
  • 网络short term external debt;short-term external debt
  1. 像其它有经常账户赤字和短期外债的新兴市场经济体一样,韩国想延期还债将会很困难。

    Like other emerging market economies with current account deficits and short-term external debt , Korea will have difficulty rolling over its borrowings .

  2. 它是长期公共债务、公共担保债务和私人非担保长期债务、IMF货款和短期外债的总和。

    Total external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private no guaranteed long-term debt , use of IMF credit , and short-term debt .

  3. 文章Probit模型对90年代发生过货币危机的发展中国家在危机阶段的资本逆流与短期外债之间的关系进行了经验分析,找到了在危机阶段资本逆流与短期外债比例显著相关的证据。

    In addition , Probit Model is used in the empirical analysis of developing countries ' currency crises in 1990s , and it is showed that the capital inflows in the countries of high short-term foreign debt ratio are inclined to reverse .

  4. 中国长期外债与短期外债的动态关系研究

    A Research of the Dynamic Relationship between China 's Long-term and Short-term External Debts

  5. 在大多数东亚经济体中,外汇储备与短期外债的比例为4比1或5比1。

    In most East Asian economies the ratio of reserves to short-term foreign currency debt is four or five to one .

  6. 虽然总体衡量外债风险的指标显现出短期外债风险仍然在安全限度内,但是其潜在风险不能忽视。

    Although in general the indicators measuring foreign debt risk illustrate the risks being within the secure boundary , the potential risks can 't be neglected .

  7. 外债结构不尽合理,短期外债占比过高,整个经济容易受到短期游资冲击等等。

    The structure of foreign debt is far from reasonable , the ratio for short-term foreign debt is still high , the whole economy is fragile to the shock of hot money so on and so forth .

  8. 问:引发上一次新兴市场危机的许多因素似乎已不再盛行,包括盯住美元的汇率制度、短期外债以及糟糕的银行业监管。

    Q : it seems many of the factors that contributed to the last emerging markets crisis , including currencies linked to the US dollar , short-term foreign currency borrowings and poor banking regulations , are no longer prevalent .

  9. 传统观点认为,外汇储备不得少于3&4个月的进口付汇额,亚洲金融危机后,又提出外汇储备不得少于短期外债的规模。

    Traditional view , the foreign exchange reserves should not be less than 3-4 months of imports and payment of the Asian financial crisis , has proposed a foreign currency reserve should not be less than the size of short-term foreign debt .

  10. 本文提出一个简单的理论模型来解释新兴货币危机国在危机前存在大量短期外债的原因,认为政府对私人投资的担保导致了短期外债大量流入新兴市场国家。

    This paper presents a simple theoretic model that account for the abundance of short-term foreign debt in emerging market countries afflicted by currency crises , and argues that the over-inflows of short-term foreign debt in emerging markets result from governments ' guarantee on private investment .

  11. 2008年底,韩国按剩余期限计算的短期外债(包括长期债务的当期部分)总额为1940亿美元,而外汇储备为2000亿美元,使其成为亚洲经济体中偿债能力比最差的一个。

    Short-term external debts on a remaining maturity basis , which includes the current portion of long-term debt , stood at $ 194bn at the end of 2008 . That compares with $ 200bn of foreign exchange reserves , giving Korea one of Asia 's skimpiest coverage ratios .

  12. 关键的脆弱性在于东亚地区的银行和企业举借了太多短期外汇外债。

    The key vulnerability arose as banks and corporations in the region took on too much short-term , foreign currency external debt .

  13. 按照金融危机理论,短期负债是造成国际金融危机的重要原因,为了防止金融危机的爆发,应该通过对短期资本流入征税等措施来限制甚至禁止短期外债。

    Some theorists hold that short-term debt is an important factor that causes international financial crisis and the policy of restricting or banning the short-term capital by imposing taxes on its influx should be adopted to guard against the financial crisis .