
  • 网络entrapment
  1. 但是钓鱼执法有其存在的必要性,不应被完全取缔。

    But the Entrapment has its value of existence and should not be completely banned .

  2. 英格兰和威尔士都认为钓鱼执法属违法行为,但也给原告留了余地。

    England and Wales while also recognising entrapment as an offence , do leave some leeway for the prosecution .

  3. 而且出现了另外一个现象:交通执法部门钓鱼执法。

    And there is another phenomenon : " Fishing Law Enforcement " .

  4. 他去年搞砸了一起性侵钓鱼执法的案子

    he botched a sex offender sting last year .

  5. 采取适当措施,杜绝“钓鱼执法”势在必行。

    Therefore , it is imperative to take proper measures to stop such a phenomenon .

  6. “黑车”嫌疑人自断手指以证清白,上海将进一步调查钓鱼执法事件。

    Shanghai further probes entrapment controversy after alleged " black " driver cuts finger to prove clean .

  7. 目前,钓鱼执法在现实生活中己成为一种普遍存在的社会现象。

    At present ," fishing law enforcement " in real life , has become a widespread social phenomenon .

  8. 有时,反钓鱼执法的法律也意味着真正的罪犯逍遥法外,而代价非常高昂。

    Sometimes this law does mean that real criminals get away with their actions and the costs can be high .

  9. 从钓鱼执法谈如何加强我国警察权行使的法律规制

    From " fishing enforcement " to talk about how to strengthen our police officers the right to exercise the legal regulation

  10. “钓鱼执法”对和谐社会建设和诚信政府建设都有釜底抽薪似地破坏。

    Enforcing the traffic law with a pre-set trap results in drastic destruction to building a harmonious society and government 's credibility .

  11. 很多学者和普通公民都对钓鱼执法异常关注,也发表了很多观点。

    Many scholars and ordinary citizens on the " fishing law enforcement " exception concerned , but also expressed a lot of views .

  12. 如果你有兴趣,在百度里输入钓鱼执法四个字,你会发现关于它的网页多达数千个。

    If you are interested in Baidu , enter " fishing law enforcement ," words , you will find many thousands of pages about it .

  13. 其中,在行政执法实践中,钓鱼执法、陷阱取证等为代表的诱惑调查现象正在日益增多。

    Which , in the practice of administrative law enforcement ," fishing law enforcement "," trap forensics " represented by the temptation of investigating the phenomenon is an increasing number .

  14. 2009年,上海闵文区和浦东新区交通行政执法大队的钓鱼执法行为经媒体披露后,引起国内外广泛关注。

    In the year 2009 , the disclosure of the " fishing law enforcement " by Shanghai Minhang District and Pudong New Area traffic administrative law enforcement brigade caused widespread concern .

  15. 以“钓鱼执法”事件为例,剖析一些地方政府公信力缺失的原因,探寻政府公信力有效提升的对策,已成为亟待解决的理论与现实问题。

    At present , to analyze the reasons for lack of credibility of our government , and to explore the Government 's credibility and effective countermeasures to upgrade it , has become an urgent task .

  16. “钓鱼执法”的深层次原因是执法权力的“传声污染”,而非坊间广为流传的“利益链”说。

    The deeper reason for enforcing the traffic law with a pre-set trap is not the " interest link " widely spread in the community , but the misuse of entrusted power to impose a fine .

  17. 当前,钓鱼执法高频率出现在公众面前,随着行政违法案件的复杂性、隐蔽性、流动性及跨地域性的增强,行政诱惑调查被广泛运用于行政实践中。

    Currently , the " fishing law enforcement " high frequently in the public eyes , with the complexity , concealment , mobility and cross-boundary nature of administrative law cases enhanced , Temptation Chief Investigation is widely used in the Administrative practice .

  18. 刑法学领域中有刑事诱惑侦查这一概念,因此,钓鱼执法也可类似地称之为行政诱惑调查。

    Reference in the field of Criminal Law " Criminal Entrapment " concept , " fishing law enforcement " can also be called " the temptation to survey administration . " So , administrative investigation in the end the temptation is illegal or legal actions ?