
fá mù ɡōnɡ
  • logger;woodcutter;lumberman;lumberer;woodman;faller;sawyer
  1. 在树被砍倒后把圆木截成几段的伐木工。

    A lumberman who cuts logs into lengths after the trees have been felled .

  2. 然后那个伐木工脱手甩出了斧头。哐!每个人都听见了。

    Then the woodcutter let his axe fly — Thwack ! Everyone heard it .

  3. Ros的患者中有许多是伐木工,在附近的森林连续工作数日,返回所在村子时已患上疟疾。

    Many of his patients are loggers who work in the nearby forests for days on end and return home to the village with malaria .

  4. 2009年托布雷酒庄(Torbreck)产伐木工设拉子(Woodcutter'sShiraz),25欧元

    and 2009 Torbreck Woodcutter 's Shiraz , EUR25

  5. 彼得成了记者,而约翰仍然是个伐木工。

    Peter became a newspaper reporter , while John remained a woodcutter .

  6. 伐木工与爱护自然者之间相互矛盾的利益;有冲突的颜色。

    Clashing interests of loggers and conservationists ; clashing colors .

  7. 观众是问来装扮成伐木工或熊。

    The audience is asked to come dressed as lumberjacks or bears .

  8. 我找到心里的那小伐木工了!

    I had found the little woodsman inside of me !

  9. 他们以前是普通农民和伐木工。

    They used to be normal farmers or wood gatherers .

  10. 这棵树昨天被一个伐木工用斧头砍倒了。

    The tree was felled by a lumberjack with an axe yesterday .

  11. 伐木工的斧刃曾向绿树乞求斧柄。

    The woodcutter 's axe begged for its handle from the tree .

  12. “我一定是力气越来越小了。”伐木工暗自思忖。

    " I must be losing my strength ", the woodcutter thought .

  13. 第一天,伐木工带回了18棵树。

    The first day , the woodcutter brought 18 trees .

  14. 密歇根州的一位伐木工在25年前教会了他制作方法。

    A Michigan logger taught him how to do it 25 years ago .

  15. 我亲眼目睹伐木工、公路动物尸体清捡工一边工作一边吹着口哨。

    I 've personally witnessed lumberjacks and roadkill picker-uppers whistling while they work .

  16. 于是,伐木工决心把工作做到最好。

    For these reasons , the woodcutter was determined to do his best .

  17. 因此,伐木工决心要尽最大努力工作。

    For that reason , the woodcutter was determined to do his best .

  18. 他是个伐木工,住在美国西北的伐木营地里。

    He was a lumberjack , living in lumber camps of the American Northwest .

  19. 我想当个伐木工!

    I want to be a lumberjack !

  20. 从前,有一个很贫穷的伐木工。

    Once there was a poor woodcutter .

  21. 伐木工慢慢地走回家。

    The woodsman slowly walked home .

  22. 在密歇根,威斯康星与明尼苏达伐木工人们砍掉了整整5000万英亩森林

    In Michigan , Wisconsin and Minnesota , loggers harvest over 50 million acres of trees .

  23. 某种力量在设法使它变成一座伐木工的小棚屋,或一所温暖舒适的圆木小屋。

    Some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutter 's hut or a snug log-cabin .

  24. 除收入外,伐木工在所有评选项目中都排在倒数10%。

    Felling trees failed to skate above the bottom 10 percent in all ranking categories , excluding income .

  25. 哎呀,忘了说了,在伐木工喝的每杯咖啡背后,也有成千上万的人的劳作!

    Why , untold thousands of persons had a hand in every cup of coffee the loggers drink !

  26. 山区印第安人有名字的人,他们结婚的,通常是丹麦语,英语,或爱尔兰伐木工。

    Mountain Indians had the names of people they married , usually Danish , English , or Irish lumberjacks .

  27. 他是一名伐木工,他以前曾在内陆雨林有选择性地砍伐杉木。

    He was a horse logger , and he used to selectively cut cedar poles from the inland rainforest .

  28. 不止一个人倒在德罗巴眼前,他就像个穿着夹克的伐木工。

    More than one fell to drogba , a tree of a man with the finesse of a lumberjack .

  29. 约翰是一名伐木工,他为公司干了五年却从未得到提升。

    John was a woodcutter , who had being served a company for five years but never got a promotion .

  30. 最差工作伐木工畜牧工人入伍士兵石油钻塔工报纸记者服务员抄表员洗碗工屠夫广播员

    Worst Jobs Lumberjack Dairy Farmer Enlisted Military Soldier Oil Rig Worker Reporter ( Newspaper ) Waiter / Waitress Meter Reader Dishwasher Butcher Broadcaster