
bào pò
  • blast;explosion;burst;detonate;demolish;blow up;explode;dynamite
爆破 [bào pò]
  • [demolish;blast;detonate;blow up] 用炸药加以破坏

  • 爆破防御工事和港口

爆破[bào pò]
  1. 一类非线性Sine-Gordon方程解的爆破

    Blow up of Solution for a Nonlinear Sine-Gordon Equation

  2. 研究了具有非线性热源的半线性抛物型方程组的齐次Neumann问题解的爆破性质。

    The blow up properties of solutions for semi-linear parabolic systems with nonlinear sources , subject to null Neumann boundary conditions are studied .

  3. 我们在安全距离之外观看了爆破。

    We watched the explosion from a safe distance .

  4. 据报道,警方借助爆破冲进了房子。

    The police were reported to have blasted their way into the house using explosives

  5. 缓冲爆破和轮廓线钻眼法结合使用可能比较合适。

    A combination of cushion blasting and line-drilling can be suitable .

  6. 当一座桥梁被作为非军事工程爆破时,就产生了完全不同的要求。

    When a bridge is to be blasted as a non-military operation , completely different demands are made .

  7. 轰!轰!轰!一连串爆破声震撼山谷。

    Boom ! Boom ! Boom ! A series of explosions shook the valley .

  8. 盟军的爆破升级在指挥部界面中左移一格(由于现在没钳子升级了,所以填钳子的位置)

    Allied Demolitions upgrade moved one slot to the left on the Allied HQ UI .

  9. 光面爆破效果BP神经网络预测

    Study on forecasting smooth-surface blasting effects based on BP neural network

  10. 友谊宾馆E区楼房的控制爆破拆除

    To demolish the building in area E of Friendship Hotel by controlled blasting

  11. Q开关激光爆破技术对豚鼠皮肤色素的影响

    Effect of Q-switch laser blasting technique on pigmentary dermatoses of guinea pigs

  12. 爆破CO不仅危害职工的安全和健康,还污染大气环境。

    Arbon monoxide produced during blasting is harmful to workers ' safety and health , and al-so will pollute the environment .

  13. 利用海南岛人工爆破地震Ⅰ、Ⅱ测线非纵剖面的P8波走时资料,初步得到了该区基底面的速度图象。

    Using Pg wave data from Profile I and ⅱ of deep seismic sounding in Hainan Island , the velocity image of the basement in the region is reconstructed .

  14. 岩石爆破振动信号的EMD滤波与消噪

    Filtering and denoising of rock blasting vibration signal with EMD

  15. 研究结果表明:反应温度、作用pH值、酶的用量和作用时间对纤维素酶解爆破后的毛白杨木粉都有很大的影响。

    The results are : reaction temperature , solution pH value , loading of cellulase and hydrolysis time have great effect on cellulase hydrolysis degree .

  16. V形刻槽爆破是指在炮孔孔壁上按爆破开裂方向,切出一定深度的轴向对称V形槽,采用不耦合装药结构进行的一种断裂控制爆破。

    V-shaped notch blasting is that cutting slots with certain depth along axis - direction of the hole is determined according to the blast-crazing , and then load uncoupled charge and detonation .

  17. POM和SEM的观察结果表明,蒸汽爆破处理后的剑麻纤维,与基体材料的结合作用得到了明显改善。

    In addition , the results of POM and SEM analysis revealed that the interaction between SF and matrix resin was improved obviously due to steam explosion treatment .

  18. 利用AP-DL语言编程对ANSYS进行二次开发,模拟了地下工程构建过程中,掘进爆破冲击波对喷射混凝土衬砌的损伤影响程度。

    The secondary development of Ansys is done with Ansys Parametric Design Language . The shotcrete lining 's damage degree due to the vibration of the excavation blasting is simulated in underground engineering .

  19. 研究了PVDF初始浓度、高分子添加剂聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)浓度和铸膜液温度等对膜形态结构、孔隙率、平均孔径、水通量以及拉伸强度和爆破强度的影响。

    The effects of initial concentrations of PVDF and PVP and the membrane forming solution temperature on membrane morphology , porosity , mean pore size , water flux , tensile and bursting strengths were studied .

  20. 研究结果表明,蒸汽爆破后纤维、细胞壁S1和S2层受到不同程度的破坏,使纤维素的相对结晶度增大,而绝对结晶度下降。

    The results showed that explosion treatment caused many breakage of fibber as well as S1 and S2 of the wall cell . The relative crystallinity of cellulose treated by explosion increased , while the absolute crystallinity decreased .

  21. 爆破振动危害动态应力比评价方法(DSR)是根据爆破振动实地监测及质点振速预测方程,结合现场损伤破坏调查而求得岩土结构爆破振动破坏判据的一种新方法。

    Blasting vibration dynamic stress ratio evaluating method ( DSR ), a new method combining the ground survey to obtain geotechnical structure blasting vibration failure criterion , is based on the result of blasting vibration ground monitoring and particle vibration velocity forecasting equation .

  22. 应用LS-DYNA程序的强大计算功能对单自由面条件下延长药包的爆破过程进行了数值模拟,分析了不同炮孔半径、装药长度的条件下爆炸应力波的产生、传播及岩石的破碎过程。

    Numerical simulation of basting process of extended charge in single free face relys to mighty counting function of Ls-dyna program , and analyzes engendering and spreading of blasting stress wave and crashing process of rock in different radius of blast hole and different charge length .

  23. 爆破震动实测结果表明,在单响药量不超过600g的条件下,距爆源5m处的质点峰值振速小于5cm/s的控制标准。

    The results of vibration monitoring show that the peak particle vibration velocity at 5m from the explosion source is less than 5cm / s of control criterion in the condition of which maximum charge weight per delay interval is not greater than 600 grams .

  24. 控制爆破拆除大跨度复杂结构楼房

    Controlled blasting for demolition of large span and complicated structure building

  25. 图像处理技术在断裂控制爆破高速摄影的应用

    Application of Image Processing Technique in High-speed Photography of Fracture-controlled Blast

  26. 土石方硐室松动控制爆破应把握的主要方面

    Key links to be grasped in standing shot of earthwork chamber

  27. 岩石爆破理论模型的研究现状及发展趋势

    Present Status and Developmental Trend of Theoretical Models of Rock Blasting

  28. 切缝药包岩石定向断裂爆破的研究

    Study on the directional fracture controlled blasting with SLIT-CHARGE in rock

  29. 爆破切口形状对细高建筑物倒塌效果的影响

    Influence of Blasting Notch Configuration on Collapse Effectiveness of Tower Buildings

  30. 分别给出了2幢大楼拆除爆破参数、起爆延期时间及安全防护措施。

    The blasting parameters and protection measures were presented and taken .