
  • 网络local government management
  1. 构建公共服务型地方政府管理机制创新研究

    Construction of public service-oriented local government management mechanism innovation research

  2. 区划行政模式下地方政府管理的制度缺失及其创新

    System Shortage and Its Innovation of Local Government Management in Zoning Administration Mode

  3. 加入WTO与西部地方政府管理职能的转变

    WTO and the function transformation of local governments in west China

  4. 加入WTO对地方政府管理体制的影响和对策

    The influence and Countermeasure of the Management System of the Local Government after Joining WTO

  5. 主要介绍加入WTO后以及在网络时代信息化发展条件下地方政府管理创新工作的特点。

    The third part mainly introduces the path of the innovation of Chinese local governmental management .

  6. 地方政府管理模式的制度创新及其作用&珠江三角洲模式、苏南模式和温州模式的比较

    Institution Innovation and Its Role of Managerial Patterns in Local Government

  7. 三是改变地方政府管理方式;

    Thirdly , change the administering methods of the local government ;

  8. 论构建和谐社会的地方政府管理维度

    On Dimensionality of Local Government Regulation for Constructing Harmonious Society

  9. 规模小一些的企业则将由地方政府管理。

    Local governments will take charge of the smaller-sized businesses .

  10. 新时期地方政府管理组织模式创新:新时期地方政府电子政务发展;

    The development electronics governmental affairs in the new period ;

  11. 民国地方政府管理近代文化娱乐业的探索&以汉口为中心

    On the Administration Mode of Local Government in Republic China

  12. 新时期地方政府管理创新问题研究

    Analysis about the Innovation of Local Governmental Management in the New Period

  13. 论西部大开发与地方政府管理

    On discussing the West development and the management of the local government

  14. 民营经济发展给地方政府管理带来的挑战&以吉林省为例

    Challenge of Private economy development to Regional Government Management

  15. (三)要加强地方政府管理服务职能。

    Local governments need to enhance their functions in both regulation and services .

  16. 它体现了鄂尔多斯地方政府管理经济的主动性和创新精神。

    It embodies the initiative and creative spirit of local goverment 's management .

  17. 入世后我国地方政府管理的创新

    A Brief Analysis of the Innovation in Local Government Administration after Entering WTO

  18. 全面建设小康社会与改进地方政府管理

    Building a Well-Off Society & Improving Local Administration

  19. 因而,当前地方政府管理体制的改革、创新已是迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , the system reform of the local government administration is so urgent .

  20. 地方政府管理体制:区域经济一体化发展的重要制度瓶颈

    Local Government Management System : the Primary System Bottleneck of Regional Economic Integration Development

  21. 对养老金服务提供方而言,由地方政府管理的养老金计划是第三个潜在的市场。

    Plans run by local authorities are a third potential market for pension providers .

  22. 主要包括新时期地方政府管理理念创新;

    The organization mode of the innovation of local governmental management in the new period ;

  23. 从绩效评估标准看澳大利亚地方政府管理理念及特点

    On the Management Notions and Characteristics of Australian Local Government in Terms of Performance Assessment

  24. 本文对烟花产业集群的发展和地方政府管理部门也具有一定的参考价值。

    The fireworks industry cluster development and local government management department also has a certain reference value .

  25. 西部开发过程中地方政府管理环境研究&某省政府管理环境分析

    Research on the Governmental Management Circumstances in the Exploitation of Western Areas & Analysis on the Management Circumstances of a Provincial Government

  26. 传统的地方政府管理模式的根本特点在于管理主体单一化、行政权力单极化、管理范围全域性。

    Its characteristics lie in the simplification of administration body , the single pole of administrative authority , widespread region of management .

  27. 我国传统区划行政模式下地方政府管理存在明显的制度缺失。

    The absence of system is obvious in local government management under the condition of traditional zoning administration mode in our country .

  28. 创新地方政府管理体制是深化行政管理体制改革非常重要的组成部分。

    Local government managerial system innovation is an integral part of the efforts in regard to deepening the reform of administrative management system .

  29. 其中,积极因素能引导我国地方政府管理行为朝着良性的方向发展,而消极因素则对其有着制约和阻碍作用。

    Positive factors lead management behaviors of our local governments to develop in an active direction , while negative factors constrain and hinder them .

  30. 农信社交由地方政府管理是落实管理责任市场化及强调地区性的结果。

    The handover of management of rural credit cooperatives to local governments is the result of implementing marketization of managerial responsibility and emphasizing regionalism .