
  1. 阐述地方门户网站开发新闻客户端的必要性及优势。

    Explain the necessity and advantages of local news portal developed client .

  2. 论我国地方政府门户网站建设存在的问题及对策

    The Building of Local Government in China Portal Website Problems and Countermeasures

  3. 地方政府门户网站互动性测评研究

    A Study on the Interactive Assessment of Local Government 's Portal Websites

  4. 公共服务导向下的地方政府门户网站绩效评估及分析

    Research on the Service-Oriented Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Local Government Portal Website

  5. 第三部分,总结分析了发达国家地方政府门户网站建设的经验借鉴。

    The third part summarizes and analyzes the local governments in developed countries learn from the experience of building the portal .

  6. 随着服务型政府的建设,地方政府门户网站的发展又到了一个关键时期,机遇和挑战并存。

    With the construction of service-oriented government , local government portal development has reached a critical period , opportunities and challenges .

  7. 地方政府门户网站是指中央政府门户网站以外的其他所有行政级别的政府门户网站。

    According to the administrative levels , the Local Government Portal is divided , including all the other government portals of administrative levels , expect the central government portal .

  8. 文章第一部分,对地方政府门户网站的含义、地方政府门户网站的发展背景、地方政府门户网站的发展历程、现状及特点的概述。

    The first section , the local government portal on the meaning of the local government portal development background , the local government portal development process , an overview of the status quo and features .

  9. 因此,如何提高我国地方政府门户网站建设水平,合理整合利用政务信息资源,强化公众服务功能,已成为目前我国电子政务建设中必须研究和解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to improve the standard of construction of Chinese local government portals , rationally integrate the use of government information resources , strengthen public service functions , has become Chinese e-government that we must study and solve problems .

  10. 拥有雄厚实力的中央级媒体网站可朝着新闻门户的方向发展,地方性新闻媒体站点可办成地域特色鲜明的地方门户或社区网站。

    Those solid central media websites may head for a location of news portal while the provincial ones may be fixed at local portal or community sites with clear characters .