
  • 网络purchase order financing;purchase-order financing
  1. 不依赖于核心企业的订单融资模式研究

    Research on Purchase-Order Financing Without Core Enterprise Support

  2. 这可能让市场重新燃起对实力最弱的船舶公司融资状况的担忧,部分这类公司正竭力为重要的新船订单融资。

    The fall-off could revive fears about the finances of the weakest companies , some of which are struggling to finance significant orders of new ships .

  3. 阿里巴巴是我国最著名的第三方电子商务平台,阿里贷款上提供的贷款品种包括了网络联保贷款、抵押贷款、担保贷款、订单融资和纯信用贷款几种形式。

    Alibaba is the best-known third-party e-commerce platform in China , Ali loans offered many species of loan , including the Web Cooperative Credit Guarantee loans , mortgage loans , secured loans , orders financing and net credit loans .

  4. 根据对订单融资风险因素的分析,并通过查阅文献和专家访谈,从融资企业、下游核心企业、物流企业、供应链运营状况和外部环境五个方面初步构建了评价指标体系。

    According to the analysis of risk factors of Order Financing and through literature review and expert interviews , builted preliminarily evaluation index system of Order Financing risk from five aspects which including financing companies , downstream core Enterprise , logistics enterprise , supply chain operational status and external environment .

  5. 一旦精致邮轮(Celebrity)、维珍邮轮(Virgin)、地中海邮轮(MSC)、水晶邮轮(Crystal)所下订单的融资和技术问题得以解决——很可能在未来数月内解决——全球邮轮订单总数将增至51艘。

    Once financing and technical issues are settled on orders placed by Celebrity , Virgin , MSC and Crystal - probably within the next few months - the total will jump to 51 .

  6. 造船企业的问题来自航运和银行两个行业:贸易放缓,再加上银行无力或不愿为船舶订单提供融资。

    The shipbuilders ' problems stem from those of both the shipping and banking sectors , as a slowdown in trading is compounded by the inability or reluctance of banks to extend financing for orders .

  7. 汽车零售业未来的新篇章已经展开,有些汽车品牌的顾客,足不出户就能查看特定经销商的库存、下订单并安排融资。

    The next chapter in the future of automotive retailing already in unfolding , allowing customers for some car brands to examine the inventories of vehicles at specific dealerships , place an order and arrange financing – without a visit .

  8. 由于订单尾款遇到融资问题,许多船主被迫寻求延迟交货或取消订单。

    Many owners have been forced to seek postponement of deliveries or cancellations because of the problems of raising finance for the final payments on orders .