
  • 网络Self technology;technologies of the self;techniques of the self;technologies of self
  1. 生存美学是一种个体的生存实践,它主张通过一种高度自律的自我约束&自我技术来达到自我塑造的目的,并以实现人的自由为最高宗旨。

    It advocates the adoption of technologies of the self a self-discipline with a high degree of self-restraint to achieve the purpose of self-shaping , and in order to achieve freedom as its end .

  2. 灾难恢复系统中基于行为分析的自我防护技术

    Self-Vulnerability Defense Technique Based on Behavior Analysis for Remote Backup Systems

  3. 论自我谈话技术在应激控制中的运用

    On the Application of Self-talk Skill in Meeting Anxieties Control

  4. 以自我管理技术为手段,实现自信和毅力的全面提升!

    Develop confidence and persistence through mastery of Personal Management Technology ( PMT ) .

  5. 关键词:低功率测试、自我测试技术。

    Keywords : Low power testing , BIST .

  6. 基于角度和加速度传感器的仿生机器鱼自我定位技术研究

    The Research on Self-orientation of Bio-mimetic Robot Fishes Based on Angle and Acceleration Sensors

  7. 阐述了自我谈话技术的含义、作用,运动员对不合理思维的识别,以及自我谈话技术在体育运动中的运用。

    This essay describes the concept , use and the application of self talk skill in sports .

  8. 照相是一种既兼并客观世界,又表达独特自我的技术。

    Picture-taking is a technique both for annexing the objective world and for expressing the singular self .

  9. 采用认知的自我指导技术,对高校体育教师的教学监控能力进行干预训练。

    The present paper adopts the technique of cognitive self-instruction to have an intervention training on young college physical education teachers ' teaching-regulated ability .

  10. 中国经济长波存在超长的上升期,这一特殊性源自我国技术创新和制度创新的不断进展。

    Economic long wave in China is characterized by its lengthy rising phase , which stems from the constant progress of the technological innovation and the institutional innovation .

  11. 研究人员现在已经在电镀铜层,镍层和锌层上证实了这种技术,同时他们相信在未来的几年里将会普遍实现金属的自我修复技术。

    The researchers have now proved their techniques in electroplated layers of copper , nickel and zinc , and believe that self-repairing metals should commonly be available in the years ahead .

  12. 首先在树形结构生成算法中,采用多播加入的方式以及节点的自我抑制技术,抑制网络中的冗余信息量,并使其迅速自组织成树形拓扑。

    In the generation of the tree structure algorithm , we adopt multicast , self-repression of each node and Suppress the redundant information in the network . It causes organizing the shape of the tree rapidly .

  13. 自我国教育技术专业创办以来,就一直将传播学作为本学科研究的理论基础。

    China 's educational technology since its inception , has been the communication as the theoretical basis for research .

  14. 这些需求本身坦白来说一般都不太令人满意;大多数典型代表都是非常难以修改的,并且常伴有让人难以忍受的自我冲突和技术主张。

    The calls themselves were frankly unpleasant ; most of the representatives were very opinionated , and ugly clashes of egos and technical opinions were common .

  15. 自20世纪80年代开始,技术创新型战略联盟作为企业突破自我界限进行技术创新的一种新形式在世界各国广泛应用。

    Since 1980s Technology Innovation-based strategic alliances as an enterprise of self-boundaries of technical innovation and breakthrough in a new form of widely used around the world .

  16. 有条件时,多引导学生进行课外动作表象训练,并将其作为学生自我进行动作技术练习与提高的一个有效的辅助练习方法。

    The multi-boot image training students in extra-curricular action when conditions , and action as the students themselves to practice and improve technology as an effective method of supporting practice .

  17. 另外,对目前所使用的四种改变追加反馈频率技术:绩效宽带技术、概括技术、平均技术及自我选择频率技术,进行了比较和分析。

    This study compared and analyzed four techniques for altering the frequencyof presenting augmented feedback , which involved in performance-based bandwidths , average technique , summary technique and self-selected frequency technique .

  18. 本文探讨了医院技术创新的模式,认为医院创新应以临床需要为动力,以二次创新为主,一次创新为辅,以自我为主的技术创新模式。

    The article explored the innovation pattern of hospital technology and put forward that hospital innovation should be motivated by clinical needs , and lay stress on self innovation so as to set up a new pattern .

  19. 其原因主要是犯规动作、场地问题、自我保护欠缺、技术动作不正确、动作粗野等。

    The causes of the injury result from foul , sports-site problems , lack of self-protection sense and so on .

  20. 但发展中国家的居民正在利用技术和网络资源进行自我培训,使得技术人员数量越来越多。

    But citizens of developing nations are making use of technology and online resources to train themselves , increasing the stock of skilled people .

  21. 网络技术的人际性、后现代性、去抑制性以及容器人效应,是网络中虚拟自我能够存在的技术条件。

    The interpersonal nature , post-modernity , and disinhibition of network technology , as well as the vessel effect are the technical conditions of the virtual self in network .

  22. 传统战略矿产资源的选择标准是静态的,然而矿产资源储量的动态变化、利用主体的自我调整能力和技术进步等一些动态因素都会对战略矿产资源的原有价值产生影响。

    The traditional method for defining strategic mineral resource only takes into accountant some static factors . Whereas some dynamic factors , such as change of the mineral resources ' reserves , user 's adjustment ability , technological progress , etc can exert influences on evaluating strategic mineral resources .