
  • 网络geologic time;geological time;geological period;geologic era
  1. 地质时期的CO2及其温室效应

    CO_2 throughout Geologic Time and Its Green - house Effects

  2. 一天中天气可能就会变化,但是气候变化是在很长的地质时期进行的。

    Weather may change on a daily basis , but climate changes over geologic time .

  3. 地球的历史包含着许多不如全新世稳定与温和的地质时期。

    The planet 's history contains many less stable and clement eras than the holocene .

  4. 从晚近地质时期到现代主压应力方向为NE向,σ1优势方位为NNE&NE向。

    From the later and near geological period to the modern geological period , the direction of modern main press stress has been in the direction of NE , the ruling direction of is NNE-NE .

  5. 考古学方法为解决地质时期第四纪,尤其全新世的年代问题提供了方便,在地质、地貌等研究中得到应用。华北平原是我国研究程度较高的地区,历年来积累了大量的14C测年资料。

    The archeological methods make it possible to determine the age of Quaternary geology , especially Holocene . The North China Plain is an area where much research in Quaternary geology has been done and a large number of 14C dating data is available from published materials .

  6. 决定煤层气地球化学特征的关键地质时期

    Key geological time of deciding the geochemical characteristics of coalbed methane

  7. 无生命时代的;无生命的;生命出现之前的地质时期的或与生命出现之前的地质时期有关的

    Of or relating to geologic periods that precede the appearance of life

  8. 举例来说,这些地质时期有侏罗纪、白垩纪和更新世等。

    They have names like the Jurassic , the Cretaceous and the Pleistocene .

  9. 在不同地质时期,复合型输导体系类型及其对油气的运移能力是不断变化的。

    The classification and the migration ability of combination pathway system are changing .

  10. 福建地质时期植物群序列及特征

    Sequences and Characters of Flora in Fujian Province

  11. 人类纪新地质时期理论研析之二&地球环境生态系统灾变现象与生态灾变论

    Catastrophic phenomena in the global environmental ecological system and the theory of ecological catastrophism

  12. 气候演变的周期性与黄道倾斜的关系地质时期的黄赤交角

    Obliquity of the ecliptic in the geological time

  13. 苏鲁&大别榴辉岩研究:形成于不同地质时期的高压-超高压变质带

    Study on the Sulu-Dabie eclogite : high-ultra high pressure metamorphic belt formed at different ages

  14. 地质时期生物与自然协调演化及化石燃料资源的分布规律

    Coordinated biotic and environmental evolution in the earth history and the distribution of fossil fuel

  15. 它生成于地质时期,发展在人类各个历史时期。

    Desert is originated from the geology period and developed in each of human historical periods .

  16. 据断层附近布格重力异常分布反推地质时期断层运动的探讨

    The inverse estimation of fault movement in geological time with Bouguer gravity anomaly nearby the fault

  17. 古地温曲线是岩石圈在特定地质时期热结构的集中体现。

    Paleogeotherm is important for understanding the thermal structure of lithosphere at a specific geological time .

  18. 地质时期的主要分期;一代分为两个或多个纪。

    A major division of geological time ; an era is divided into two or more periods .

  19. 地质时期曾因古水文网的变化而成湖。

    It was formed into a lake due to the change of ancient water system in geological age .

  20. 地质时期中的第四纪是从第三纪一直到现在。

    The quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present .

  21. 我们研究这些层来得知不同地质时期的信息,包括它们的起止时间。

    We examine these layers to learn about different geologic time periods including when they began and ended .

  22. 地质时期地槽的多旋回发展受到俯冲作用旋回的控制。

    The polycyclic development of geosynclinal belts is controlled by the cyclicity of subduction during e geological time .

  23. 在某些地质时期还与幔源岩浆的底垫对地壳或岩石圈的改造有关。

    Some times in the process there was reworking of diapir of mantle-sourced magma on the crust or lithosphere .

  24. 利用盆地模拟技术模拟烃源岩各地质时期的热演化阶段。

    It uses basin simulation technique to simulate the heat evolution stages of various geologic period of hydrocarbon source rock .

  25. 人们普遍认为不同的地质时期进化速度不同。

    It is generally believed that rate at which evolution operates has varied appreciably during different periods of geologic time .

  26. 地层学单位地层学中的一个单位,尤指包括在同一地质时期沉积的两个或两个以上地层的单位。

    A stratigraphic unit , especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era .

  27. 热成熟度是评价各地质时期沉积盆地烃源岩和油气演化的必要参数。

    Thermal maturity is a necessary parameter in assessing source rocks and evolution of oils and gases in sedimentary basins .

  28. 山体抬升的大尺度环境剧变,能引起气候趋势的改变.地质时期巨大的气候变迁,则又带来巨大的环境变化。

    A large scale and violent environmental change of mountain raise can give rise to the alter of climatic trend .

  29. 太古宙是区内最重要的地质时期,该时期形成铁矿资源储量占总资源储量79.87%,广泛分布在各古老结晶基底的变质岩系内。

    Archean is the most important geological period in which the iron ore resources formed occupies 79.87 % of the total .

  30. 江苏地温分布主要受燕山运动以来,特别是挽近地质时期仍然活动的构造体系(主要是新华夏系和华夏式构造)的控制。

    The thermal distribution in Jiangsu are controlled largely by tectonic systems since Yanshanian movement , especially Neocathaysian and Cathaysian structural systems .