
  • 网络Local Market
  1. 在《中国投资参考》(ChinaConfidential)追踪的42个地方市场,今年前三个月的交易量同比下降23%。

    Transactions in the 42 local markets which China Confidential tracks were down 23 per cent year on year in the first three months of the year .

  2. 微软公司一个29人的编辑团队正着手推出面向地方市场的定制“小娜”服务。

    At Microsoft , an editorial team of 29 people works to customise Cortana for local markets .

  3. 银行的地方市场份额通常会在当地分行和其他各地分行之间平均分配。

    A bank 's local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere

  4. 一方面,国内地方市场教师可获得的专门介绍LLS和SI知识的书籍和音像资料有限;

    For one side , it is difficult for the teachers to get books and videos on LLS and SI in local book markets .

  5. 面对社会主义市场经济体系的加快建立,面对WTO框架对中国的要求,地方市场分割越来越成为影响我国经济改革与发展的重大问题。

    In the face of the quickening of the socialist market economic system , and in the face of WTO frame requisition on China , local market segmentation becomes great problem of development and influences the economic reform of our country more and more .

  6. 他会在个地方市场会见一个客户。

    He 's meeting a client today at a local marketplace .

  7. 但成熟的地方市场似乎同样能吸引外国投资者。

    But a well-developed local market seems also to attract foreign investors .

  8. 我国地方市场分割的成因和治理

    The Genesis of Regional Barriers in China ′ s Local Market and Countermeasures

  9. 功能性食品地方市场调查及思考

    Local Market Investigation of Functional Food and its Reflections

  10. 我国地方市场保护的博弈分析

    An Analysis of the Local Market Protection in China Based on Game Theory

  11. 这应当比地方市场反响要好一些,但同样也存在不少困难。

    It should prove better than the local market , but still difficult .

  12. 转型时期我国的地方市场分割:基于博弈论的分析及对策

    Regional Market Division During Transition in China : the Policy Based on Game Analysis

  13. 论地方市场封锁与政府治理创新

    On Local Market Blockage and Innovation of Government

  14. 一个储入仓库公司正试图扩建成为六座城市的一个新的地方市场。

    A warehousing company is attempting to expand into a new regional market of six cities .

  15. 地区壁垒使全国统一的市场被人为地分割成一个个狭小的地方市场,使生产者和经营者的利益受到很大的损失。

    The united market all over the country has been divided into some smaller regional markets .

  16. 经济领域,商会利用国家政策和地方市场的间隙,以理性的方式庇护商人免受苛捐杂税之苦。

    By the space between national policies and regional articles , HCC protected businessman from exorbitant taxes and levies .

  17. 在地方市场上,议价面包随处可见,但价格往往是平价面包的5倍左右。

    And unsubsidized bread is in plentiful supply at local markets , but that costs five times as much .

  18. 本文指出了地方市场封锁的内容、表现形式与危害,分析了其形成原因,并从政府治理的角度提出了根除封锁的有关政策建议。

    This paper analyses its reasons , and puts forward some policies for uproot it from the view of government governance .

  19. 初步报告显示,该男子在症状出现之前有几次前往一个出售活禽的地方市场。

    Preliminary reports indicate the man visited a local market where live poultry are sold on several occasions prior to symptom onset .

  20. 当前,我国主要面临着地方市场分割与国有经济非市场主体两大难题。

    Here and now , we are facing two serious problems : fragmented market and non market body of state owned economy .

  21. 官方称地方市场上流通的家禽和猪肉是安全的,但建议市民千万不要食用野生家禽。

    Officials said poultry and pork for sale at local markets are safe , but people are urged not to eat wild poultry .

  22. 近代四川的桐油贸易网络,具有强烈的外销倾向,可视为四川传统地方市场国际化的主要特征之一。

    The outward extension of the trade network of Sichuan tung oil in modern times is a symbol of internationalization on traditional Sichuan market .

  23. 贸易鼓励专业化,专业化带来繁荣,全球资本市场尽管存在各种问题,但在分配资金方面,远比地方市场更有效;

    Trade encourages specialisation , which brings prosperity ; global capital markets , for all their problems , allocate money more efficiently than local ones ;

  24. 在我国统一市场建设的进程中,加速区域市场整合是由地方市场发展成为全国统一市场的关键环节。

    In the process of unified market construction , the acceleration of the regional market conformity is the key to the development from local market to unified national market .

  25. 在地方市场,省级卫视既要面对当地的省级电视频道,又要面对精心耕耘小区域的地市频道。

    In the local market , the provincial satellite TV not only competes with the provincial ground TV , but also with the local TV who cultivate the local market elaborately .

  26. 格林比特(天津)公司,合资公司,位于天津北辰科技园,能够进行独立生产,服务于快速发展并富有挑战的地方市场。

    Green Bit Tianjin , JV located in the Science and Technology Park of Tianjin , close to Beijing , with manufacturing capabilities to serve the fast growing and challenging local market .

  27. 中国本土电视媒体依托地域优势和本土文化,立足地方市场,以本土化传播方式争夺观众和广告客户。

    Relying on the regional advantage and local culture , television medium in inner China base themselves upon local market and contest audience and advertisers by way of localization of television broadcast .

  28. 我市比较完善的地域分工,日益便利的交通条件,发育良好的地方市场和丰富的绿色资源,为浙西南农贸城的发展奠定了坚实的基础。

    The quite perfect regional division in labor , increasingly convenient transport facilities , well developed local market and rich green resources , have laid a stable foundation for Lishui to develop its Agricultural Product Trade Market in Southwestern Zhejiang .

  29. 财税分权制度安排和投融资体制改革、地方市场需求的引致、地方政府角色的变化、相关法制建设滞后是该问题产生和发展的主要成因。

    These problems are subject to such factors as : finance and tax division as well as investment and circulation reform , luring local market demand , variety of local government indentity , a lag of the construction of legal system .

  30. 摘要改革开放以来,我国地方市场分割问题一直比较突出,而建立全国统一开放的市场是我国经济转轨中最重要的目标之一。

    Since the beginning of reform and opening up , china has been more prominent local market segmentation , and to create a unified national market , opening up of china 's economic transformation is one of the most important objectives .