
  • 网络explosive;IED
  1. 那些人在挖掘掩埋的爆炸物时被逮个正着。

    The men were caught in the act of digging up buried explosives .

  2. 负责FOX1-A,该组织的第一个立方体卫星的团队成员说,这是因为当每个人都可以访问设计和实施时,个人就没有办法将爆炸物或能量发射器等东西偷偷塞入非专业卫星中。

    According to a member of the team responsible for FOX 1-A , AMSAT 's first CubeSat , this means that there s no way to sneak something like explosives or an energy emitter into an amateur satellite when everyone has access to the designs and implementation .

  3. CT技术在爆炸物检测领域的应用

    Application of Computed Tomography in Explosives Detection

  4. 爆炸物的X射线相干散射实验研究

    Coherent X - Ray Scattering for Identification of Explosives

  5. 一种基于双能X射线与前向散射的爆炸物检测方法

    A new method of explosive detection based on dual-energy X-ray technology and forward-scattering

  6. MEMS技术检测痕量爆炸物微粒的原理与实验方法研究

    Research on principle and experiments of trace explosive particle detection with MEMS

  7. 痕量爆炸物的化学、生物、MEMS传感器探测技术

    Trace explosive detection with chemical sensor , biosensor and MEMS sensor techniques

  8. 是一个非常有名的爆炸物,RDX,is,a,famous,explosive,我相信你们知道。

    RDX as I 'm sure you know .

  9. MEMS技术检测爆炸物的原理与研究进展

    Development of Explosive Detection with MEMS

  10. 用于现场痕量检测的IMS爆炸物探测仪研究

    The study of field IMS analyzer applied to explosive detection

  11. 自主研制的X射线爆炸物自动探测设备已在上海浦东机场和北京首都机场中使用;

    The Chinese-made automatic X-ray explosive detecting system has been put into operation at Shanghai 's Pudong Airport and Beijing 's Capital Airport .

  12. 本文阐述了CT技术检测爆炸物的基本原理,并结合当前的国际安全局势的现状,对其在爆炸物检测领域中的应用和发展现状作了详细介绍。

    The principles of the computed tomography are introduced in this paper , the applications and development of CT technologies in explosives detection are also explored .

  13. THz技术用于人体隐藏爆炸物识别的探索

    THz Technology Using in Exploring the Recognition of Explosives Concealed on Personnel

  14. LVQ聚类算法在爆炸物THz光谱识别中的应用

    Application of LVQ clustering algorithm to identification of explosive by THz spectroscopy

  15. 声表面波(surfaceacousticwave,SAW)传感器是一类新兴检测化学毒气和爆炸物的传感器,因其独特的优越性,近年来受到广泛的关注。

    Surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) sensor is a new kind of sensor to detect chemical poison gas and explosives . This sensor attracted considerable attention because of its many advantages .

  16. 动态实验结果表明提取极值为特征值对阵列进行PCA、CA分析,可使4种典型爆炸物在毫克级上能完全区分。

    Dynamic sampling method shows that all the samples can be identified completely in milligram level when extracting extremum as the feature to PCA and CA analysis .

  17. 用TNA方法进行爆炸物检测软件系统设计

    The software design of explosive detection system with TNA method

  18. 爆炸物检测中微弱NQR信号的处理

    Weak signal receiving and processing for nuclear quadrupole resonance detection

  19. 爆炸物检测SAW传感器的膜材料是国外目前研究的热点之一,综述了近几年这方面的研究状况。

    The coatings for detecting explosives with surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) sensor are now wildly researched in foreign countries . In this paper , new research progress in these coating materials in the last few years is reviewed .

  20. 比色法检测爆炸物TNT以其简单、直观、高选择性的特点进入人们的视野。

    With the merits of simpleness , intuition , high selectivity of detecting the TNT explosive , the colorimetry has come into the researchers ' vision .

  21. Yang说自从英国警方说在八月挫败了一场企图用这类爆炸物来爆炸飞机的阴谋后,CAAC一直在寻找有效的方法来探测液体爆炸物。

    Yang said CAAC had been looking for effective methods to detect liquid explosives , since British police said in August they had foiled a plot to blow up aircraft with such explosives .

  22. 爆炸物污染土壤中2,4-DNT和2,6-DNT的生物降解中试研究

    Biodegradation of 2,4 - and 2,6-Dinitrotoluene in a Pilot-Scale System for Soil Contaminated with Explosive Compounds

  23. 介绍了利用14MeVμs脉冲中子发生器、NaI(Tl)和BGO闪烁探测器建立的爆炸物检测实验系统。

    A 14 μ s MeV neutron pulse generator-based explosives detection system is introduced , which uses 100 mm × 100 mm NaI ( Tl ) and 50 mm × 50 mm BGO as γ detectors .

  24. 美国国土安全部长珍尼特纳波利塔诺(janetnapolitano)昨日承认,现有安检程序存在的缺陷,使得一名携带爆炸物的男子在圣诞节登上了穿越大西洋、飞往底特律的飞机。

    Janet Napolitano , US Homeland Security Secretary , yesterday conceded that flaws in existing security procedures had allowed a man armed with explosives to board a Detroit-bound trans - Atlantic flight on Christmas day .

  25. 通过对含有纳米氧化物的RDX基爆炸物体系在撞击、摩擦和热感度的测定,初步研究结果表明,影响较为复杂。

    Through testing the sensitivity to impact , the sensitivity to friction and the sensitivity to heat of the RDX explosive mixture , containing the nano-oxides , the initial results indicate that the influence of the nano-oxides is relatively complex .

  26. 阐述了一种军用爆炸物处理移动机器人(EOD)的总体设计及其性能特点,尤其是移动机构、液压传动和控制系统的设计。

    The overall design of the Explosives Ordnance Disposal ( EOD ) robot as well as its feature and performance were discussed , including the mobile machine , the hydraulic transmission and control system .

  27. 爆炸物对家兔颈部大血管损伤机制的实验研究

    Investigation on Mechanism of cervical vascular injury after explosion in rabbit

  28. 斯洛伐克安全官员称在首都布拉迪斯拉发发现了爆炸物。

    Slovak security officials have discovered explosives in the Capital Bratislava .

  29. 如果没有出现荧光,就是存在爆炸物的警报。

    Absence of fluorescence would warn of the presence of explosives .

  30. 分子印迹技术和荧光分析技术在爆炸物检测中的应用

    Application of Molecular Imprinting and Fluorescence Analysis Techniques in Explosive Detection