
  1. 本文的研究以自贡彩灯艺术为个案,运用社会资本理论,对转型期自贡彩灯艺术发展的内在路径与过程进行分析。

    This study chooses Zigong Lantern Art as the case , using social capital theory to analyse Zigong Lantern artistic development path and internal process in transition .

  2. 自贡彩灯艺术在社会转型期逐渐形成了自己独特的艺术风格,自贡彩灯艺术产业空前的繁荣与兴盛,自贡彩灯更是赢得了天下第一灯的美誉,自贡也因而被称为南国灯城。

    Zigong Lantern Art gradually formed its own unique artistic style in transition . Its industry is unprecedented prosperity . Zigong Lantern is to win " Tianxiadiyi light " reputation .

  3. 它促成了民间艺术精英的产生,促进了自贡彩灯艺术文化资本、经济资本以及象征资本的增长。

    It led to the formation of folk art elite , and led Zigong Lantern Art to promote the growth of the cultural capital , economic capital and symbolic capital .

  4. 在认知型社会资本的运作过程中,通过对灯会举办时间的确认、举办地点的选择以及彩灯内容的隐喻,体现自贡彩灯艺术对节庆文化和自贡地方文化的认同。

    In the operation process of cognitive social capital , through the Lantern Festival time , venue and content , it embodies the cultural identity of Chinese traditional festival and region .

  5. 另一方面,社会网络的结构也在变迁中演进。最后,在自贡彩灯艺术发展过程中,社会资本运作取得了明显的功效。

    On the other hand , social networks are also changes in the structure of evolution . Finally , in the development process of Zigong Lantern Art , social capital has made significant operational effectiveness .

  6. 通过对社会资本概念的界定和社会资本理论的梳理,建立本文的分析框架,探讨自贡彩灯艺术发展中的社会资本构成、社会资本运作、社会资本演进以及社会资本运作的功效等问题。

    By defining the concept of social capital and social capital theory of carding , this paper established the analytical framework , discussing the operation of social capital , social capital development and operation of the effectiveness of social capital , and other issues .

  7. 自贡民俗彩灯艺术自产生以来,经历了不断的传承、发展,以质朴和纯洁的美陶冶着人们。

    Since its appearance , fancy lantern folk-art has been experiencing sustaining inheritance and development to nurture the soul with pristine and pure beauty .

  8. 本文基于自贡民俗彩灯艺术的造型特征及其艺术语言和文化内涵进行了深入的分析,并结合当地地域文化特色和民俗文化特色,把彩灯这种传统民间艺术融入到现代设计中,焕发新的魅力。

    By combination with local culture characteristics , the paper put the culture of fancy lantern folk-art into the modern design to make the art have new unique glamour .