
  • 网络Short term costs;short run cost;Short-run cost
  1. 西方经济学中的成本理论包括七个短期成本函数和三个长期成本函数,其间关联度之紧密、内容之繁杂是人所共知的,是学习西方经济学的重点和难点之一。

    The cost theory in western economics includes seven short run cost functions and three long run cost functions , related degree close among them , content well known to study western focal point and one of the difficult points of economics .

  2. 短期成本函数在企业管理决策中的应用

    The Study of Short-Run Cost Function and its Application in The Decision of Enterprise Management

  3. 结论:三七消痔栓治疗内痔(Ⅰ、Ⅱ期)的短期成本较九华痔疮栓更经济,但需样本量较大的原始研究或meta分析为基础的经济学分析来验证。

    Conclusions : The results of this study showed that the short-term cost of Sanqi-XZ in treatment of internal hemorrhoids (ⅰ,ⅱ) was lower than that of Jiuhua-ZC , but the economic analysis on primary researches involving larger samples or Meta analysis are required as foundation to verify this hypothesis .

  4. 这些好处远远超过渔业的短期成本。

    And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry .

  5. 随着自由贸易协定在整个地区滋生蔓延,短期成本是显而易见的。

    The near-term costs are apparent as free trade agreements proliferate across the region .

  6. 其它替代方法会带来短期成本。

    Alternatives would create short-term costs .

  7. 要克服这个障碍,律师或者会计师必须愿意共同承担短期成本。

    To overcome this hurdle , the lawyers or accountants really have to agree to absorb the short-term cost .

  8. 但是,即便可以证明其长期益处,加强监管又会造成怎样的短期成本呢?

    But , even if the long-term benefits are demonstrable , what about the short-term costs of implementing strong requirements ?

  9. 虽然对企业有短期成本压力,但经济持续发展,市场销售增加能给企业带来更多机会。

    Despite the short-term cost burden , the development of the economy will promote sales , bringing more opportunities to enterprises .

  10. 而且在大多数发展中国家,短期成本往往比不确定的未来成本的决策更具有分量。

    As in most developing countries , short term costs tend to carry more weight in decision-making than uncertain future costs .

  11. 此外,它会引发人们关于失业率上升的短期成本、道德风险以及财产所有权的合理担忧。

    In addition , justifiable concerns would be raised about the short-term costs of higher unemployment , moral hazard and property rights .

  12. 在当前经济衰退期间,毫不奇怪政府和医疗保险公司都对实现短期成本节约感兴趣。

    During the current downturn , it is no surprise that governments and health insurers alike are tempted to identify short-term cost savings .

  13. 一种注重创新(研发)的投资观念,应取代短期成本文化。

    An investment mindset , with an emphasis on Innovation ( Research and development ) , should substitute for a short-term cost culture .

  14. 富人应该认识到,提高纳税的短期成本,会带来巨大的长期收益。简言之:纳税光荣!

    The rich should accept that the short-term price of paying more taxes would bring enormous long-term gains . In short , to pay taxes is glorious !

  15. 中国长期致力于稳定,为了保证其发展战略顺利实施,它非常愿意承受牺牲增长带来的短期成本。

    Long focused on stability , it is more than willing to accept the short-term costs of a growth sacrifice to keep its development strategy on course .

  16. 原因很简单:虽然彻底改革从长远来看有利于英国经济,但内阁部长们可能更担心短期成本。

    The reason is simple enough : much as a fundamental overhaul would be good for the economy in the long term , ministers fear possible short-term costs .

  17. 收支失衡鲜有改善的主要原因在于,世界各地的政策制定者往往更关注再平衡的短期成本,而不是更长期的收益。

    The main reason for the lack of adjustment is that policymakers around the world tend to focus more on the short-term costs of rebalancing than on the longer-term benefits .

  18. 在这方面,部长们注意到世界银行和国际货币基金组织在支持贸易自由化调整过程中的作用,包括对面临农产品贸易改革所产生的短期成本的粮食净进口发展中国家的支持。

    In this connection , ministers note the role of the world bank and the IMF in supporting adjustment to trade liberalization , including support to net food-importing developing countries facing short-term costs arising from agricultural trade reforms .

  19. 然后分析初始法律权利界定的短期成本和长期效应,以及流通股股东的搭便车行为、谈判地位的非对称性等对交易成本的影响。

    Furthermore , the paper analyzes the long-term and short-term effects of the initial allocation of the legal rights , the effects of free rider of tradable-share-holders and asymmetry of negotiation position on transaction costs between the tradable-share-holders and the non-tradable-share holders .

  20. 当前控制我国税收成本应正确处理两种关系:依法治税与税收成本控制的关系;征税成本与纳税成本、短期成本与长期成本的关系。

    The two relations must be dwelt with well in controlling our tax cost , the relation of administering tax by law and controlling tax cost , the relation of cost of levying cost and cost of paying tax , and short-term cost and long-term cost .

  21. 另一个同样强大的群体则希望,让市场按照自己的意愿行事,而不管短期社会成本如何。

    Another equally powerful group wants to let markets work their will , regardless of the short-term social costs .

  22. 在电力市场中,实时电价的核心是电价与节点的位置及系统运行时间段有关,反映了输电网的短期边际成本。

    In the electricity market , spot price can reflect the transmission short run marginal cost varied with the time and location .

  23. 中国央行的政策已导致货币市场利率大幅下降,这些利率决定着企业和银行的短期借款成本。

    The moves led to sharp falls in money market interest rates , which determine short-term borrowing costs for companies and banks .

  24. 对短期投资成本、长期债权投资成本、长期股权投资成本的确定进行了分析。

    Analysis is made on how to determine the investment cost of short period , long period creditors rights and long period stockholders rights .

  25. 因为担心存在不谨慎借贷,中国央行在2013年两次收紧银行间市场流动性,推高短期融资成本。

    Central bank concerns about potentially reckless borrowing led it to withdraw liquidity from the interbank market on two occasions in 2013 , prompting increases in the cost of short-term financing .

  26. 这些举措将使欧元区获得潜在意义上的无限货币火力、以压低短期融资成本&只要相关成员国能签署一份外部强加的赤字削减计划。

    These will give it potentially unlimited monetary firepower to bring down short-term borrowing costs , so long as the nations sign up to a deficit-reduction programme imposed from the outside .

  27. 幸运的是,短期调整成本可能较低,而且不会持久,同时我们将在几年后获得金融体系变得更强大、更健康的益处。

    Fortunately , the short-term adjustment costs are likely to be small and transitory , while the benefits of a stronger and healthier financial system will be there for years to come .

  28. 传统理论对于企业的进入与退出问题的分析更多地还停留在马歇尔意义上的长期平均成本、短期可变成本与价格的比较以及传统的净现值的分析框架内。

    The research of traditional theory on this subject still focuses on the comparing of Marshallian long run average cost and short run variable cost with price , and net present value analysis .

  29. 她说,就像买房子或是昂贵的跑车一样,一些无形的好处是无法通过短期的成本效益分析得到体现的。

    ' The intangible benefits * cannot be reduced to some kind of short-term cost benefit-analysis , as though one is purchasing a piece of property or an expensive sports car , 'she says .

  30. 短期边际成本定价趋势与固定成本长期补偿之间的矛盾决定了完全竞争均衡结构内生着不稳定性。

    The contradiction between the pricing mode by the short - run marginal cost and the long - run compensation of the fixed cost creates the endogenous instability in the market structure of perfect competition .