
  • 网络Geophysical logging;Well Logging;geophysical well logging
  1. 煤田地球物理测井是煤田地质勘探中不可或缺的重要勘探手段。

    Coalfield geophysical well logging is very important exploration means in coalfield geology exploration .

  2. 基于K均值动态聚类分析的地球物理测井岩性分类方法

    The Method for Lithology Classification in Geophysical Well Logging Based on the K-means Dynamic Clustering Analysis

  3. 中国大陆科学钻探主孔(0~2000m)地球物理测井

    Geophysical well logging in main hole ( 0 - 2000m ) of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling

  4. 地层水矿化度检测的地球物理测井方法

    A Geophysical logging Method to Detect the Water Mineralization Intensity Underground

  5. 石油地球物理测井发展趋势与我们的机会

    The Trend of Petroleum Well Logging Development and Our Opportunity

  6. 天然气水合物及其实测的地球物理测井特征

    Measured characteristics of geophysical logging for natural gas hydrate

  7. 煤层气储层评价的地球物理测井技术

    Geophysical logging techniques of evaluation for coalbed methane reservoir

  8. 核谱技术在地球物理测井中的应用

    Applications of Nuclear Spectrum Analysis to Geophysical Well Logging

  9. 综合地球物理测井在铁路隧道勘察中的应用

    Application and Research of the Comprehensive Geophysical Logging in Exploration of Railway Tunnel

  10. 《地球物理测井》课程的教学改革与实践

    The Teaching Reform and Practice of Geophysical Well Logging

  11. 煤层气地球物理测井系列选择气动送料器系列产品及选择

    Series Options of CBM Geophysical Logging Products of air feeders series and its selections

  12. 分形噪声、(多维)分形滤波及地球物理测井曲线处理应用

    Fractal noise 、 multi fractal filtering and their applications to well logging data processing

  13. 地球物理测井高分辨率处理技术

    High-resolution processing technique for geophysical logging data

  14. 地球物理测井井下信号的数字化处理装置

    A Underground Signal Digitalizer for Geophysical Well-logging

  15. 埋藏第四系的沉积相研究&地球物理测井解释在第四纪沉积研究中的应用

    Facies study for buried quaternary strata : application of geophysical logging interpretation in Quaternary Research

  16. 全球变化的地球物理测井研究

    Geophysical well log in global change

  17. 论煤质资料在选煤厂设计中的重要性地球物理测井煤质分析

    Talking about the importance of coal quality material in the design of coal-preparation plant more reasonable

  18. 利用地球物理测井资料计算油气盆地中沉积岩原地热导率

    Estimating the original geothermal conductivity of sedimentary rock in hydrocarbon-bearing basin by using geophysical logging data

  19. 地球物理测井数据格式及面向对象的数据读取

    The geophysical well logging file format and the data reading technique based on the object-oriented method

  20. 地球物理测井多参数综合识别储层流体类型的新型神经网络

    A new neural network applied to comprehensive recognition of reservoir fluid type using geophysical well logging parameters

  21. 这样详细的矿物组分资料对于准确地解释储层地球物理测井非常必要。

    And this detailed mineralogical information is essential for the accurate interpretation of geophysical well logs through reservoirs .

  22. 地球物理测井在大型盆地地下水勘查中的应用&以鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系地下水勘查为例

    Application of Geophysical Logging for Groundwater Investigation in Large-Scale Basins : Example from Cretaceous Artesian Basin of the Ordos Basin

  23. 将非线性统计学中的变点分析方法引入到地球物理测井序列分析中,实现了自动岩性界面识别和自动分层。

    Change-point analysis , a widely applied technique in non-linear statistics , is introduced to detect lithologic boundaries from geophysical well-log data .

  24. 油气储层岩石在不同状况下所测定的电阻率值是地球物理测井解释的重要依据。

    The resistivity of rock for oil and gas reservoir , measured under different conditions , is an important basis of geophysical logging illustration .

  25. 为了更有效地利用地球物理测井信息来解决这类识别问题,考虑利用模糊理论并结合测井多参数信息来进行岩相综合识别。

    In order to make better use of data from geophysical logging , fuzzy theory and data of logging were adopted to identify lithofacies .

  26. 地球物理测井可以在水文钻孔中获得丰富的物性和位场信息,所以它已经成为一种十分重要的水文地质勘察手段。

    Well logging could obtain plenty of information of lithology and geophysical fields in boreholes conveniently , so it has become a very important means of hydrogeologic survey .

  27. 总之,利用地球物理测井能将岩石渗透率-应力这一关系巧妙地用于石油、天然气和煤层气的勘探开发。

    Briefly , the relationship between permeability and stress for rocks revealed by geophysical log can be used for prospecting and development of oil , gas , coal gas .

  28. 详细地阐述了根据基准孔确定的有效测井方法、煤层分层定厚原则、地层界面划分原则、测井工作的技术条件,为在本区开展有效的地球物理测井工作提供了充分依据和基础资料。

    Moreover , the paper presents what is efficient methods and the principle of determining thickness and subdivision and so on . It presents the enough evidences and basic data .

  29. 地球物理测井方法是本区详查阶段运用的主要地球物理勘探方法,如何有效地选取测井方法并确定解释原则显得尤为重要。

    Geophysical logging is the mainly investigating method in Detailed survey phase . It is very important how to choose the logging methods and to determine the principle of interpretation .

  30. 地球物理测井曲线间微差形态波形的复杂程度隐含着储集层含油气性的信息,可以用混沌动力学系统加以刻画,并且其混沌吸引子是低分数维的。

    The complex differential waveforms between geophysical logging curves conceal petroliferous information of reservoirs , which can be described by chaos dynamics system . And the chaos attractor is of low fractional dimension .