
  • 网络geological disaster forecast
  1. 岩质高边坡偏压隧道洞口段施工现场监控量测与地质灾害预报

    Field monitor measuring and geological disaster forecast at the mouth of tunnel near the rocky steep side slope under Unsymmetrical Loading

  2. 基于GIS技术的韶关市地质灾害预报预警系统

    A GIS-based System for Geological Disaster Prediction and Early Warning in Shaoguan

  3. 最后,在系统的设计基础之上,研制了基于GIS的地质灾害预报预警决策支持系统。

    Provide a novel and effective scientific solutions for geological disaster assessment and disaster preparedness in Jiangxi Province . Finally , in a system design based on the development of a GIS-based geological disaster forecasting and early warning decision support system .

  4. 鹤壁市地质灾害预报预警系统

    Forecast and Early Warning System of Geological Disaster in Hebi

  5. 陕西省地质灾害预报实例分析及模式探讨

    Case Analysis on Geological Hazard Forecast in Shaanxi and Discussion of Its Pattern

  6. 断层破碎带隧道施工地质灾害预报预警方法研究

    Study on Prediction and Early-warning of Geological Hazards during Tunnel Construction in Fault and Fracture Zone

  7. 地质灾害预报中的地形变监测盾构施工引起地表变形的人工神经网络研究


  8. 论文提出的评价体系及评价模型符合我国目前地质灾害预报预警现状,为地质灾害预报预警水平评价提供了一条思路。

    The evaluation model of geological hazard forecast and warning level introduced in this article accords with the current level of our country and therefore it has certain reference value to evaluate the level of geological hazard forecast and warning .

  9. 目前国内外较为成功的地质灾害预报预警方法可分为现象监测预报法、数理统计预报法、非线性系统论预报法和地球内外动力耦合法。

    At present , the better prediction and warning methods of geologic hazards in the world include the phenomenon monitoring method , statistical analysis method , nonlinear system theory prediction method , coupling analysis method of endogenic and exogenic geological processes .

  10. 地质灾害预警预报信息发布系统&基于ANN和GIS的新一代发布系统

    Geological disaters early warning and forecast information-releasing system : a new generation of releasing system based on ANN and GIS

  11. 远程客户端使用普通的WWW浏览器就可以实现地质灾害预测预报信息的远程查询访问,使地质灾害信息能够更广泛的为浙江省的减灾与防灾和预警预报服务。

    Thus users can realize the remote access and query of geo-hazard predictive information in virtue of common WWW browser . It would be more helpful to present the geo-hazard information for Zhejiang administrator .

  12. 新乡市太行山区地质灾害等级预报业务系统

    Rank Forecasting Professional System of the Geological Calamity in Xinxiang Taihang Mountain

  13. 山东省地质灾害气象预报软件开发简介

    Primary Study on Weather Predication Software of Geological Hazard in Shandong Province

  14. 论外力作用形成的地质灾害的预报和防治

    Forecast and control of geological hazard caused by exogenic process

  15. 广西汛期地质灾害气象预报预警技术

    The Technique of Meteorological Early Warning for Geo-hazards in Guangxi

  16. 西部公路地质灾害预测预报信息系统

    Information System of Highway Geologic Hazards Forecast in Western China

  17. 地质灾害预测预报的国内外现状

    The domestic and international actuality of the forecast and prediction about geological catastrophe

  18. 公路施工隧道地质灾害超前预报技术分析

    Analyze technology of pre-detecting geological disaster for tunnel construction

  19. 陕西省地质灾害气象预报预警方法研究

    Study of early-warning of geological disasters in weather forecasting method in Shaanxi Province

  20. 吉林省通化市地质灾害气象预报预警方法介绍

    Weather forecast warning methods of geological disasters of Tonghua City , Jilin Province

  21. 隧道地质灾害超前预报的地震反射法

    The seismic reflection method predicting tunnel geological hazards

  22. 论地质灾害监测预报

    Comment on monitoring and forecasting of geological hazard

  23. 浙江省突发性地质灾害预警预报系统应用研究

    Application and study on abrupt geological hazards for early-warning and prediction in Zhejiang Province

  24. 福建省汛期地质灾害气象预报预警介绍

    On Weather Prognosis and Prewarning of Geologic Hazard in the Flood Season of Fujian Province

  25. 重庆市汛期地质灾害气象预报平台开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Chongqing Geo-hazards Forecasting Platform Based on Weather Forecast During the Flood Season

  26. 宁夏汛期地质灾害气象预报预警模型研究

    The Early Waring Model of Weather Forecast of the Geological Calamity in Flood Season of Ningxia is Studied

  27. 贵州省汛期地质灾害气象预报预警的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Weather-Forecast Early Warning of the Geological Hazards in the Flood Season of Guizhou Province

  28. 开展地质灾害预警预报工作刻不容缓。

    It admits of no delay to work well with the early warning and forecasting of geologic hazard .

  29. 在此基础上,提出了陕西省地质灾害成功预报的3种模式以及提高成功预报水平的对策措施。

    Three patterns of successful geological hazard forecast and measures to upgrade the level of forecast in Shaanxi Province are put forward .

  30. 主要介绍了重庆市汛期地质灾害气象预报预警平台的理论基础、系统设计和应用效果。

    The theoretical basis , system design and application effect of Chongqing geo-hazards forecasting platform are primarily described based on weather forecast during the flood season .