
  • 网络local government debt
  1. 研究地方政府债务,必须理论先行。

    Study of local government debt , you must first theory .

  2. 地方政府债务;责权划分;债务管理;

    Local government debt Division of responsibility and authority Debt management ;

  3. 自2007年以来,地方政府债务增加了两倍,与GDP之比扩大一倍,升至30%左右。

    Local government borrowing has tripled since 2007 , doubling as a share of GDP to about 30 per cent .

  4. 贵州省地方政府债务情况实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Debts of Local Government in Guizhou

  5. 我国地方政府债务可持续性的一个综合分析框架

    Local Government Sustainable Liabilities in China : A Synthetic Analyzing Framework

  6. 加强地方政府债务审计与管理的思考

    Speculations about Strengthening Auditing and Management of Local Government 's Debt

  7. 我国地方政府债务的制度透视

    A Perspective of the Institution of Local Governments Debts in China

  8. 转轨时期地方政府债务风险及其防范

    The Local Governmental Debt Risk on Shift Period and Its Guard

  9. 防范和化解地方政府债务风险研究

    Research on preventing and reducing the local government debt risk

  10. 第三部分,我国地方政府债务风险的实证分析。

    The third part is the risk of Local Government Debt Analysis .

  11. 第二,通过数据等对地方政府债务进行分析。

    Second , analyzing local government debt through the data .

  12. 美国地方政府债务管理制度研究

    The Research of the US Local Authority Debt Management System

  13. 地方政府债务规模的财务学分析

    Financial Analysis of the Debt Quantity of Local Government

  14. 不是所有的地方政府债务都可以资产证券化的。

    Not all local government debt to asset securitization .

  15. 刍议地方政府债务的风险与防范

    On Ventures and Prevention of Debts of Local Governments

  16. 略论我国地方政府债务风险及防范

    About the Debt Risks and their Prevention of Local Governments in our Country

  17. 地方政府债务债券化问题研究

    A Research on the Securitization of Local Government 's Liabilities Bond and Life

  18. 中央政府称,地方政府债务风险可控。

    China says local gov 't debt risk controllable .

  19. 地方政府债务违约的博弈理论分析

    Analysis on the Game Theory about Local Debt Defaults

  20. 第五部分,探析国外地方政府债务风险控制经验。

    The fifth part of the risk of foreign control of local government debt experience .

  21. 我国地方政府债务态势及其国际借鉴:以财政风险为视角

    Trend of Local Government Debt and International Experiences : in the Perspective of Fiscal Risk

  22. 本文在第四部分对国外的地方政府债务管理实践进行了总结。

    The fourth part of this paper summarized practices from foreign local government debt management .

  23. 可见,中央已高度关注地方政府债务风险问题。

    Obviously , the central government has paid high attention to local governments debts risks .

  24. 再次从系统的角度出发分析地方政府债务问题。

    This paper analyzes from the perspective of the system of local government debt issues .

  25. 地方政府债务是政府债务管理中极为敏感的话题。

    The local government debts management is a sensitive topic among the government debts management .

  26. 因此,地方政府债务风险管理的研究十分具有挑战性。

    Therefore , the research on the local government debt risk management is very challenging .

  27. 地方政府债务风险已经成为威胁我国经济安全与社会稳定的巨大隐患。

    The risks of local government debts have imperiled economy security as well as society steadiness .

  28. 近些年,地方政府债务一直是个大问题。

    Local government debt has been a major problem for China 's economy in recent years .

  29. 地方政府债务风险是地方政府财政风险的集中体现。

    The finacial risk of the local governments embodies mainly in the risk of their debts .

  30. 发改委也将把地方政府债务总额限制在占其财政收入的100%以内。

    And the Commission will also limit total local government debts at100 percent of their revenue .