
diào ěr
  • bait;tomoe
钓饵 [diào ěr]
  • [bait] 钓鱼时用以引鱼上钩的食物,以此比喻引诱人的事物

  • 渔民放的钓饵凡是你见过的,什么样的都有

钓饵[diào ěr]
  1. 任国的公子用五十头牛做了一个钓饵在东海钓鱼.

    The son of a high official of the state of Ren angled in the east sea , using fifty oxen as the bait .

  2. 人们钓鱼时用蛆作钓饵。

    People use maggots as bait when they go fishing .

  3. 他在鱼钩上装了点馅饼作钓饵。

    He baited his hook with pie

  4. 苏格兰、冰岛和挪威有许多河流,这里使用CollieDog和MoonrayShadow等长条形的钓饵,有时会在鱼线上打一个结,制造涟漪。

    There are many rivers in Scotland , Iceland and Norway where streamer-like flies such as the Collie Dog and the Moonray Shadow are fished , sometimes with a hitch in the line to create a riffle .

  5. 把在地面上爬动的大红毛虫当做钓饵。

    Large red worms , which were crawling on the ground , furnished bait .

  6. 再愚蠢的鱼也不会再次吞食同一块钓饵。

    It 's a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait .

  7. 可是,为了免得大家都耽误,你可以先掘出一些钓饵来。

    But that we may not be delayed , you shall be digging the bait meanwhile .

  8. 他一口吞了这个钓饵,不久便同她有了私情。

    He took the bait perfectly , and was soon engaged in an affair with her .

  9. 他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。

    They dug worms for bait .

  10. 这时候,松鸡在钩子附近走来走去,丝毫没有注意地上的钓饵。

    Meanwhile , the birds walked about the hooks , without taking any notice of them .

  11. 咱们要是没有别的法子捉住他,就可以拿这个戒指当做钓饵,让他上钩。

    If we have no other way of catching him , we can always bait our line with the ring .

  12. 与此同时,一种新的专利战略&“专利钓饵”战略在金融业的运用也越来越普遍。

    On the other hand , however , patent bait , a new patent strategy has become more and more popular .

  13. 所谓专利钓饵,是指那些仅依靠专利授权或专利诉讼来获利的不实施专利的专利持有人。

    This so called patent troll is the name of those non-practicing patentees who gain profits only from patent licensing or lawsuits .

  14. 它是如此的暴力,轻如鸿毛,难以置信的敏感,你甚至可以感受到鱼看着你的钓饵。

    It 's sneaky powerful , insanely light and so incredibly sensitive you can almost feel a fish looking at your lure .

  15. 而且,随着海外市场的开拓,我国企业面临的国外专利钓饵威胁诉讼将会增多。

    In addition , with the development in the overseas markets , the domestic companies may face with more patent troll treats .

  16. 慈溪欧士渔具有限公司是亚洲中国仿真钓饵的专业生产企业,经国家相关部门批准注册。

    Fishing Tackle Co. , Ltd Cixi Oushi simulation bait Asia China professional manufacturing enterprises approved by the relevant departments by the National Register .

  17. 把创变词汇整合到新生意的提案中,用它来证明你对变化的理解,作为新生意的钓饵。

    Demonstrate your understanding of what 's changing and use as a hook for new business , by incorporating in your new business presentations .

  18. 这帮孩子就用大马林鱼的肉块作钓饵。这些肉块是当天下午一条船抓到的大鱼肉。

    The boys were baiting them up with chunks of marlin meat from a fish one of the boats had brought in early that afternoon .

  19. 当渔人走了,它们就飞过去拉起钓钩,吃掉钩上的鱼或钓饵。

    And when the fishermen move off , the crows fly down , reel up the lines , and eat the fish or the bait .

  20. 专利钓饵的兴起及其以追求高额赔偿金或专利许可费的经营方式已经对很多企业的经营活动造成了困扰。

    The trend of patent troll and its management style which only aims to pursue excessive damages or royalties has caused great concerns for some enterprises .

  21. 飞钓饵是一种手工制作的鱼饵,通常用皮子或羽毛做成,样子看起来像昆虫、小鱼、青蛙或老鼠。

    A fly is a hand-made type of fishing lure , often made from fur or feathers , resembling an insect , small fish , frog or mouse .

  22. 苏菲是瑞典人,二十八九岁,可爱得要命,倘使把她当做钓饵,可捕捉到各种国籍、年龄的男人。

    Sofie is Swedish and in her late twenties and so damn cute you could put her on a hook and use her as bait to catch men of all different nationalities and ages .

  23. 或者,如果你愿意走远一些,那也不是不聪明的,因为我发现钓饵的多少,恰好跟距离的平方成正比。

    Or , if you choose to go farther , it will not be unwise , for I have found the increase of fair bait to be very nearly as the squares of the distances .

  24. 游戏中最与众不同的交易技能也许该数钓鱼,因为该技能要求你用钓竿,而可以选择性地使用钓饵以增加钓到些什么的可能性。

    Perhaps the most unusual trade skill in the game so far is fishing , since it requires that you use a fishing pole and lets you optionally use bait to increase your chances of catching something .

  25. 有些人认为专利申请是件易事的人称,此法案仍会造成大量诉讼纠纷,特别是那些毫无经验的企业,它们被戏称为“专利的钓饵”。

    Those who think that patents are granted too easily complain that the bill will still allow too many suits , especially those by " non-practising entities , " which are also known derisively as " patent trolls . "

  26. 他知道那些鲨鱼除了大马林鱼的空骨架之外,是什么也不会给他留下的。这帮孩子就用大马林鱼的肉块作钓饵。这些肉块是当天下午一条船抓到的大鱼肉。

    He knew they would leave him nothing but the stripped skeleton of his great catch . The boys were baiting them up with chunks of marlin meat from a fish one of the boats had brought in early that afternoon .