
  • 网络Geographical Region
  1. 对哈纳斯自然保护区地衣区系的形成进行了研究,从地学的角度简明地阐述了地衣区系的形成条件、地理区系成分特点。

    The essay carries a research on formation of lichen flora in Hanas natural conservation area , illustrates concisely the formation factors of lichen flora and character of geographical region component .

  2. 豫西-皖北地区二叠纪植物地理区系性质探讨

    On the Permian Phytogeography of W. Henan n. Anhui region

  3. 中国泥盆纪双壳类生物地理区、生活习性和群落

    Palaeobiogeography , life-habits and communities of Devonian bivalves of China

  4. 吉林省石炭二叠纪生物地理区的划分是一个复杂的问题。

    Division of Carboniferous-Permian biogeographic province in Jilin province is a complicated question .

  5. 我国泥盆纪双壳类的地理区系和动物群特征

    Palaeobiogeography and faunal features of Devonian bivalves of China

  6. 寒武纪三叶虫生物地理区的一些问题

    Problems of Cambrian trilobite biogeography Biological Calcification Bio-Mass Spectrometry

  7. 按行业和地理区分列的部门资料

    Segment information by line of business and geographical area

  8. 乌鲁木齐南部山区地衣生态分布与地理区系成分分析

    Analysis of Ecological Distribution and Floristic Element of Lichens in Southern Mountains of Urumqi

  9. 江西昆虫地理区的讨论

    Discussion on the insect geographic regions of Kiangsi

  10. 此外,该类在本区的发育是华夏植物地理区分化渐趋强烈的直接证据。

    It is a direct evidence of the strong differentiation in Cathaysian floral province .

  11. 新疆天山一号冰川地衣地理区系与生态特征

    Floristic Composition and Ecological Characteristics of Lichens in No.1 Glacier of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang

  12. 新北区的北美洲的生物地理区,不包含墨西哥南部(热带)。

    Nearctic The biogeographical realm of North America , except southern ( tropical ) Mexico .

  13. 北方槽区泥盆纪生物地理区的特征

    On the nature of the Devonian biogeographical province of the geosynclinal region in Northern China

  14. 古大西洋侏罗纪双壳类动物地理区系二级模式的时空分布规律

    Temporal and Spatial Changes of Secondary Patterns of Jurassic Bivalve Palaeobiogeography in the Proto Atlantic

  15. 美国从东到西可分为七个地理区。

    Traditionally from the east to the west the United States can be divided into seven .

  16. 我们可以按经济地理区及主导产业来划分不同的县域经济。

    We can classify different county economies according to various economic geographical regions and their leading industries .

  17. 在中国动物地理区中,华中区44种,比重达54.32%;

    In the Zoogeographical region of China , 44 species ( 54.32 % ) are the Central region ;

  18. 对不同地理区内可能影响啮齿动物种数的4种生态因子与啮齿类物种数之间进行多元线性回归分析。

    Four ecological factors which possibly affect the number of species of rodents in different zoogeographical regions were studied .

  19. 第一个畜牧生态地理区的特点是海拔1000&1800米,气候寒冷干燥。

    The first district is characterized by a elevation of 1000 & 1800 metres , a very frigid and dry climate .

  20. 地理区系上以古北界为主(占59%),居留类型以夏候鸟为主(占57.95%)。

    The geographic regions are mainly Palaearctic realm ( 59 % of the total ) . The residence types are mainly summer migrants .

  21. 西峰地区全新世黄土孢粉分析及其植被演化从上述化石组合特征看,这些孢子花粉化石基本属于华夏植物地理区类型。

    According to the analysis on their combination features , the sporopollen fossils mentioned above basically belong to types of the Cathaysia flora realm .

  22. 即使在同一生物地理区内,Polyg-nathus各分子的分布也受到相的控制,从而形成不同的演化路线。

    Even within the same biogeographical province , the distribution of the Polygnathus elements was subjected to facies conditions , ang thus evolved the different evolutionary branches .

  23. 其它地理区儿童血铅的超标范围在3.48%~31.81%。

    The children , whose blood lead level exceed the threshold value , are in the range of 3.48 % ~ 31.81 % in the other areas .

  24. 地域间环境条件、生态功能、产业优势的潜在影响力为地理区际势能,如各种环境条件以及这些条件合理匹配的所谓地理地带性规律,决定了传统的农业生产。

    Regional difference potential is regional predominance in environmental conditions , ecological functions and industries , such as that the geographical zonality influences allocation of traditional agriculture .

  25. 根据中国不同地理区森林生产力和气候环境变量的数据构建了中国森林气候生产力模型,以此为基础研究了气候变化对中国森林生产力的影响。

    Models of climatic productivity of forests in China were established through regression analysis of net primary productivity of forests distributing in different geographical regions versus the corresponding meteorological variables .

  26. 这些成果对中国陆相侏罗纪地层划分与对比、生物地理区及其变迁、古构造研究等,都具有理论意义和实际价值。

    These research results have theoretical and practical value for the stratigraphic division and correlation of the continental Jurassic of China and studies of biogeographic realms and their changes and paleotectonics .

  27. 根据吴征镒先生(19831991)对中国种子植物属的分布区类型的划分,河南野生饲用植物296属可以归为15种地理区系成分。

    Wu Zheng-yi ( 1983,1991 ) classified the areal-types of Chinese genera of seed plants , he indicated that 296 genera Henan wild forage plants could be divided into 15 geographical elements .

  28. 人字洞动物群的发现为研究我国第四纪早期动物群的特征和动物地理区系演化及古气候环境变迁提供了重要的信息。

    The discovery of Renzidong fauna is of great help for the study of the environmental background to the hominid evolution , and the evolution of zoogeography and paleoclimate of China in the Quaternary .

  29. 与中国其他动物地理区相比,该区的拟步甲区系组成总体表现为地域面积较大、分布种类分布较少的趋势。

    Compare with other regions , the fauna shows a trend with larger area and fewer species . As a whole , there are more soil darkling beetles than arboreal ones in the North China region .

  30. 根据泡桐生理生态特性和分布区20个站点辐射、温度、降水等气候资料,得出泡桐在不同地理区的气候生产潜力和分布规律。

    According to the physiology / ecology , and records of radiation , temperature and rainfall from 20 stations in different climatic zones , climatic potential productivity of paulownia is estimated together with its spatial pattern .