
xiàn lù cè liánɡ
  • route survey
  1. 线路测量中GPS高程拟合的应用研究

    Applied research of GPS evaluation fitting in route survey

  2. 线路测量RTK基准站误差影响分析与对策

    The analyses and countermeasure on the error influence of the benchmark-station for the RTK route survey

  3. 采用GPS进行城市规划区送电线路测量的方法

    GPS Technology in Application to Power Wire Survey for City Plan Area

  4. 集成有10位ADC的DSP在配电线路测量与保护中的应用

    Application of DSP Integrated 10 Bit ADC in Circuit Measurement and Protecting

  5. GPSRTK技术在输电线路测量中的应用

    Application of GPS RTK Technique in Power Transmission Line Measuring

  6. 单频GPS进行高精度线路测量和有轨车辆定位的有效方法

    An Efficient Technique for High Precise Line Surveying and Positioning of the Orbital Vehicle by Using GPS Single Frequency Receiver

  7. 在电力架空线路测量中使用EXCEL电子表格对RTKGPS数据的预处理

    Application of EXCEL for Advanced Processing of RTK GPS Data in Measurement of Overhead Transmission Lines

  8. 因此,TBM掘进线路测量关键是控制轴线不发生横、竖向偏移。

    Therefore , the survey key of excavation line is to control horizontal and vertical deviations of tunnel axis .

  9. RTK技术在输电线路测量中蕴含着巨大的技术潜力,其应用及开发的前景十分广阔。

    GPS-RTK technology possesses of great technological potentials in transmission line measurement , and has wide application and development prospects .

  10. GPS-RTK在输电线路测量中的应用

    Application of GPS-RTK in the Transmission Line Measurement

  11. 本文介绍采用RTKGPS进行线路测量方法,分析影响直线精度因素及具体作业。

    The survey method in aerial power transmission line with RTK GPS is introduced , as well as the method of process . The factors influencing precision of the direct line are analyzed .

  12. 在2座典型变电站10kV电力网络中,采用环网线路测量信道的频率响应,采用信号发送/接收的方式测量信道的路径损失。

    In two typical 10 kV power networks , the frequency response is measured on loop wires and the path loss is obtained by employing the transmitting / receiving mode .

  13. 线路测量中的正反算问题及应用

    The Direct and Inverse Solution in Route Survey and Its Application

  14. 线路测量通用公式的推导及编程

    Deducibility & Programme of the Universal Formula for Line Survey

  15. 高海拔山区线路测量投影变形值的控制

    Control on route survey projection deformation value in high altitude mountain area

  16. 综合业务接入网的用户线路测量技术

    The Subscriber Line Measurement Technique for Integrated Services Access Network

  17. 架空送电线路测量中的几个问题

    The Opinion of Survey in Aerial Power Transmission Line

  18. 高压输电线路测量中的若干技术问题

    Some technical problems in high-voltage transmission line survey

  19. 坐标法线路测量计算

    A Method to calculate Coordinate for Route Survey

  20. 导线测量法在输电线路测量中应用及其精度分析

    Application of Traverse Surveying Method in Measuring of Power Transmission Line and its Accuracy Analysis

  21. 线路测量中里程的自动调整

    Automatic adjustment of mileage in route surveying

  22. 线路测量中线概括模型

    Central Line Summary Model in Line Surveying

  23. 探讨导线定线法及在输电线路测量中的应用。

    The traverse surveying method and its application in measuring of power transmission line are discussed .

  24. 本设计是一套涉及电力线路测量、计量、电能管理、继电保护、通讯等功能的综合装置。

    This design is a set involves power circuit survey , measurement , electrical energy management , relay protection , communication synthesis installment .

  25. 项目类型主要涉及控制测量、地形测量、线路测量、变形测量及地理信息系统等测量成果。

    Primarily concerned with controlling the measurement of project types , topography , line measurement , deformation measurement and geographical information system measurement of results .

  26. 根据线路测量的特点,对全站仪坐标导线计算进行研究,提出了一种利用坐标转换原理直接对全站仪所测得的坐标进行平差计算的方法。

    According to the characteristics of road surveying , the author introduces the method of coordinate adjustment of the total station coordinate traverse on the principle of coordinate transformation .

  27. 通过对电流分布分析,提出了适合全并联AT供电牵引网的故障测距方法,并给出了3种情况下的线路测量阻抗。

    By analyzing current distributions , raised applicable to the fault location methods of all parallel AT traction system , and obtained the line measured impedance of these three short circuit faults .

  28. 高海拔地区送电线路GPS测量的问题及解决办法

    GPS Survey for the Electric Transmission Line at High Altitude District

  29. GPS水准应用于线路控制测量的可行性分析

    The feasibility study on applying GPS leveling to line control network surveying

  30. GPS在青银高速公路线路控制测量中的应用

    Application of GPS in the Qing-Yin Highway Control Survey Project