- 名geopolitics

Presiding over the book is the shade of Sir Halford Mackinder , who inaugurated the discipline of geopolitics with a 1904 Royal Geographical Society lecture .
Marshall offers a virtual Atkins diet of geopolitics : there is plenty of the red meat of geographical and military analysis with little lighter fare , in terms of other voices or on-the-ground reporting .
The Nature of Geopolitics : & A Man-Environment Relationship Perspective
Those problems are political in nature , not geopolitical .
Geopolitics developes within the frame of these media .
Geopolitics has been widely used as a new theoretical frame in the research of international strategy .
No other field gives rise to as many geopolitical arguments as the field of political geography .
The Geopolitical Analysis of the United States ' Middle East Strategy in the 21 ~( ST ) Century
Lavrov says Russia expects changes to reflect the new state of geopolitics , the global economy and finance .
The determinist geopolitics strongly believes that geography determines politics , makes the source of power and gives directions of decision-making .
It is a gripping tale of high geopolitics and low cunning , and it is all about who gets to sit where .
In this paper the auther clarifies first the concept of geo in the word of geopolitics from the angles of geopolitical history and China 's interpretation of this word , from the relationship between geopolitics and geography .
This thesis clarifies in detail the realistic significances of fighting against the " three forces " as follows : The first part of the thesis analyzes the important strategic role of Central-Asia with the view of geopolitical theory .
It has long historical linkage with the geopolitical theories , including Mahan 's " Sea-Power Theory ", Mackinder 's " Land-Power Theory ", and German " Geopolitik " and French " Geopolitique ", all of which had demonstrated the significance of European power .