
  • 网络linear regression;Linear regression equation
  1. Excel在线性回归方程中数据处理的方法和应用

    The Method and Application of Excel in the Data Processing of Linear Regression Equation

  2. 通过重金属与Fe元素作线性回归方程,求得重金属的背景含量。

    Through linear regression equation of heavy metals and Fe element , the background contents of the heavy metals are sought .

  3. 线性回归方程中系数a,b的确定方法

    The methods of confirming the coefficient a , b in linear regressive equation

  4. 并利用我们编制的BASIC程序,在电子计算机上对包芯纱进行了计算与回归分析研究,打印出了各工艺参数与各质量指标之间的多元线性回归方程。

    Our BASIC program is used in the calculation and regression analysis for clw yarns , the plural linear regression equations between technical parameters and quality targets are given .

  5. 建立了ESR线性回归方程和测年序列;

    The equation of ESR linear regression and the sequence of geochronometry are built ;

  6. 提出了一种用离子选择性电极、结合Matlab建立线性回归方程测定Br-的方法。

    A method that combined with creating linear regression equation by Matlab was proposed to determine concentration of bromide ion with ion selective electrode .

  7. 组织液压波在经线上与经线外幅度差异与距离的线性回归方程为Y=-0.35X+1.96,具有统计学显著性(P<0.01)。

    The difference of the wave amplitudes between the tissue on and beside the meridian line was significant ( P < 0.01 ) . it was related to the distance between the blister and the measuring points .

  8. 对12个不同类型栽培稻品种的研究表明,有丝分裂指数(MI)与剂量的关系可用线性回归方程拟合。

    Studies on twelve varieties of different cultured rice showed that the mitotic index-dose relationship could be fitted by linear regression equations .

  9. 根据5a来O3-NOx四季的观测资料,计算了各季O3和NOx的浓度特征及两者之间的线性回归方程。

    Simultaneous observations of O3-NOX have been conducted for five years and linear correlative equations of various seasonal O3 and NOX concentrations have also been calculated .

  10. 经检验,TSP预测线性回归方程及自然降尘预测线性回归方程均显著,预测结果具有较高的可信度。

    With magnificent outcome of TSP 's prediction on linear equation and natural suppression 's prediction on the same formula , proved its feasibility .

  11. 应用回归分析建立了泰和乌骨鸡肌肉IMP含量依周龄和体重的最佳线性回归方程;

    We obtained the best regression model between weeks of age and body weight , muscle IMP content .

  12. 通过SAS回归分析得到织物弯曲刚度、弯曲滞后矩与折皱回复角的线性回归方程。

    On this basis , Linear regression equation with bending parameters as independent variables and wrinkle recovery angle as dependent variable was established through SAS analysis .

  13. 方法采用均匀试验设计法,对试验数据进行统计分析得到多元线性回归方程,通过检验回归方程有意义,利用回归方程确定了pH和振荡时间对硅的溶出的影响规律。

    Methods : Adopting uniform design and making Multi-factor linear regression equation with statistical analysis . After checking the significance of regression equation and with it the influence law of dissolving condition with pH and time changing was established .

  14. 然后借助简单线性回归方程、GARCH模型和各种流动性指标来分析利率调整的未预期部分对股票市场的影响。

    Using the simple linear regression , GARCH model and the various liquidity indicators , analyzed the impaction of interest rate adjustment to stock market .

  15. 根据一元线性回归方程可较好地预测油田现场各钻井液添加剂对COD的影响,为解决钻井污水处理这一难题提供科学依据。

    The influences of different field site additives upon COD in the sewage may be predicted fairly by one-dimensional linear regression equation , which provided scientific proof to solve the difficult problem of processing drilling sewage .

  16. 结论人体头部参数化模型可以利用人体头部的线性回归方程修正其通过CT获得的初始化数据,通过OpenGL建立人体头部三维参数化模型。

    Conclusion A human head parameter model can be built by using the linear regression equation of human head to adjust the initial CT data , and a three-dimensional and human head parameter model can be built by OpenGL .

  17. 将固定pH滴定法结合求解一元线性回归方程组应用于极弱酸(碱)混合体系中各组分含量的同时测定。

    In this paper , the combination use of the definite pH titration and the solution of monadic linear regression equation and its application to the simultaneous determination of co-existing components in a very weak acids ( or bases ) mixture is reported .

  18. 年龄、BMI指数、早睡早起、丧偶再婚、湿热质、平和质进入到影响总体健康因素的多元线性回归方程。

    Age , BMI index , early to bed and early to rise , widowed remarried , damp-heat constitution , gentleness constitution enter into the multiple linear regression equation of factors effected general health .

  19. 分别以冷却牛肉和花生为样品,建立了辐解形成的标识性碳氢化合物浓度-剂量线性回归方程,相关系数R2达到0.99以上。

    For chilled beef and peanut , the linear regression equations between the concentration of specific hydrocarbons and dose were built with the correlation coefficient R2 more than 0.99 .

  20. 灌木生物量回归方程所选取的3个自变量D2H、CH和PH中,CH与灌木生物量的相关性和以CH为自变量的线性回归方程的拟合度较其他2个变量好。

    Of the three selected combination variables ( D2H , PH , and CH ) for establishing biomass estimation models , CH is the most suitable for undergrowth shrub biomass estimation than the others .

  21. 针对拉面评分指标与HMW-GS得到的评分系统包含8个多元线性回归方程(R20.98)。

    The score system for hand-extended noodle quality based on HMW-GS index had eight multiple linear regression equations ( R20.98 ) .

  22. 本法测定SOD浓度范围为5~150ng/ml,线性回归方程的相关系数:r=0.998。检测限为1ng。

    SOD was determined in the range of 5150 ng with a correlation coefficient of 0.998 for the linear regression equation by transforming SOD value into logarithms and a limit of detection of 1 ng of SOD .

  23. 结果表明,根据我国目前的经济环境,在模型基本假设前提下,综合预判能力最优的是Logit回归模型,其次为KMV模型,多元线性回归方程的判别力最差。

    The study shows that in China , under the basic assumption , for the predictive power , the best model is Logit . Second is KMV . And the multiple linear regression model is the worst .

  24. 在此基础上,本文建立了反映经理自主权与高管薪酬差距的线性回归方程,并以2009年144家医药类上市公司为样本,利用SPSS、EXCEL等分析软件对其进行了实证检验。

    On this basis , the paper establish the linear regression equation which reflects managerial discretion and the extent of executive pay gap , and in 2009 listed 144 pharmaceutical companies as a sample , using SPSS , EXCEL and other analysis software to making an empirical test .

  25. Sn速度变化分布和构造活动、地壳厚度以及大地热流变化有关,分别求得了速度与地壳厚度和大地热流的线性回归方程。

    The Sn velocity variations are related to tectonic activity , crustal thickness and the Earth 's heat flow . We obtain a linear regression relation between the Sn velocity and the crustal thickness and a linear regression relation between the Sn velo - city and heat flow .

  26. 然而线性回归方程是建立在大样本的事件的基础之上,且残差的方差εi~i.i.d.(0,σ2)。

    However , the establishment of the linear regression equation bases on large sample of events , and the variance of the residuals ? ε i-i.i.d. ( 0 ,σ 2 ) .

  27. 结论采用低流量、高挥发罐输出可在10min内完成吸入麻醉的诱导,并可根据简单的线性回归方程就可对呼出气中的药物浓度作出预测。

    Conclusions The inhalation anesthetic induction can be completed within 10 min with low-flow of fresh gas flow and high output of vapourizer dial setting . The measured value of anesthetic can be predicted accurately .

  28. 在分子转动模型基础上,以半经验分子轨道(AM1)方法计算分子的转动惯量及其它结构参数,获得15个正烷烃的沸点和熔点的多元线性回归方程。

    The boiling points and melting points of 15 n - alkanes ( carbon number 2 ~ 16 ) were predicted multiple linear regression based on the molecular structural parameters with molecular rotation model .

  29. 在此基础上建立了一组云天条件下的多元线性回归方程,由此可得到具有卫星图像像素分辨率(8~10km)的9层湿度场。

    Accordingly , we have established a system of multi-variant linear regression formulae that can be used in cloudy sky with the aim to determine standard-level RH fields of satellite imagery pixel resolution ( 8 & 10 km ) directly from multispectral satellite information .

  30. 本文在计算提前执行价值的实证研究中采用CBOE交易的S&P100实际价格,而非从模型中得到的价值。基于该实证研究建立了一个关于提前执行的多元线性回归方程。

    Previous studies in the valuation of American options apparently undervalue the right of early exercise . The empirical analysis of this paper uses actual prices from CBOE 's S & P100 option instead of model-generated values , which gets a linear regression equation .