
cí lì kān tàn
  • magnetic prospecting
  1. 重、磁力勘探在盆地早期的石油勘探中发挥过重要作用。

    Gravitational and magnetic prospecting method has played an important role in early basin prospecting of oil exploration .

  2. 进入21世纪后,海域天然气水合物地球物理勘探取得了较大的进步。主要表现为,在勘探技术上已由单一的地震勘探发展到以地震勘探为主,重力、磁力勘探综合应用的格局;

    In the 21st century , geophysical exploration for marine gas hydrate has turned from single seismic behavior to integrated gravitational and magnetic way with seismic exploration as the main method .

  3. 对于重磁力三维勘探而言,数据采集、地形改正和三维正反演法已逐步走向实用;

    So far as 3D gravity and magnetic survey is concerned , the data acquisition , topographic correction and 3D forward and inversion methods are gradually practical ;

  4. 概述了该方法在重力、电法、测井及磁力等非地震勘探中的研究进展;

    An overall description progress in gravity , magnetic method , EM and log data interpretation .

  5. 磁力和应力勘探常常作为地震勘探的前奏在早些时候进行。

    Magnetic and gravity surveys were often run as a preliminary to seismic survey in earlier time .