
  1. 针对地球质心运动主要是由多种周期运动叠加的特点,依次讨论了谱分析方法中的AR模型谱分析和小波谱分析方法。

    In allusion to the characteristic that Geocentric Motion is piled up by several periodic motions , the spectral analysis by wavelet and AR were discussed in turn in this paper .

  2. 同时本文给出了基于全球大地水准面的几何中心同地球质心相重合这一假设之上的莫洛金斯基坐标转换法,该法不需要联测公共点即可将WGS-84坐标转换成本地局部坐标。

    Meanwhile Molodensky method is given in the paper based on the hypothesis of global geoid geometry center coincided with earth centroid , This method can translate WGS 84 coordinates into local geodetic coordinates without surveying common points in the same time .

  3. 地球质心偏移与动力学解释

    Deviation of mass center of earth and dynamics interpretation

  4. 全球水分布和气压变化对固体地球质心位置的影响

    Changes of the solid geocentre due to seasonal variations of ground water and air pressure

  5. 地球质心的运动对卫星轨道的影响

    The Impact of the Motion of the Earth 's Center of Masses on Satellite Orbit

  6. 对地球质心偏移及板块驱动力的讨论

    A discussion on the deviation of the earth mass center and the force driving plate motion

  7. 支持宇宙力参与板块运动的观点,赞同地球质心偏移的论断,但对质心偏移的力源和成因提出不同的看法。

    This paper supports the opinion that the universal force is the source of the force driving plate motion .

  8. 地球质心(简称地心)是指包括海洋大气等的整个地球的质量中心,地心运动是地球质量中心相对于地球参考框架原点的位移。

    Geocenter motion is the relative displacement from the center of mass of Earth to the origin of the Terrestrial Reference Frame .

  9. 作为另一个例子,地球和月亮的质心就是在一个绕太阳的近似的圆轨道上运行。

    As another example the center of mass of the earth and moon moves in an approximately circular orbit around the sun .