有人呼吁对爆炸事件重新展开调查。

    There was a call today to reopen the investigation into the bombing .

  10. 他否认与爆炸事件有任何关联。

    He has denied any connection to the bombing .

  11. 在Note7出现多起起火爆炸事件之后,三星于10月对该手机进行了召回,并且完全停止了对Note7的继续生产。

    The Galaxy Note 7 was recalled and discontinued in October after reports that some handsets were catching fire .

  12. 三星将召回250万部Note7手机,而回收这些手机变得非常复杂。此前已发生多起Note7手机电池爆炸事件。

    There are 2.5 million Samsung Note 7 phones out there and retrieving the phones -- which have been known to burst into flames -- is getting complicated .

  13. 试验结果表明:基于PLC控制的三巷掘进局扇集控系统能有效地避免瓦斯爆炸事件的发生,尤其是集控系统配有多种控制方式,大大提高了工作可靠性。

    It has been proved by preliminary tests that this system can avoid gas explosion incidents efficiently , especially its various control strategy improved the working reliability greatly .

  14. 今天的CNN学生新闻我们首先关注的就是弗吉尼亚州的火箭爆炸事件。

    Today 's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS begins with a rocket explosion on Virginia 's Coast .

  15. 三星盖乐世Note7爆炸事件的热度还没退,一则有关iPhone7在国内爆炸的视频于本周一便出现在网上。

    While the explosion of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is not far behind us , a video of an iPhone 7 exploding in China surfaced online on Monday .

  16. 由于接连发生电池爆炸事件,三星将前几周前刚发货的250万部GalaxyNote7智能手机悉数召回。

    Samsung is replacing all 2.5m units that it has shipped of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone just weeks after its release , due to a spate of exploding batteries .

  17. 这个延迟意味着麦克维在这段时间一直被扣留在法院,所以FBI才有时间调查清楚爆炸事件,并立即致电警察将他逮捕。

    This delay meant that McVeigh was still in the courthouse when the FBI called up , urgently asking the police to detain him .

  18. 这一爆炸事件同时也使得弗吉尼亚州轨道科学公司大为震惊,这家私人公司建造的火箭与NASA签订有近20亿美元的合同,现在需要个说法。

    It also clearly shook Virginia-based Orbital Sciences , the private contractor that built the rocket under a nearly 2 billion contract with NASA now needs answers .

  19. 苹果中国已向总部上报此事。这是已知的国内首起iPhone7爆炸事件,但是这在世界范围内并不是个别事件。

    Apple China reported the incident to its headquarters . This is the first known iPhone 7 explosion in China , but it was not an isolated incident within the world .

  20. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)近日解密了一批文件,其中详细记录了美国犹他州不明飞行物(UFO)爆炸事件,以及新墨西哥州外星人着陆的“罗兹威尔”事件。

    Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw aUFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico .

  21. 与会专家把海啸的影响和发生在该地区的其他问题联系起来,例如2003年爆发的SARS和2002年的巴厘岛爆炸事件。

    Tourism experts at the conference likened the impact of the tsunami to other problems that have hit the region , such as the SARS outbreak in2003 and the Bali bombing of2002 .

  22. GE正是福岛核反应堆的设计者,这一反应堆在上周五的海啸中受到破坏,自此又经历了一连串爆炸事件。

    E.was the designer of the reactors at the40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi plant in Okuma , Japan , that was damaged by last Friday 's tsunami and has had a series of explosions since then .

  23. 在事发现场,安全部长威多多•阿迪•苏吉布托(WidodoAdiSucipto)称,爆炸事件由“强力的爆炸”造成,两起爆炸事件相隔仅几分钟时间。

    At the scene , Security Minister Widodo Adi Sucipto said the blasts were caused by " high explosives , " which were d just minutes apart .

  24. 最新的爆炸事件不会改变这一趋势,但它是一个令人担忧的事态发展,特别是在周四的袭击事件,称BBC的吉姆缪尔在巴格达。

    The latest bombing does not change this trend but it is a worrying development , especially after Thursday 's attacks , says the BBC 's Jim Muir in Baghdad .

  25. 塔利班分子声称为爆炸事件负责,称一名男子对印度使馆外一辆SUV实施了爆炸。

    The Taliban has claimed responsibility , saying that a man blew up an SUV outside the Indian embassy . Indian officials say they targeted the embassy .

  26. 疑似BokoHaram枪击和爆炸事件增加后,政府向该地区派遣了更多军队。

    The government sent more troops after an increase in suspected Boko Haram shootings and bombings .

  27. 在爆炸事件之后,罗素一直住在她父母家。自她已故的丈夫被确定为爆炸嫌犯之一后,罗素父母的房子外面就一直有FBI探员站岗。

    Ms. Russell has been staying with her parents since the bombings , and FBI agents have been seen posted outside the house since her late husband was identified as one of the bombers .

  28. 一位警官说,爆炸事件似乎是针对NayShweThwayAung及其随行人员,因为许多伤者都是安全人员。

    A police officer said the explosions appeared to have targeted Nay Shwe Thway Aung and his entourage because many of the injured were security personnel .

  29. AZUZ:在西佛吉尼亚,搜救人员正在接近权利寻找本周致命的煤矿爆炸事件的受害者。

    AZUZ : Over in West Virginia , rescue workers are struggling in their attempts to try to reach the victims of this week 's deadly mine explosion .

  30. 来自Suleja镇的报告表明,爆炸事件发生在傍晚约6点钟。

    Reports from the town of Suleja suggest that the explosion happened at around six o'clock in the evening .