
  • 网络Earth ellipsoid
  1. 地球椭球面上另一种形式的测地坐标系的建立

    Establishment of Another Form of Geodesic Coordinate System on Earth Ellipsoid

  2. 基于地球椭球体的缓冲区构建技术研究

    A Research on Creating Buffer on the Earth Ellipsoid

  3. 在分析单星载SAR完整信号模型的基础上,建立了一种基于地球椭球模型和卫星椭圆轨道模型的单发多收分布式星载SAR回波数据的仿真模型。

    After analyzing the signal model of single spaceborne SAR the distributed spaceborne SAR raw data are produced using a signal model based on ellipsoid model of the earth and elliptical orbit of satellite .

  4. 本文根据地球椭球的特性,提出了在当前LOD层次下,实时裁剪视景体中的地形数据的算法。

    In this paper , an algorithm of judging the terrain bound of the current LOD within the view volume is discussed , according to the property of the ellipsoid .

  5. 针对使用三星组成卫星簇对地面辐射源定位的问题,提出使用WGS-84地球椭球模型作为精确定位模型;

    The problem of locating a ground emitter passively using TDOA measurements of 3 satellites is discussed . First , a precise location model based on WGS-84 ellipsoid earth model is given .

  6. 对地球椭球体表面积计算方法的商讨

    Discussion on the Calculation Methods of the Surface Area of Ellipsoid

  7. 同一地球椭球体上不同坐标系之间的坐标转换

    Coordinate Transformation Among Different Coordinate Systems on the Certain Earth Spheroid

  8. 基于地球椭球特性的红外地球敏感器测量值的修正算法

    A Correction Algorithm of Measurement of Infra-Red Earth Sensor for Earth Oblateness

  9. 基于地球椭球体模型的航迹计算

    Track Calculation Based on Ellipsoidal Model of the Earth

  10. 提出了基于地球椭球参考平面的交叉定位模型。

    A method of cross-locating based on ellipsoid model of globe is proposed .

  11. 如子午线曲率半径M等的地球椭球要素是纬度的函数。

    The elements of earth-ellipsoid such as radius M of curvature in meridian are the function of latitude .

  12. 导出了以新大地坐标来表述的地球椭球面的第一基本形式并确定其系数;

    The first fundamental form on the ellipsoidal surface and its three coefficients are deduced by the geodesic coordinate .

  13. 推导出用三顶点的测地坐标计算地球椭球面上三角形面积的公式。

    The formula for area of triangle on ellipsoid by means of geodesic coordinate is derived in this paper .

  14. 利用地球椭球的小扁率特性,给出了相应的一阶修正算法。

    Based on the property of small flattening coefficient ofthe oblate earth , a first order correction algorithm is presented .

  15. 基于地球椭球面上所构建的新型大地坐标系,推导出用新大地纵横坐标表述的大地主题解算公式,并研制了相应的正反解算法。

    Based on the theories of Differential Geometry and Geodesy , algorithms and formulas for direct and inverse solution of geodetic problem in the new form of geodetic coordinate system on the ellipsoidal surface are deduced in this paper .

  16. 地图与非地图都符合图的定义,但是,由于地图表示的地物处于地球椭球面上而具有若干基本特性,因此地图获得了非地图所没有的丰富内涵和重要的文化价值。

    Map and other graphs fit into the graphic definition . But map has some basic characters because it shows the things on the earth ellipsoid , therefore it gets rich contants and important cultural value that other graphs do not have .

  17. 基于地球椭球模型、地平平面模型和扫描圆锥模型设计了一新型的地平仪扁率误差迭代补偿方法,通过仿真验证了该方法的可行性。

    The final part is the design of a new iteration algorithms to compensate oblate error of the horizon sensor , which base on the earth elliptical model , the earth horizon plane and scanning cone model , and the simulation show its validity .

  18. 由于推导过程中卫星轨道采用了标准的椭圆轨道模型和地球的椭球体模型,从而解决了传统的近似计算方法所带来的残余偏差较大的问题。

    Standard elliptical orbit model as well as earth ellipsoid model is assumed in the course of development , thus the bias caused by conventional approximation is eliminated .

  19. 在目标位置解算过程中,建立目标局部坐标系,根据地球的椭球模型,建立相应的地心坐标系。

    In the process of location compute of object , local coordinate system of object is established , and according geocentric coordinate system is established in terms of earth 's ellipsoidal model .

  20. 本文全面、系统的研究了地球重力场椭球谐模型的建立和边值问题在椭球界面下的求解情况。

    This paper makes a comprehensive and systematic study of the establishment of the earth 's ellipsoidal gravity model and the solution of the boundary value problem under ellipsoidal boundary .

  21. 地球是一个椭球而非球体。

    The earth is a spheroid and not a sphere .