
  • 网络hierarchy;hierarchical;gradability
  1. 而每一种传播和学习也捅死包含有等级性成就的实现和愿望。

    But each way of transmitting and learning is also a hierarchy of accomplishment and aspiration .

  2. 中国传统体育伦理思想的主要特征是:自然性、目的性、等级性、功利性。

    What Is Ethics for This feature is mainly reflected in its naturalism , utilitarianism and sense of hierarchy .

  3. 等级性。血压变异性与CGRP呈负相关(P<0.05)。波依定具有明显降压作用。

    And the third is variability . CGRP level correlated negatively to blood pressure variability ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 中国传统意义上的礼貌指的是为了维持中国面子而采取的交际行为;礼貌具有维持儒家思想中规定的具有等级性的关系网,并且被社会所接受的交际功能(Gu,1990)。

    Chinese politeness is the behavior to maintain Chinese face with the functions of keeping the Confucian hierarchy and social acceptance ( Gu , 1990 ) .

  5. 具有等级性的密钥管理方法的设计

    The design of the secret key management method based on level quality

  6. 以长江流域为例,流域双核结构具有干流、支流等不同的层次、等级性,同时体现了流域中心城市&门户城市是理想的流域双核结构空间组合。

    Regional central city-gateway city is the ideal dual-nuclei structure .

  7. 液晶显示器灰度的实现三、等级性。

    Gray levels of LCD and the third is variability .

  8. 分层标志着社会纵向关系和社会资源的等级性分配。

    Vertical stratified society marked relations and the level of social resources distribution .

  9. 第二,社会等级性很明显。

    Second , it reflects the social classes obviously .

  10. 心率变异指数法的临床应用价值三、等级性。

    CLINICAL VALUE OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY INDEX and the third is variability .

  11. 论先秦的饮食与等级性

    Xian Qin 's Diet and the Rank Character

  12. 等级性。自然灾害的概念、等级


  13. 文中介绍了一种基于等级性的密钥管理方法。

    This article introduces a kind of secrete key management method based on level quality .

  14. 大多数英语形容词具有等级性,但大多数名词或动词没有等级性。

    Most members in the English adjective class are gradable , nouns and verbs are not .

  15. 但是,从目前研究来看,绝大部分顾客价值评价都没有考虑顾客价值的等级性特征。

    However , the major part customer value appraisal has not considered the customer value the grade characteristic .

  16. 通过研究发现,劳动者所受教育的等级性高低决定劳动者收入水平的高低。

    Obviously , the income level of labourer is determined by the quantity of the educational capital stock .

  17. 等级性。无器质性心脏病室性心律失常与心率变异性的相关性研究

    And the third is variability . Relative Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Non-cardiac Disease Patient With Ventricular Arrhythmia

  18. 实质上,荀子之礼主要是作为政治制度,并且表现出鲜明的等级性特征。

    In fact , Li in Hsun-Tzu is mainly as the political system , and demonstrate the distinct grade characteristic .

  19. 青少年压力应对结构具有一定的等级性。等静压处理对磷酸钙骨水泥结构和性能的影响

    The ASCS is a hierarchical model . Effect of Isostatic Pressing on the Microstructure and Properties of Calcium Phosphate Cement

  20. 态度最重要的特征是等级性,等级性也是级差系统的普遍特征。

    Gradability is a feature of the attitude system and engagement system , which is central to the appraisal system .

  21. 该制度在历史发展中表现出明显的地域性、等级性、世袭性和社会治安功能。

    The system shows clearly the region based , hierarchy based and hereditary characters and social security function in its development in history .

  22. 甚至在家庭内部,名字通常也会显示出等级性:第一个出生的孩子叫老大;

    Even within the family , names were traditionally hierarchical : the first born was laoda ( " the big one " ) ;

  23. 地缘关系成为业缘关系的映射,平等的邻里关系被置于等级性的业缘关系之下。

    The geopolitical relation is the mapping of professional relation , and the equal neighborhood relationship is placed the level under the professional relation .

  24. 正是意与象的距离在创作中不同程度的实现,才使不同的古典诗歌呈现出不等级性和同一首古典诗歌呈现出多层次性。

    It is the realization of motional and mental distances of Ideas and Images in different extent that causes the different grades in different classical poems .

  25. 等级性是顾客价值的一个重要特征,把握顾客价值的等级性是准确评价顾客价值的一个关键条件。

    The grade is a key character of customer value , grasping the grade of customer value is an essential condition for the evaluation of customer value .

  26. 在乡土社会中,身体禁忌占主导、物理空间禁忌相对较少并表现出鲜明的等级性。

    In the rural society , the body taboos are dominant , while the physical spatial taboos are less , and the taboos show the distinct hierarchy .

  27. 这意味着我们在上班时间穿着的服装需体现非正式性、开放性和无等级性。为了符合解决方案提供者的身份,工作着装要基于结果。

      this means informality , openness and a lack of hierarchy in our business attire . In keeping with a solutions organisation , it is outcome-based .

  28. 春秋时期的婚姻礼仪主要在贵族阶层中使用,主要内容有成婚、纳币、亲迎、三月庙见等,其主要特征是等级性。

    The second chapter mainly concerns about e characteristics of the marriage pattern , the marriage system , together with the marriage ceremony and Propriety , and its own characteristics .

  29. 科学有等级性、社会性和其他特性;其中最有力的一点基于知识的多寡:懂的越多,地位越高。

    Science is full of hierarchies , social and otherwise , but one of the most powerful is based on knowledge : the more you know , the higher your status .

  30. 评委们欣赏该词所透露出来的新平均主义:免得有人会对这场崩溃是自上而下形成的看法感到不爽,新添加的副词使得这一概念不再那么具有等级性。

    The judges liked the new egalitarianism of this : lest anyone be offended at the idea that a cascade falls from top to bottom , this new preposition makes the idea less hierarchical .