
  • 网络Order Tracking;purchase order tracking
  1. 基于移动Agent技术的光电子行业供应链订单跟踪系统研究

    Research of Supply Chain Order Tracking System Based on Mobile Agent Technology in Optoelectronic Industry

  2. 在Web网站上,消费者期望更多的工具,如订单跟踪、自助文件和顺畅的订购处理等。

    On the Web , consumers expect more tools , such as order tracking , self-help files , and a streamlined ordering process .

  3. 假设ZIP代码被替换成了订单跟踪应用程序中的客户ID号码。

    Imagine the ZIP code was instead a customer ID number in an order-tracking application .

  4. 请确认您的订单跟踪系统的使用。

    Make sure your order-tracking system is usable .

  5. 汽车装配车间零部件订单跟踪系统的设计研究

    Barcode Order Tracking System for Auto Assemblage

  6. 本课题通过对企业订单跟踪管理的研究,提出一种针对订单时效性的数据管理方法。

    Through the research on order tracking management for enterprises , this issue proposes a new data management method for order tracking management .

  7. 详细寻找锻件供应商,得到报价,样件定单和首批生产订单跟踪直到样件检验合格。

    Intensive sourcing for forging parts suppliers , Request For Quotation and Sample Purchase Order and first production batch order tracking till samples are tested positive .

  8. 时间轴/里程碑模式对企业内的许多业务流程的运营都十分关键,这些业务流程包括订单跟踪、产品发布、实现、服务提供等。

    The timeline / milestone pattern is critical to the operations of many business processes in the enterprise including order tracking , product announcement , fulfillment , service provisioning , etc.

  9. 最后实现功能目标是一个订单跟踪软件,该软件主要包括:满足查询功能的订单跟踪数据库;客户信息数据库;面向客户服务的友好查询界面。

    Finally , to achieve functional goals is an order tracking software , including : to satisfy the order-tracking database query function ; customer database ; friendly customer service-oriented query interface .

  10. 在生产计划的编排方面,本系统引入了一种倒排序的方法将每个工序的生产时间都确立在某个时间段上;在生产控制方面,本系统加入了订单跟踪模块和生产任务跟踪模块。

    In the product planning , this system introduces a reversed arrangement method to fix every working procedures ' product time on one time slice , in the product control , this system introduces order track module and production task track module .

  11. 着眼于新环境下虚拟企业生产计划与控制要求计划共享的新需要,揭示了在MRP处理过程中区分定单不同来源的必要性,为任务订单的跟踪作好了理论铺垫。

    The new needs of sharing planning from virtual enterprise production planning and control in the new environment reveal the necessity to distinguish various sources from each other in MRP logic process , which provides theoretical foundation for tracing task orders .

  12. 订单的跟踪及申请付款;

    Order follow up and payment application ;

  13. 研究了基于条形码技术,以降低管理成本为目标的汽车装配车间零部件订单的跟踪系统,以及该系统的原理和应具备的主要功能,给出了实现该系统的硬件结构和系统软件设计方法。

    Based on barcode technology and taking depressing management cost as aim , the theory and function of an order tracking system of auto assemblage were studied , and the hardware structure and software design were discussed .

  14. 回顾了离散制造业和制造业信息化面临的挑战,分析了订单实时跟踪与产品质量追溯的重要意义。

    Firstly , the production model and the challenge of the manufacturing information in the discrete manufacturing were reviewed , than the thesis analyzed the importance of the order tracking and the produce quality tracing in the MTO discrete manufacturing .

  15. 负责制作合同并向工厂下订单,负责跟踪工厂合同订单货物的生产进度,督促按时交货;

    Issue purchase contract and place order to factory , follow up with factory on progress of purchased goods production , urge for on-time delivery ;

  16. 处理机车为了订单和汽车安插跟踪。

    Handle railcar order orders and car placement tracking .

  17. 确立客户订单,采购及订单跟踪,协助物流完成进口手续,安排发货。

    Establish clients'order , purchase & follow the order , assist logistics finishing importing , arrange consignments .

  18. 其中重点讨论了超市订单服务平台与B2B电子商务平台的最新配送库存发布、客户订购、订单状态跟踪等子系统的集成。

    The integration between the platform and B2B E-commerce system is the most important subsystem to be discussed , like latest stock distribution and customers ordering goods and order status tracking .

  19. 同时还研究了企业组织机构设置、标准流程模板设计以及订单流转方法,既为客户提供了交互性能良好的订单查询功能,也较好地实现了客户订单的过程跟踪。

    At the same time , it studies enterprises ' organization setting , devise of standard flow template and method of orders moving , which not only provides clients with orders enquiry function with good interactive capability , but also realizes clients orders process track .