
  • 网络plasma oscillation;Plasmon Oscilation
  1. 放电等离子体振荡下的光电流光谱特性

    Characteristics of optogalvanic spectrum in discharge plasma oscillation

  2. 结果表明:在弱磁场下可产生鞘层等离子体振荡,其振荡频率与理论一致;

    The results show that sheath plasma oscillation occurs under weak magnetic field , and its frequency conforms the theoretic result .

  3. 标准Morlet小波变换检测地球自由振荡等离子体振荡分析仪

    Normal Morlet Wavelet Transform and Its Application to Detection of the Earth 's Free Oscillations

  4. SPP是由金属一电介质界面支持的表面波。它是自由空间中的电磁波和金属表面附近电子等离子体振荡相耦合的结果。

    SPPs , which are supported by metal-dielectric interfaces , are electromagnetic waves in the free space coupled to electron plasma oscillations in the metal surfaces .

  5. 利用等离子体振荡激元研究花生酸分子膜层的光学性质

    Optical properties of monolayer studied by surface polariton resonances

  6. 固体中的等离子体振荡

    Plasma oscillation in solids hydromagnetic oscillations of the plasma

  7. 相对论效应对大振幅电子等离子体振荡破裂影响的数值模拟

    Vlasov simulation of the relativistic effect on the breaking of large amplitude plasma waves

  8. 血气分析仪与生化仪测定钾、钠离子的比较等离子体振荡分析仪

    Preliminary analysis of the potassium and sodium determined by blood gas analysis and biochemistry method

  9. 激光焊接中的等离子体振荡

    Plasma Fluctuation During Laser Welding

  10. 温度对表面等离子体振荡传感器的作用射频感性耦合等离子体中的受迫振荡研究

    Effect of Temperature on Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor The study of driven oscillation in inductively coupled plasma

  11. 通过数值求解符拉索夫方程和泊松方程,研究了相对论效应和温度效应对等离子体振荡破裂的影响。

    The influence of relativistic and thermal effects on plasma wave breaking has been studied by solving the coupled Vlasov-Poission equations .

  12. 研究结果表明:清洁表面铌和铀的体等离子体振荡所造成的电子能量损失的实验值与理论计算值较为符合;

    It is showed that experimental results of surface and bulk plasmon losses of clear surface uranium agreed with theoretical calculations .

  13. 对等离子体振荡与逆韧致辐射吸收作了物理讨论,导出了等离子振荡频率和吸收系数公式。

    We discussed physically on plasma oscillation and inverse bremsstrahlung absorption . We obtained formulas of the plasma oscillation frequency and the absorbed coefficient .

  14. 管道电弧声产生的激励源是等离子体振荡使周围的介质发生机械振动,这种机械振动以声波的方式向外传播。

    The excitation source of piping arc sound is that plasma oscillation makes the surrounding media occur mechanical vibrations . This mechanical vibration spread as sound wave .

  15. 产生太赫兹辐射产生的方法包括光敏天线中的光载流子加速、电光晶体中的二阶非线性效应、等离子体振荡和电子非线性传输线。

    There are several methods to generate the terahertz wave , including photo carrier acceleration , the second order of nonlinear effect in electric-optical crystal , plasma oscillation and electronic nonlinear transmission line .

  16. 电磁孤立子的电磁频率大约为未扰动电子等离子体振荡频率的二分之一左右,孤立子内电磁场的电场具有半周期结构,相应电磁场的磁场以及静电场则具有一个完整的周期结构。

    The electromagnetic frequency of the solitons is about one_half of the unperturbed electron plasma frequency . The transverse electric , magnetic and electrostatic fields have half_ , one_ and one_cycle structure in space , respectively .

  17. 等离子体混杂振荡的动力论描述

    The Kinetic Description of Plasma Hybrid Oscillations

  18. 电弧声是气体放电的伴生物,是等离子体集体振荡以波形方式传播的结果,也是声源和声道共同作用的产物,其频谱特性主要取决于声道的频率响应。

    Sound arc discharge with gas are biological , are collective oscillations of plasma in order to disseminate the results of waveform , but also a sound source and channel the combined effect of the product characteristics of its spectrum depends primarily on channel frequency response .

  19. 提出了等离子体中离子振荡是造成电弧不稳定的内在原因的观点。

    A view that the ion oscillations in plasma causes arc in stable is suggested .

  20. 电离层等离子体漂移的振荡

    Oscillations of plasma drifts in ionosphere

  21. HL-1M弹丸加料等离子体中的蛇形振荡

    Snake-like oscillations in the HL-1M pellet-fueled plasma

  22. 基于等离子体锯齿弛豫振荡的测量和研究,结合芯区电子功率平衡的分析,获得一种可靠的确定芯区平均有效离子电荷数Zeff的测量方法。

    The mean effective ion charge Z _ ( eff ) in the core of ohmic tokamak discharge has been determined from information on sawtooth-relaxations of the steady state plasma , using an analysis of the power balance of the plasma electrons in the plasma core .

  23. 离子等离子体波和离子等离子体振荡

    Ion plasma wave and ionic plasma oscillation

  24. 如果等离子体频率与高功率微波频率相接近,则会产生共振效应,此时等离子体电子的振荡的幅值会大幅度提高,更容易扰乱电路的工作状态。

    Results show that under certain parameter conditions the threshold for damaging the electronic circuits decreases with the decrease of the frequency of the high-power microwave .

  25. 这种相对论性快电子分布等离子体的色散关系能为解释星系核、射电星系和类星体电磁辐射方面的问题提供理论参考。其次,本文研究了修正的kappa分布等离子体横振荡的色散关系。

    The dispersion relations of the relativistic plasma with fast electron distribution is significative to study the electromagnetic radiation of the galactic nucleus , the radio galaxy and the quasars . Second , the dispersion relation for electromagnetic oscillation in relativistic plasma with a modified kappa distribution is investigated .