- 网络social field
The force of social field is embodied as a policy - precipitation .
Classroom is a space of everyday life of teachers and students , but also a unique social field .
BP neural network was used to describe the magnitude of the society field gravitation and cost gravitation .
It is macro hierarchy of morality field and decides directly its quality and direction .
On Society Field of Morality
Texts in the Social Site : Visual Angle of Analyzing the Jade Culture in the Traditional Society
It is a diverse and complicated complicated system that influences the condition of students ' social development .
The state controls the leaders of the villagers self-government organizations , manipulates the village governance and restricts the system of villagers ' autonomy .
The school , existing impersonally as the microstructure of the social field , has its own authority domination , function and reconstitution corresponding to the social field .
When the innovative team appeared from the historical horizon and stepped into the contemporary society , many social factors have made a direct contribution to its construction .
To simulate employee work behavior for providing enterprise managers with decision information , an oscillation-equilibrium theory of behavior was proposed , in which the work behaviors were viewed as an oscillation-equilibrium process between the society field gravitation and cost gravitation .
We analyze the relationship of various actors in Cyberspace Space and society " field ", and point out the hierarchical relationship of various actors , which specifically performs the phenomenon of cultural reproduction on the premise of different quality and quantity of capital .
Society field of morality is a field , which influences the circulation of substance , energy , and information between different elements of moral field , and which restricts the interaction of various social factors concerning the moral conduct of the subject of moral field .
Swarm Robots Aggregation Formation Control Based on Social Potential Fields
What is human in classroom field of consumer society ?
The News Interview Techniques under the Harmonious Society
Social welfare has seen the same change .
Public parking area planning , an important part of urban area transport planning , covers many aspects .
New media is provided with timely information dissemination , rapidity , and can create a strong public opinion field .
The idea of behavior based architecture is applied in autonomous robots more widely to make robots work in real world .
In this way , students ' classroom life turn into a strong social control field under the power and the order .
Therefore , the classroom field of consumer society has in fact become a slaughterhouse which is symbolizing students and controlled by symbols .
Welfare culture is habitus of social welfare field , it includes various thoughts , consciences , psychologies and attitudes of existing welfare practice .
The theory of systematic science has fuller explained the extension and profundity of the point which shows means we will have a great change in our human society .
The existence of marxist philosophy and natural state of reality is a state practice in " practice-of this " social practice field exhibit a true practice existence state of special way .
This part discusses the background of classroom field in consumer society , defines consumer society , field , classroom field , symbol , alienation , etc , and expounds the necessity of metaphysical thinking .
I found that whether living factory workers or home workers , social interaction field is not only the space of their common activities but also an important space to escape the system of factory discipline .
The local social judicature territory is not the sole operation of national law , but multi-orientation of many kinds of logic , and introducing the local logic into judicature territory is a fact which cannot be denied .
Different from those individual writings , which focus on sexual values of the destiny of the upper-middle class women from the city , the writer sets her female perspective on women 's destiny in the social and cultural background .
Model Based on Locating Plan of Urban Public Parking Lot