
ɡuān shǎnɡ yú
  • fish for display
  1. 金鱼是我国培育出来的名贵观赏鱼,它是由野生鲫鱼进化而来。

    Goldfish is the famous and precious fish for display which is cultivated in our country and it evolved from wild crucian carp .

  2. 北京AMF海水农场,是中国领先的海水观赏鱼和无脊椎动物繁殖机构。

    Beijing AMF Aqua Farm is the leading marine ornamental fish hatchery in China .

  3. 金鱼(Carassiusauratus)不仅在中国是一种非常重要的观赏鱼,而且在世界各地都非常流行。

    The goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) is a very important ornamental fish in China , aswell as a very popular pet around the world .

  4. 观赏鱼时,别给鱼仍食物。

    Don 't () food to fish when you () it .

  5. 水草在观赏鱼养殖中的作用

    The Roles of Float Grass in the Culturing of Ornamental Fish

  6. 从它开始,久而久之,人们获得了种种不同外形和色彩的观赏鱼。

    From them they obtained different shaped and colored fish .

  7. 生态鱼缸表现出观赏鱼的自然生活环境。

    Biotope aquariums represent the natural environments of ornamental fish .

  8. 观赏鱼的消费特点与营销模式

    On the Characteristics of Aquarium Consumption and Marketing Patterns

  9. 有超过两千万的美国人拥有自己的观赏鱼。

    More than 20 million Americans own pet fish .

  10. 当时,观赏鱼最为家庭宠物饲养在小瓶子里。

    D. , when they were raised in small bottles as house pets .

  11. 2004年中国国际水族观赏鱼、休闲渔业大会暨展览会

    Aquaria China 2004 and International Recreation Fisheries Conference

  12. 观赏鱼主题公园设计构想

    Conception of the Subject Park with Ornamental Fish

  13. 专门卖各种观赏鱼,和小猫小狗等宠物。

    There are a variety of fancy fishes , pet cats and pet dogs .

  14. 海水观赏鱼人工海水的研制

    Research of Artificial Sea-water for Ornamental Fish

  15. 优化产业结构大力发展观赏鱼养殖业

    Devote Major Efforts to Developing the Aquiculture of Fishes for Display through Optimization of Industrial Structure

  16. 绿莲灯和黑帝王灯是此缸中主要的观赏鱼。

    Paracheirodon simulans and Nematobrycon paimeri " black " are the main ornamental fishes in this tank .

  17. 复合物理生物技术刺激观赏鱼早期胚胎的初步研究

    Study on the goldfishes by simulating the early embryos of them using the new compound physical biology technology

  18. 公共选修课《观赏鱼养殖》的选课学生状况调查与教学内容设计

    Investigation on the Circumstances of Students about Selective Course of Ornamental Fish Farming and Design of Its Teaching Concent

  19. 狗鱼一种?科的食用观赏鱼,产于热带和温带海域。

    Any of several food and game fishes of the family Carangidae , found in tropical and temperate seas .

  20. 但是,人们饲养观赏鱼可以追溯到中国宋朝早期,大约公元900年左右。

    But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in china , about900a .

  21. 其它瓜密鱼都是不同科属的亚洲种类,其中一些是家中水族箱受欢迎的观赏鱼。

    Other gouramis , several of them popular in home aquariums , are Asian members of different genera and families .

  22. 10、如今,一所兴旺的水族商店在好年份一年可以销掉价值两万美元的观赏鱼。

    10 . Today a busy aquarium store may sell up to $ 20,000 worth of fish in a good year .

  23. 广州越和花鸟鱼市场是中国数一数二的观赏鱼批发及零售中心。

    The Guang Zhou Yue Ho Flower , Bird & Fish Market is one of the biggest ornamental fish wholesale cum retail centre in China .

  24. “文身鱼”的学名叫鹦鹉鱼,是一种在全国各地广泛养殖的淡水热带观赏鱼,价格因颜色有所不同。

    " Tattoo Fish " called the parrot fish , is a widely cultivated throughout tropical freshwater aquarium fish , the prices are different because of color .

  25. 将小型淡水观赏鱼作为水质监测与在线预警目标鱼类进行筛选,用于监测水体中的重金属,其可行性值得进一步研究。

    According to the results , deploying small freshwater ornamental fish for monitoring and early warning heavy metals is feasible and should be further studied . 3 .

  26. 通过几年的努力,公司的业务遍布大江南北,已成为观赏鱼界的优质品牌。

    Through several years of efforts , the company 's business all over the river north and south , has become the ornamental fish industry quality brand .

  27. 海水观赏鱼型海水素所配制的人工海水适用于所有热带海洋观赏鱼及其他海域观赏性海洋生物的生长、发育和繁殖。

    The synthetic seawater made of ornamental fish type sea salt is suitable for growth and reproduction of all tropical ornamental sea fishes and other ornamental sea creatures .

  28. 你生活在一个不自然的世界,就像在观赏鱼,大概谁更舒适比他们在海上的。

    You lived in an unnatural world , like the fish in an aquarium , who were probably much more comfortable than they ever were in the sea .

  29. 我怀疑顾客能否长期花费数个小时跑到很远的市场里购买观赏鱼和相关的水族用品。

    I wonder , if people are prepared in the long run to spend several hours in heavy traffic to go and buy new fish or other aquarium products .

  30. 以森林地星罗棋布似地点缀的大草原水族造景:擅长水族箱造景,园林造景,有水草、观赏鱼养殖经验者优先。

    A prairie islanded with wooded tracts Aquatic Scenery : good at building scenery in aquariums , gardens , having experiences of raising water plants and ornamental fishes preferential .