
  1. 利用TM图像,结合区域实测、地质和区域能源分布资料,分析了煤田煤层自燃的光谱特征,对煤田地火燃烧区进行定位;

    According to the TM image in Baicheng of Xinjiang as well as the information of geology and mineral resources , the coal self-combustion zone in the Baicheng coalfield was delineated .

  2. 准噶尔盆地火成岩气田开发现状及展望

    Status and Prospect of Volcanic Gas Field Development in Junggar Basin

  3. 辽河断陷盆地火成岩油气藏勘探现状与展望

    Present situation and prospect of igneous reservoir exploration in Liaohe basin

  4. 地火在地下运行,奔突;

    Underground fire burns under the ground , rushing about .

  5. 地火龙太阳房

    Underground Fire Dragon-Solar House

  6. 这艘重型运载火箭被设计用来直接将探测器送到地火转移轨道上。

    The heavy lift launch vehicle is designed to directly bring the probe to the transitional Earth-Mars orbit .

  7. 综合分析认为:辽河盆地火成岩具有良好的勘探开发前景。

    It is thought after comprehensive analysis that volcanics in Liaohe basin has a bright prospect in exploration and development .

  8. 壁面装饰材料是火灾中火势蔓延的重要途径,水雾是有效地火蔓延抑制手段。

    Lining material is an important approach of fire spread while water spray is an effective way to control fire spread .

  9. 随着“手工制作”的兴旺发展,哈里森在音乐方面又小有成就,一首《让我的心属于你》让人吃惊地火了起来。

    With HandMade prospering , he also enjoyed a minor musical renaissance with a surprise hit single , Got My Mind Set on You .

  10. 这个似乎无毒无害的概念快速地火了起来,商店陈列着贴有胶原蛋白字样的美容产品,女性们还乐意把胶原蛋白粉加到蛋白粉里一起服用。

    The seemingly innocuous trend has caught on rapidly - stores are filled collagen-laced beauty products , and women are willing to gulp spoonfuls of powdered collagen mixed into protein shakes .

  11. 截至9月21日上午,“天问一号”探测器已经在地火转移轨道上飞行了1.6亿公里,距离地球约1900万公里,仍在继续飞向火星。

    By Monday morning , Tianwen 1 had traveled 160 million kilometers in an Earth-Mars transfer trajectory toward the red planet and was nearly 19 million km from Earth , it added .

  12. 截至11月17日,“天问一号”已在地火转移轨道上飞行了116天,距离地球约6380万千米,仍在奔向火星的途中。

    By Tuesday morning , the robotic probe had flown 116 days in an Earth-Mars transfer trajectory toward the red planet , about 63.8 million km away from the Earth , it noted .

  13. 文中以此为背景,对地火转移轨道的轨道设计、轨道计算、发射窗口选择和中途轨道修正等进行了全方面的研究。

    In this context , this paper also carries out comprehensive related researches , such as the orbit design and computation of the Earth-Mars transfer orbit , the selection of its launch window , and mid-course trajectory correction maneuver , etc. .