
dìng huò
  • order goods;place an order for goods
订货 [dìng huò]
  • [order goods] 订购产品或货物

  • 肥大便裤的订货来势正猛

订货[dìng huò]
  1. 客户端主要由零售商使用,方便其订货。

    The main use of client terminal is to help clients to order goods conveniently .

  2. 此优化模型可推广用于企业的订货和库存策略研究。

    This model can also be used for investigation of the strategy of the order goods and the stock in enterprise .

  3. 我们来年的订货簿已经记满了。

    We have a full order book for the coming year .

  4. 我们将会把您的订货尽早送达。

    We will get your order to you as soon as possible .

  5. 这些靴子可向厂方直接订货。

    These boots can be ordered direct from the manufacturer .

  6. 订货已包装好待运。

    The orders were already packaged up , ready to be sent .

  7. 离线订货请拨打这个号码。

    For offline orders , call this number .

  8. 订货时需要交50英镑的订金,货到后余款结清。

    A £ 50 deposit is required when ordering , and the balance is due upon delivery .

  9. 可以在网上支付账单。此外,还能查对余额或订货结算单。

    You can pay bills over the Internet . Additionally , you can check your balance or order statements

  10. 这个订货单你要填一下。

    You must fill out this order form .

  11. 那家工厂因无人订货而被迫关闭。

    The factory had to close down for lack of orders .

  12. 朱莉的父亲拥有自己的生意,专门从事大宗订货。

    Julie 's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders .

  13. 这些货物与我的订货单不相符。

    These goods don 't correspond with ( to ) the list of those I ordered .

  14. 平方米的羊毛地毯超过了以往的订货

    The maximum quantity of cotton jerseys this year is about DM25000 .

  15. 他们失去了订货,几周后就无法偿还债务。

    They lost orders and were insolvent within weeks .

  16. 基于BOM的(R,Q)订货策略的全局最优解

    Global Optimal Solution to BOM Based ( R , Q ) Ordering Policy

  17. 基于MODEM的电话订货系统的开发和设计

    A Telephone Order System Based on Modem

  18. 在MRPⅡ中商品订货与产品生产计划的交互分析设计

    The inter-analysis design of sales order products plan for mrp ⅱ

  19. 在客户层最差需求波动条件下,应用H∞控制理论方法,设计了以订货作为控制变量和抑制牛鞭效应的H∞控制策略。

    Under the worst demand disturbance of customers , applying H ∞ control theory , an H ∞ control strategy is designed to reduce bullwhip-effect .

  20. 通过分析建立了平均利润J(u、c)与订货量u、广告费用c的关系式。

    According to order goods quantity u and advertisement cost c , the paper establisher average profit J ( u , c ) evaluating expression .

  21. 库存控制方法主要有ABC分类控制法、经济订货批量、定量定货、定期定货、准时制和零库存等。

    Inventory control method has ABC , economic order batch , quantitative order , time order and zero stock , etc.

  22. 逆向物流具有时滞的一个EOQ扩展订货模型

    An Extended EOQ Model Based on Reverse Logistics with Lagged Time

  23. 经济订货批量(EOQ)数学模型研究

    A Study of Maths Model of Economic Order Quantity

  24. 单位成本与订货量和需求量相关的EOQ模型研究

    An EOQ Model Related Cost Per Unit to Order Quantity and Demand Quantity

  25. 已得知通用公司的FOB单价,但订货不能少于200件。

    Obtain quaint from general company as to fob price per unit on basis 200 units .

  26. Ⅳ.每阶段均按无限时域EOQ公式订货,并仅在库存为零时订货。

    ⅳ . To order only according to the formula of infinite time period in every stage .

  27. 因此,建立西安HL公司主要产品&文丘里管的原材料库存优化模型,制定合理的订货策略,从而提升企业的利润是公司目前亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , it is important to establish the optimization model of raw materials to develop a reasonable strategy to enhance corporate profits .

  28. 追溯不同的经典管理理念,不同的更新决策模型都殊途同归地获得了经济订货量公式EOQ,展现了EOQ所特有的“原始之美”。

    Firstly , the original beauty of EOQ model is exhibited by examining four schools of classical management thoughts .

  29. 关于(S-1,S)订货策略的随机库存最优解

    The Optimal Solution of A Stochastic Stock Model Under the ( S-1 , S ) Order Goods Tactics

  30. 然后,研究在集中集中式决策时有BOM约束的(R,Q)订货策略的全局最优解的求解方法;

    Fourthly , present a method for calculating the global optimal solution to ( R , Q ) ordering policy with BOM ( Bill of Material ) and random demand in centralized scenario ;