
  • 网络geothermal system;egs
  1. 中低温对流型地热系统在自然界和我国有着广泛的分布。

    Low medium temperature geothermal systems of convective type are widely distributed in nature and in China .

  2. 特斯德说全球各地分布的地热系统数目有限。

    Tester said there are a limited number of natural geothermal systems in relatively isolated spots across the globe .

  3. 以开封市埋深300~1600m孔隙地热系统为例,根据地热地质、水文地质条件的差异,以最大隔水层厚度为界,初步划分为6个热储层。

    According to the differences of geological and hydrogeological characteristics , the geothermal system of Kaifeng city in the depth of 300 to 1600m is divided into six reservoirs .

  4. 多期次火山活动形成的循环地热系统。

    Geothermal convection system related to multiple episodes of volcanic activities .

  5. 地热系统气体地球化学是迅速发展起来的一个新领域。

    Gas geochemistry of geothermal systems is a new developing fields .

  6. 中国地热系统类型图及其简要说明

    The map of geothermal system types in China and its brief explanation

  7. 云南腾冲-梁河地热系统与现代热泉型金矿化作用

    The TENGCHONG-LIANGHE geothermal system and hot spring-type gold mineralization in Yunnan Province

  8. 应用气体地球化学测量勘查地热系统断裂构造的研究

    Gas geochemical exploration of faults in the geothermal system

  9. 河南省东部平原地热系统的基本特征

    Geothermal system characteristics in East Plain of Henan province

  10. 京北地区热水水文地球化学特征与地热系统的成因模式

    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of thermal water and genetic model of geothermal system in North Beijing

  11. 中低温对流型地热系统

    Low medium temperature geothermal system of convective type

  12. 地热系统气体地球化学研究进展

    Research advances in gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

  13. 在2003年的那次大修中,新的灌溉系统和地热系统也被安装上了。

    New irrigation and undersoil heating systems were also installed at the same time as the2003 work .

  14. 分布式地热系统双循环发电效率分析与梯级供热试验研究

    Efficiency Analysis of Binary Cycle Power in Distributed Geothermal Energy System and Experimental Investigation of Cascaded Heating System

  15. 最后结合已有的地质和物探资料,还给出了长白山天池火山地区长白温泉地热系统的概念性模型。

    Combined with the known geological and geophysical data , the geothermal system structure model of the Changbai hot spring is established .

  16. 从系统论地热系统的概念的进行了剖析和解释,提出了沉积盆地型地热系统的构成要素,结合前面的分析,建立了研究区沉积盆地型地热系统成因概念模型。

    From the concepts of geothermal system , sedimentary basin elements of geothermal systems were proposed and conceptual model forming the geothermal systems was established .

  17. 地热系统中冷水和热水的混合作用是一种非常普遍的现象,它伴随在地热流体循环的整个过程之中。

    The mixing of cold water and hot water in geothermal systems is a very common phenomenon , and it accompanies the whole circulatory process of geothermal fluids .

  18. 为解决能源问题,开发可再生能源,利用闭式循环将地热系统和太阳能系统联合起来发电。

    The utilization of closed loop , which generates power by combining the geothermal system with solar energy system , is feasible to solve energetic problem and to exploit renewable energy .

  19. 结果表明江西地下热水属于中、低温对流型地热系统,它们与深部有岩浆热源的高温地热系统有明显区别。

    Results show that the thermal waters in the study area all belong to the low-medium temperature convective geothermal system , which essentially differs from high temperature geothermal systems with deep magmatic heat sources .

  20. 其中渭河以南地热系统又分为盆地中部“净热水”亚系统与秦岭山前混合热水亚系统。

    There are two systems in Guanzhong basin , karst thermal water system on the north of Wei river faults and large deep faults thermal water system on the south of Wei river faults .

  21. 文章重点介绍中低温对流型地热系统的特点及其形成模式、在我国的分布,并以漳州地区为例作出实例剖析。

    In this paper , the characteristics and genesis model of these geothermal systems , the distribution of the system and case history from Zhangzhou area , Fujian Province of SE China are given briefly .

  22. 这类地热系统在阐明地区构造活动性、地热资源形成、分布以及水-岩相互作用和有用元素富集成矿等方面均有着十分重要的意义。

    This sort of geothermal system is of significant importance in understanding the tectonic activity , the formation and distribution of geothermal resources as well as the water rock interaction and the concentration of ore forming elements in the study region .

  23. R(115)重力升压地热发电系统的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic analysis of r_ ( 115 ) GRAVITY-HEAD geothermal energy conversion system

  24. 本文讨论了VISUALFOXPRO中的ActiveX技术,探讨了Activex控件技术在地热数据库系统中的应用;

    This paper introduces the ActiveX technique in Visual FoxPro and its application in the geothermal database system .

  25. TFE-TUR复合地热发电系统热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of TFE-TUR Combined Geothermal Power Generating System

  26. HSE-TUR复合地热发电系统研究

    Study of a HSE-TUR Compound Geothermal Power Generating System

  27. TFE-TUR复合地热发电系统与全流系统以及闪蒸系统的比较

    A Comparison of Energy Use Factor between TFE-TUR Hybrid Geothermal Power Generating System , Total Flow system and Flash steam System

  28. 本文对HSE-TUR(螺杆膨胀机&汽轮机)复合地热发电系统作了详细研究。

    In this paper a detailed study has been made of HSE-TUR ( Helical screw expander-steam turbine ) compound geothermal power generating system .

  29. 中高温地热热泵系统的试验研究

    Experimental research of moderate and high temperature geothermal heat pump system

  30. 低温地热供热系统的设计与质调节问题

    The design and supply temperature adjustment of geothermal district heating systems