
dì fɑnɡ zhènɡ fǔ ɡuī zhānɡ
  • rules of local governments
  1. 地方政府规章应当经政府常务会议或者全体会议决定。

    A local rule shall be decided upon by government regular affairs meeting or plenary meeting .

  2. 地方政府规章和规范性文件在我国当前公共行政实践中发挥着重要的作用。

    Local government rules and normative documents play essential roles in current practice of public administration of China .

  3. 在法律、部门规章、司法解释以及地方政府规章等不同的法的形式中都可以找到听取陈述和申辩制度的相关规定。

    It could be found in the law , administration regulations , judicial interpretation and local government regulations .

  4. 目前,我国的社会保障法律制度还不完善,对农民工的社会保障立法目前主要还是依靠地方政府规章和规范性文件。

    At present , legislation on social security of peasant workers mostly depends on local governments ' regulations and documents .

  5. 在我国法律体系中,地方政府规章立法的发展起步较晚,但发展势头较快。

    In our legal system , government regulations , the development of legislation late start , but the momentum quickly .

  6. 本条例所称规章,包括部门规章和地方政府规章。

    The term " government rules " as mentioned in the present Ordinance shall include ministerial rules and local government rules .

  7. 国务院有权废止与《宪法》、法律或行政法规不一致的部门规章和地方政府规章。

    The State Council had the power to annul departmental rules and local government rules that were inconsistent with the Constitution , laws or administrative regulations .

  8. 最重要的是地方政府规章实施一段时问后将其上升为地方性法规,符合我国立法的实际做法。

    Above all , local rules are risen to the local laws and regulations after implementation for some time , which is in line with our legislative practice .

  9. 地方政府规章由省长或者自治区主席或者市长签署命令予以公布。

    Local rules shall be promulgated by way of an order signed by the provincial governor , the chairman of the autonomous region , or the mayor of the city .

  10. 地方政府规章签署公布后,及时在本级人民政府公报和在本行政区域范围内发行的报纸上刊登。

    Upon signing and promulgation , local rules shall be published on the bulletin of the local People 's Government and newspapers circulated in the local jurisdiction in a timely manner .

  11. 地方政府规章是地方行政管理领域中最直接、最有效的依据,是地方政治、经济、文化和社会等各项事业发展的保障。

    Government regulations in the field of local administration is the most direct and effective basis , the local economic , cultural and social development of various undertakings of the yardstick .

  12. 因此,在总结实践经验的基础上,研究探索、汲取教训、积极创新,是完善地方政府规章立法的必然选择。

    Therefore , we concluded on the basis of practical experience , research and exploration , lessons learned , a positive innovation , government regulations is to improve the legislation the inevitable choice .

  13. 省级公务员主管部门可以地方政府规章或地方政府规章以下规范性文件的形式,统一明确规定各级各类职位的资格设置标准和原则。

    The provincial civil service department local government regulations or local government regulations in the form of the following normative documents , unified clearly defined at all levels of posts in the set standards and principles .

  14. 实践中,根据各行政规章和地方政府规章,形成了不同的征信模式,这其中主要包括中央政府规章框架下的公共征信模式、上海和深圳的准市场化征信模式。

    In practice , depending on the administrative regulations or local regulations , different credit models formed , which includes the public credit mode under the Central Government regulation , the quasi-market credit model in Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  15. 但是根据我国立法法的规定,我国的授权立法不包括对部门规章和地方政府规章的授权,所以由于历史原因仍存在的不符合现状的授权立法应得到清理。

    However , according to the legislative law , our authorization administrative legislation does not include the authorization to the department administrative rules and the local government administrative rules . So these administrative rules due to the history reason should be cleared .

  16. 《行政复议法实施条例》和一些地方政府规章共同规范行政复议调解制度,规定了调解的适用范围、遵循原则、合法性审查、调解书的法律效力和执行等,这些规定仍有不足。

    The mediation system on administrative review is stipulated in the regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and some local government rules . The regulations provide the range of application , the principles , legality and legal force of mediation document , which are still inadequate .

  17. 省级政府有权制定地方性政府规章。

    The provincial governments had the power to make local government rules .

  18. 二是地方性政府规章通过直接调整和嵌入式调整两种方式将越来越多的民事关系纳入其调整范围。

    Second , local government regulations bring directly or indirectly more and more civil relations into its adjustment .

  19. 从三个地方政府制定的政府规章,发现集体建设用地使用权流转制度的不足和可创新的空间。

    From the three local government system , government regulations , found that the lack of collective construction land use rights transfer system and room for innovation .

  20. 分析残疾人保障地方性法规和政府规章的立法背景和意义,地方性法规和政府规章的制定、修改、废止的状况,实施和执行的效果。

    Analysis of the Protection of Disabled Persons of the legislative background and significance of the local laws and government regulations , local laws and government regulations to develop , modify , abolished the status of implementation and enforcement of the effect .

  21. 在介绍国内的政府信息公开制度时,列举了在法律、行政法规、地方性政府法规、部门规章和地方性政府规章中体现政府信息公开的规定,重点分析了新的《政府信息公开条例》。

    I also list the laws , the administrative rules , the department rules and the government rules which embody the government information publicity .

  22. 林权流转程序中的审批问题研究&以地方性法规、地方政府规章为对象

    Research on the Examine and Approve Problems about Procedure of Forest Property Transfer & Taking the Local Law Rules and Local Government Regulations as Research Object

  23. 从当前正在实施中的地方性法规、地方政府规章中不难发现,其中相当一部分存在着严重的部门利益倾向问题。

    From the current local laws and regulations being implemented in local government regulations is not difficult to find , a significant part of the department that there is a serious interest orientation .

  24. 而立法过程中的部门利益倾向问题正严重地制约着地方立法的发展,成为地方性法规、地方政府规章立法质量不高的主要原因。

    And sector interests in the legislative process tend to severely restrict the problem is the development of local legislation , as local regulations , local regulations the main reason the quality of legislation is not high .

  25. 2001年,地方立法机关制定了20多个地方性环境保护法规和50多个地方环境保护政府规章。

    In 2001 , the local legislation institutions formulated over 20 local environmental protection rules and regulations and over 50 local governmental chapters on environmental protection .