
dì tiě
  • metro;the subway;underground;tube;underground railway;rapid transit
地铁 [dì tiě]
  • [underground railway;metro;subway;tube] 地下铁道的简称

地铁[dì tiě]
  1. 乘地铁返回市中心又热又不舒服。

    The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable .

  2. 地铁非常快捷,而且一尘不染。

    The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean

  3. 扩建地铁需用几个月时间。

    The extension of the subway will take several months .

  4. 我总是乘地铁。

    I always travel by underground .

  5. 如果你想在伦敦快速出行,最好是乘地铁。

    If you want to get around London fast , the Underground is your best bet .

  6. 我们乘地铁来的。

    We came by tube .

  7. 他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。

    He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine

  8. 我先乘地铁,然后坐火车直奔这里。

    I took the tube then the train and came straight here

  9. 在米兰,乘地铁去上班非常便捷。

    The underground is ideal for getting to work in Milan .

  10. 他搭上了开往托特纳姆宫路的东向地铁列车。

    He caught an eastbound train to Tottenham Court Road .

  11. 一名15岁的女孩在地铁里遭持刀袭击。

    A 15-year-old girl was attacked at knifepoint in a subway

  12. 我深夜不坐地铁。

    I don 't ride the subway late at night .

  13. 在伦敦,坐地铁的人激增。

    In London , the use of the Tube has ballooned

  14. 那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。

    That 's Warwick Road , just opposite Earls Court tube station .

  15. 伦敦地铁公司的发言人为推迟发车直到警方赶来的决定作了辩解。

    A London Underground spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived .

  16. 我循着指示标志找到了地铁城购物中心。

    I followed the signs to Metrocity .

  17. 他喜欢在华兹区第103大街下公交车转乘地铁蓝线。

    He likes to transfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts

  18. 在30年代的顶峰时期,地铁的设计和建筑风格都一模一样。

    At its peak in the Thirties , Underground design and architecture was all of a piece

  19. 他乘地铁穿过伦敦。

    He crossed London by underground

  20. 他乘地铁旅行。

    He travelled by tube .

  21. 第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要火车站和地铁站都关闭了。

    After the second explosion , all of London 's main train and subway stations were shut down

  22. 其中一扇窗户上方有一张地铁线路图,我数了数到西汉普斯特德站共有几站。

    There was an Underground map above one of the windows and I counted the stops to West Hampstead

  23. 我就可以留在皮卡迪利线上,然后在南肯辛顿站下地铁。

    I would be able to stay on the Piccadilly Line and get off the tube at South Kensington .

  24. 到1997年前后,雅典将有一个新机场,还有欧洲最先进的地铁。

    By 1997 or thereabouts Athens will have a new airport , plus the best underground railway in Europe .

  25. 伦敦地铁称由于政府削减了投资,可能将不得不削减500个信号员的岗位。

    London Underground said it may have to axe 500 signalling jobs because of government cutbacks in its investment .

  26. “我可以坐地铁,然后让戴维到车站接我。”——“不行。”

    ' I could take the subway and have David pick me up at the station . ' — ' Nothing doing . '

  27. 扒手在地铁里偷走了我的钱包。

    The pickpocket stole my purse in the subway .

  28. 地铁车站上列车进进出出,整天轰隆轰隆地响个不停。

    Trains are thundering in and out all the time at a subway station .

  29. 这是北京最忙碌的地铁站之一。

    This is one of the busiest underground stations in beijing .

  30. 那段含糊不清的话是我恰巧在地铁里听见的。

    I chanced to hear the mumbled conversation in the subway .