
  • 网络Local Knowledge
  1. SVRS为RCEF提供了重要的地方知识和与当地的人事联系。

    Through SVRS , RCEF gains access to essential local knowledge and local connection .

  2. 地方知识与全球视野:21世纪宗教知识分子的责任

    Local Knowledge and Global Vision : The Duty of the Religious Intellectuals in the 21st Century

  3. Nyong还说,可供科学家利用的适应和缓解气候变化的地方知识很多。

    Nyong added that there is much indigenous knowledge on both adaptation and mitigation that scientists could tap into .

  4. 在16世纪,欧洲很多地方知识界的态度慢慢改变了。

    During the sixteenth century the intellectual climate in many parts of Europe was slowly changing .

  5. 它同时也寻求为遗传资源和地方知识建立一个有效的法律保护机制。

    It also seeks to establish an effective legal protection system for genetic resources and indigenous knowledge .

  6. 他很少走出过法国的普罗旺斯省,因此他作品中的地方知识和方言对翻译者而言是个考验。

    Magnan has rarely ventured outside Provence , where his knowledge of local dialect has tested his translators .

  7. 地方知识的本质与构造&基于乡村社区民族志研究的阐释

    The Essence and Structure of Local Knowledge & Based on the Interpretation of Ethnographic Research on the Rural Community

  8. 神话作为一体性的地方知识体系,难以将其从社会文化脉络中抽离出来,分解后任意组合。

    Mythology , an organic part of the local knowledge system , cannot be separated from its society and culture or reconstructed at will .

  9. 政府和捐助者在没能把气候适应方案整合到发展项目或考虑到地方知识方面也有责任。

    Governments and donors were also to blame for failing to integrate climate adaptation plans into development programmes or to take account of local knowledge .

  10. 而源于不同文化背景下的地方知识成果则被排除在科学之外,甚至被称为迷信、巫术。

    The local knowledge from different cultural backgrounds was excluded from the " science ", and was called by " superstition " and " Witchcraft " .

  11. 不满意度最高的是关于地方知识的信息(43%),其次是人才流失(28%)。

    The highest level of dissatisfaction ( 43 per cent ) concerned information on indigenous knowledge , followed by the brain drain ( 28 per cent ) .

  12. 然而,很少有非洲国家拥有法律框架控制外界对于其地方知识和生物资源的获取,或者确保他们可以公平地分享从中得到的利益。

    However , few African countries have a legal framework for controlling access to indigenous knowledge and biological resources , or ensuring benefits arising from their use are shared fairly .

  13. 过去七年来,世界银行的“发展市场”竞赛在世界范围内资助了依靠地方知识和资源把有创建的思路转变为增收行动的建议。

    For the last seven years , the World Bank competition has been funding proposals which rely on local knowledge and resources to transform original ideas into income-generating ventures worldwide .

  14. 杭州的参与式治理,必须协调好参与式治理固有的几对矛盾:参与和主导、地方知识和专业知识以及外部力量和内部力量的关系。

    Hangzhou model of PG should coordinate a few pairs of contradiction inherent in PG : participation and domination , local knowledge and professional knowledge and external forces and internal forces .

  15. 这个网络可以让全印度以及事实上全世界的人们获取产品开发和市场支持并以此为基础(参见地方知识如何能够促进科学研究)。

    The network allows people across India and indeed the world to gain access to , and build on , product development and marketing support ( see How local knowledge can boost scientific studies ) .

  16. 确切地讲什么是「地方知识」或者「传统生态知识」?我们为什么希望(或者不希望)把它包括在我们对本来世界如何运转的评估当中?

    What , exactly , is " local knowledge " or " traditional ecological knowledge ," and why might we want ( or not want ) to include it in our assessments of how the natural world works ?

  17. 全球与地方知识、共同学习和创新方案共同支持着形成解决方案的过程,在此过程中各方携手应对艰巨挑战,将有助于加速终结贫困、促进共享繁荣。

    This collaboration to tackle such difficult challenges through a solutions cycle , underpinned by global and local knowledge , mutual learning and innovative solutions constitutes the accelerator in the fight to end poverty and build shared prosperity .

  18. 整个这一过程反映了主流文化与区域文化之际的互动关系,由此回应西方汉学界认为地方知识精英在南宋趋于关注地方事务的论断。

    The whole process reflect the interaction of mainsteam culture and margin District culture , and this could respond for the viewpoint of Western Sinology scholar that local intellectual elite tend to pay more attention to local business .

  19. 在典型的玛拉合资项目中,外国合伙人提供专业技术,而玛拉集团则负责地方知识:如何购买土地,怎样应对繁文缛节,怎样推广生意,如何管理与供应商之间的关系等等。

    In a typical Mara venture , the foreign partner provides the technical expertise . Mara offers local knowledge : how to buy land , cope with red tape , promote the business , manage relations with suppliers and so on .

  20. 这需要公共卫生机构和教育机构合作,把现代卫生知识融入已有的地方知识,开展健康促进活动。

    Therefore , it is necessary to improve the quality of health promotion activities by integrating the information deriving from the preventive medical sciences with the existing local knowledge through a close collaboration between the public health service providers and educational institutions .

  21. 本土和地方性知识的世界贸易法融入

    Making local and indigenous knowledge part of world trade law

  22. 这有助于我们理解知识的普遍性,同时也挑战了地方性知识的说法。

    This helps us to understand why knowledge is universal .

  23. 摘要地方性知识是一个具有文化属性的广泛概念。

    Local knowledge is a general concept with cultural attribute .

  24. 地方性知识与延安时期的民族问题研究

    Local Knowledge and Study on Ethnic Problems in Yan'an Period

  25. 蒙古族祭祀习俗中的地方性知识研究

    Mongolian Ritual Practices in the Study of Local Knowledge

  26. 科学史研究中的地方性知识与文化相对主义

    " Local knowledge " and cultural relativism in the study of history of science

  27. 普遍性知识与地方性知识在法治进程中的作为

    The Roles of Universality and Local Knowledge in the Progress of Ruling by Law

  28. 地方性知识的迷障:音乐的中国经验及其艺术人类学价值

    Puzzle of Local Knowledge : Chinese Experiences of Music and Its Value in Art Anthropology

  29. 壮族地方性知识的建构

    The Construction of Zhuangs ' Local Knowledge

  30. 研究了地方性知识与普遍性知识的关系,指出普遍性知识的理想特性。

    We too research relations between local and universal knowledge , open out perfect and .